Andrei Sakharov - biography, photos, personal life, books, hydrogen bomb



The name of Academician Sakharov is familiar to everyone, regardless of the kind of activity. An extremely wide horizon of scientist and the sphere of scientific interests led not only by many useful scientific discoveries, but also the active socio-political position of Andrei Dmitrievich.

Academician Andrei Sakharov

Mostly Sakharov know as the inventor of a hydrogen bomb. But about his participation in the exposure of politics on the persecution of genetics (the so-called "Lysenkovsky") at the base of the Moscow Committee of Human Rights, few people have heard, as well as what he became the owner of the Nobel Prize for his contribution to the peace of strengthening the world.

Perhaps such an active civil position, as well as a wide range of interests led to the brilliant discoveries and the inventions of the scientist. Although he himself loved to emphasize the importance of a spouse that inspired him for inventions.

Childhood and youth

Sakharov Andrei Dmitrievich was born in Moscow on May 21, 1921. The grandfather of the father's line Ivan Nikolaevich Sakharov grew up in the family of the priest, and he became a lawyer. The father of the grandfather continued the father of the future scientist Dmitry Ivanovich. He participated in political rallies, for which it was on the list of students excluded from Moscow University.

Parents Andrei Sakharov

When Dmitry Ivanovich cooked, married Ekaterina Alekseevna. He got a teacher of physics first to the Moscow gymnasium, and then to the Communist University, who was preparing frames for the party administration. His spouse, Ekaterina Alekseevna (in Maulic Sofiano), originally from the family of military Greek origin.

Andrei Dmitrievich recalled that his grandmother on the father of Father Maria Petrovna became the heart of the family and the keeper of the focus. The father was passionate about the science, which could not not pass Andrei and his brother, and in his free time it was musitis. Family lived in a communal apartment together with close and long-distance relatives.

Andrei Sakharov in childhood

At first, the boy received a home education, only in the 7th grade he went to school. Despite the closure of Andrei and the unwillingness to communicate with peers, comrades invited him to the mathematical circle, first school, and then functioning at Moscow University.

Although the young man was successful in mathematics, he often solved the task correctly, but intuitively, having a clear explanation. Because in the 10th grade Andrei left the mathematical circle and took up physics. The details of the people of Sakharov became known from the memories of the Academic Akiva Moiseevich Yagloma, who studied with Andrei Dmitrievich.

Andrei Sakharov in youth

Given the interests of a young man, as well as the fascity of his father's physics, Andrei entered the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Physics. At the same time, the war began, so students were evacuated to Safe Ashgabat. For half a year after graduating from the University of Young Sakharov, he worked in a small town in the Vladimir region on distribution, and then the forest was harvested by the village of Melekess (modern Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region).

Seen by Andrey at that time (severe life of a simple people) left a deep mark in the soul of young Sakharov. Working around hard work, the young man really wanted to be a useful front and received a patent for the control of cores of armor-piercing shells invented.


On the eve of 1945, Andrei Sakharov decided to associate his life with science and entered the graduate school of the physical institution. Igor Evgenievich Tamm became the supervisor of the young scientist. Three years later, Sakharov defended his dissertation on the theme "On the theory of type 0 → 0 nuclear transitions."

Then Andrei on the protection of the supervisor began work at the Moscow Energy Institute, where the young scientist attracted to secret scientific developments concerning the prospects for the creation of thermonuclear weapons. Given the condition of the Cold War and the Arms Racing with the United States, the work of Sakharov represented truly a truly huge scientific and practical interest.

Andrei Sakharov

In 1950, Sahars with the supervisor Tamm developed the theory of the magnetic thermonuclear reactor, which revealed the specifics of thermonuclear synthesis. This discovery helped Andrei to write a doctoral dissertation in a relatively early age - the scientist was almost 32 years old. At the same time, Sakharov was recognized as a hero of socialist labor.

Andrei Dmitrievich's development allowed the Soviet Union not to give way to the Americans in creating nuclear weapons. Although in the designs of Sakharov, its development should have served exclusively peaceful goals - the scientist assumed to use the possibility of nuclear synthesis for the invention of fuel for nuclear power plants.

Speech by Andrei Sakharov

Then, Sakharov was already transferred to a specialized classified laboratory, where a number of outstanding scientists worked on the creation of heavy-duty weapons to balance the powers of the global leaders. Andrei Dmitrievich for a long time believed that it works for the benefit of the world.

In 1952, the United States conducted the first tests of thermonuclear weapons on the island located in the Pacific. In response, the USSR intensified the scientific developments of its own weapons of this type, whose tests were held on August 12, 1953 in the area of ​​the city of Semipalatinsk (now the city of families, the territory of modern Kazakhstan). The tests under the supervision of Americans were only a weapon search, they investigated the principle of the processes of thermonuclear synthesis, and the Soviet Union, though late for the year, created a full-fledged thermonuclear bomb.

Hydrogen bomb Andrei Sakharov

The first hydrogen bomb produced in the USSR and the named RDS-6C was the result of the long-term studies of Andrei Sakharov, but had a number of significant drawbacks that demanded further research and improvements. The following design embodied by Andrei Dmitrievich was unofficially called the Sakhara Puff, since the design of the bomb was a charge consisting of atomic, radioactive elements surrounded by layers of heavy elements.

Working on the creation of thermonuclear bomb, Sakharov simultaneously read a course of lectures on nuclear physics at the Moscow Energy Institute. For the construction of the hydrogen bombs developed by him in 1953, the title of academician was awarded. Not the last role in this was played by the famous physician Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov.

Andrei Sakharov and Igor Kurchatov

Despite a certain level of social insulation, in which Andrei Dmitrievich lived and worked, he watched the latest scientific achievements in other areas of science. So Sakharov was among the scientists who signed a letter sent to the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

The letter expressed the concern of the country's best minds by the state of development of biology in the USSR, namely genetics. The result of the letter was the removal of Trofim Denisovich Lysenko from scientific activities. Considering that the work of Lysenko was the cause of the USSR's backlog from world science, the contribution of Sakharov and other scientists in the development of genetics is difficult to overestimate.

Andrei Sakharov at work

Public and politician Valentin Mikhailovich Falin in his memories say that sugars already after the tests of the hydrogen bomb suddenly realized the threat of this type of weapons for civilization, the population of the Earth and Ecology.

In August 1963, academician of Sakharov, for the first time in his biography, opened openly against the development and testing of nuclear weapons, initiating the signing of a nuclear-weapon testing treaty. Such a bright social position of the scientist was the cause of his conflict with the authorities. In the 1960s, the Academician became interested in the KGB, and Sakharov himself entered the ranks of the leaders of the human rights movement of the USSR and acquired the glory of the dissident.

In 1966, Andrei Dmitrievich in collaboration with 24 scientists and cultural and artists wrote letters about the inadmissibility of the rehabilitation of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. And after 2 years, after publication in the US, the book of Sakharov "Reflections on progress, peaceful coexistence and intellectual freedom", the scientist removed from further research at the next secret object. At the same time, on the basis of common socio-political views, Sakharov met Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn.

Andrei Sakharov and Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Continuing to conduct social and political activities instead of scientific, in 1970, the Academician initiated the creation of the Moscow Committee of Human Rights. At the same time, the colleagues of Andrei Dmitrievich on the Academy of Sciences of the USSR condemned the views of Sakharov in publications in newspapers.

Only the Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Igor Rostislavovich Shafarevich wrote an open letter about the victims of persecution, where Sakharov supported as a valuable scientist. Meanwhile, the academician continued to lead active political activities and even wrote the book "About the Country and World", for which the Nobel Peace Prize later received.

Personal life

The opportunities to conduct scientific activities, Sakharov focused on political processes over dissidents, at one of which became acquainted with Elena Georgievna Bonnere, on which he later married. She became the second wife of the famous scientist. Elena Georgievna, half a Jewish, half of the Armenian by origin, was separated by rebellious views of the spouse. See you with Andrei Dmitrievich Elena Georgievna has already managed to be in marriage with Ivan Vasilyevich Semenov, from which two children gave birth. Son and daughter Bonnere live in the United States.

Andrei Sakharov and Elena Bonnere

The first wife of the academician was Claudia Alekseevna Vichireva, in marriage with which Andrei Dmitrievich was born three children. Claudia Alekseevna died a year before the meeting of Sakharov with Elena Bonnere. He married again, academician left younger children from the first marriage to the care of the elders, and he sought his policies.

The native son of Academician Dmitry athlete in his heart a deep offense on his father for his betrayal. In an interview, Dmitry told that after marriage to Elena Bonnere Andrei Sakharov forgot about his native children, and the son of Bonnarer from the first marriage called himself the heir and the Sleep of the Great Academician.

Andrei Sakharov and his wife

Andrei Dmitrievich focused on a new family, throwing children from the first marriage to independently deal with his problems. Dmitry recalled that even in the most difficult moments it was not near. Children's photo with his father is everything that Dmitry remained and his sisters in memory of such a native and such a distant person at the same time.

In 1980, Andrei Dmitrievich, together with Elena Georgievna detained and sent to the link. The place of serving the sentence was the city of Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod). Former colleagues at the Academy of Sciences openly criticized Sakharov for his appeals to the US Guideline with a request to deploy atomic weapons against the Soviet Union.

In 1986, at the same time with the beginning of the restructuring period, Academician Sakharov was rehabilitated and returned to Moscow. Upon return, Andrei Dmitrievich again took up science, even though he did not make such significant discoveries, and also made a number of travel abroad, during which he met with American and European leaders.

The death of Andrei Sakharov

On the eve of the death of Sakharov, he organized a major political strike, stressing that this is only a preliminary action. This action became a reason to consider the death of Andrei Dmitrievich the violent, that is, the murder on political reasons.

Andrei Sakharov in recent years

According to the second version, which the son of the scientist is supported, the death of Sakharov accelerated his second wife Elena Bonnere. Elena Georgievna more than once stimulated her husband to declare a hunger strike, knowing about his problems with the heart, age and how could reflect on the health of Sakharov's refusal of food.

Among the goals of Bonnere is often referred to the desire to help their children from the first marriage living in the United States, as well as to get rid of the academician robust political positions, and in the eyes of the public to become a victim of the harsh regime of the USSR.

Funeral Andrei Sakharov

In the winter of 1989, Andrei Dmitrievich felt ailment, and on December 14, he died. The official cause of death is considered to stop the heart. In memory of the contribution of Sakharov to science, the name of the academician is called an asteroid, as well as open and operate the museums named after Sakharov.

Sakharov's native son - Dmitry - died in Moscow in 2021. The cause of his death was the problems with the heart.

Awards and achievements

  • Nobel Peace Prize (1975)
  • Hero of Socialist Labor
  • The order of Lenin
  • Jubilee Medal "For Valiant Labor"
  • Medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"
  • Medal "Veteran Labor"
  • Jubilee medal "Thirty years of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"
  • The jubilee medal "Forty years of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"
  • Medal "For the development of virgin lands"
  • Medal "In memory of the 800th anniversary of Moscow"
  • Order of the Cross Vitis
  • Leninsky Prize
  • Stalinsky Prize

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