Eve (Character) - Images, First Woman, Original Sin, Adam, Bible, Apple


Character History

Eva is a rammer of all people, Adam's spouse, created by God from the edge of the first man. Mother Cain, Abel and Sif - the first people born outside the Eden Garden. Seduced by the snake, gave her husband Adam to try the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil that in Christian mythology was the reason for the sin of the first people.

Creation of man

God created the first people, Adam and Eve, on their own image and likeness. It was assumed that the progenitors of humanity will rule over all that neither is on the land of the living. The first God "from the dust of the earth" created Adam and breathed in that life through the nostrils. Then the God of Adam whipped and took the rib from him, and from this material created Eve - the first woman.

The meaning of the name is associated with the Heavy Word "Hava" - "Giving Life". In Islam, the first woman is called Havva.

Evva's creation was associated with the loneliness of Adam and his need for society equal, because it is "not good to be one man." She became the wife of Adam. Both lived in the Eden Garden, went "Nagi and not ashamed." The "Canonical" History of Adam and Eve is contained in the Book of Genesis. However, there are apocryphas, according to which Eva is not the second person, created after Adam, and the third, because the second became Lilith, the first woman of Adam, whom God created before. This is told in the book Zogar.

Lilith can be called the first in the mythological history of a feminist who submitted a voice in favor of the equality of men and women. Lilith refused to obey Adam, saying that God created a woman equal to that. Lilith flew away from Adam, uttered the secret name of God, and Adam went to God to complain.

Following the fiel, the three angels sent, who overtakers Lilith in the Red Sea. The woman refused to return to the spouse and suffered the punishment. Lilith turned into an evil demon who kills babies, and according to Kabbalah, to a devil, which comes to young bachelors in a dream and seduces those.


Created from Eva's edge no longer considered himself an equal husband, but also brought this trouble. Creating the Eden Garden, God "Included in Project" two special wood - the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life. The fruits from the second were given eternal life, and the fruits from the first Lord had forbidden to try. The punishment of those who break the ban will be death. The rest of the Flora in Eden was fully disposed of Adam and Eve.

At first, people observed the Lord's ban, until the snakes turned to Eve, the former "cunning of all animals of the field." Snake began to persuade Eve to taste the forbidden fetus. At first, Eva refused to obey the snake and said that God had forbidden to approach the tree and try the fruits with him under the threat of death.

Snake convinced Eve that death does not threaten them, on the contrary - eating the fruit, people themselves will be like gods. The devilish reptile, enthusiastized by the speeches, I tried the fruit, which in the mass culture is considered an apple. In fact, the type of fetus in the Bible is not clarified and about what Eva ate specifically, there are different opinions - from figs or figs in the version of Jews to Peach in the version of Armenians.

Having tried the fruit, Eva feed the husband and her husband. Having tasted the forbidden fetus, Adam and Eve unexpectedly noticed that both were naked, embarrassed and tried to hide from God. The Lord punished every participant of events. The snake cursed that he always crawled on the belly and was eats on the rush. And those who committed the original sin of Adam and Eve expelled from Eden.

After such a fatal turn of the biography, the man had to work all his life in the sweat of the face and cultivate the earth, and Eve was doomed to obey her husband and "in the illness to give birth to children." People lost immortality, which was characteristic of them in the Garden of Eden, and after death were doomed to return to the dust - to the ground. So that people do not get back in Edem and did not taste the fruits of the tree of life, which they give immortality, the Lord put at the entrance of Cheruvim - a multicast angel with a fiery sword.

After expulsion from Paradise, people began to fruit and multiply. Eva gave birth to the first son - Cain, and after him the second - Abel. The third son, Sif, was born in Eva, when that was already 130 years old. Noah's kind occurred from the Sif - the Old Testament Patriarch, which escaped in the ark during the World Flood along with a small group of favorite righteous. The descendants of other sons of Eva - Cain and Abel - died during the Flood. Thus, the SIF is considered a source of modern humanity.

Eva in culture

Being a pramatel of people, Eva was portrayed on icons, for example, on the well-known work of Andrei Rublev "Descent to hell." There it stands in the middle of the righteous, rescued from Geenna Fire, and her red outfit symbolizes the resurrection and the beginning of a new life.

In the illustrations to the Bible Eve and Adam traditionally draw naked - their bodies are only slightly covered with tropical vegetation leaves. After the fall, they received from the god "Leather clothing", but artists in the scenes of expulsion from paradise prefer to replace them with animal skins or linen tunics. In Eden, the first people are surrounded by animals, paradise fruits and colorful flowers, and on Earth they are depicted with traditional farming attributes and crafts - a plow, ear, basket of breads. Eve often draws pregnant or surrounded by kids, with a bark or sewing in his hands.

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In the 11 episode of the first season of the series "Secret Materials", the name of Eva is worn by women and girls-clones, artificially created during the genetic experiment. These children enhanced in the laboratory should have become super jet. But something went wrong, and experimental Eva began to "fly from the coils" in adolescence, turning into killers-psychopaotes.

In 2014, the biblical epic film "Noah" was released. The image of Eve in him embodied the actress Arian Reinhart.

In the series "Supernatural" Eva - Monsters, a mighty creature, which appeared long before the angels and people. It dwells in purgatory, until it broke out from there to the land, where in the guise of a mortal woman collects his own army to confront the angels, demons and in general.

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In 2013, Jim Jarmushe's film "survive only lovers will survive," where we are talking about a vampire pair - an underground musician (Tom Hiddleston), who lives in a half-closed Detroit and thinks about suicide, and his stylish wife, which the owner of an unusual appearance of Tilda Suinton played. Both vampire are named after biblical progenitor - Adam and Eve.

Interesting Facts

  • The creation of a person, images of Adam and Eva many times played in art. It is famous for the whole world of the progenitors of mankind on the diptiche of the German artist Albrecht Düreir and on the sash of the Gent Altar brothers Van Eykov. Jerome Bosch depicted Adam and Eve on the left sash of the famous triptych "garden of earthly pleasures", where the last three days of the creation of the world are shown.
  • Molecular biologists were painted by the "Mitochondrial Eva" woman, who became the last common ancestor on the motherboard for all people living now and lived about two hundred thousand years ago. The mitochondrial DNA of this hypothetically existing lady is in all human women, but this does not mean that she was the only "pramateria" of humanity, like biblical EVA. At one time, other women lived with the so-called "mitochondrial Eva wives" and also contributed to the Genophobe of Human contribution. This discovery is dedicated to the two-seater film Discovery "Real EVA".
  • Peterhof has steam fountains "Adam" and "Eve", logged in the Italian Giovanni Bonazts to the Russian diplomat of Raguzinsky during Peter I. For the three centuries, the existence of the fountains did not change and retained the original appearance.
  • In the Abrahamic religious traditions it is believed that the Old Testament Characters have quite real vehicles. The ancestor of Eve, according to Judaism, buried in the cave of Patriarchs, she is the cave Makhpela, in the ancient part of the city of Hebron on the banks of the Jordan River. Together with Eve, Sarah, wife Abraham, Rebel, wife Isaac, and Leah, wife Jacob. And in the Islamic version - the tomb of Eve is located in the city of Jidda in Saudi Arabia, where there is a place called the Tomb of Havva, or Mukbarat Smouna Khavva.
  • In the Muslim tradition, Eva is referred to as Havva. In the Quran about the wife of Adam, nothing is said, it is only mentioned without details. But details are present in the Hadiths, or legends that tell about the life of the Prophet Mohammed. In this version, the Lord was sent by Adam and Khavvu in various parts of the world: a man after the fall ended in India, and a woman in the Arabian Peninsula. It is believed that Khavva gave birth not three times, but twenty, and every time - twins. The last Havva gave birth to one son. In total, Havva, in the Islamic version, 39 children were born.
  • The name of Eve is named asteroid 164, discovered in 1876.


And Adam named his wife's name: Eve, for she became the mother of all living things. He said: Multiplying to Multi Thorough Your Pregnancy; In the disease you will give birth to children; And to your husband, your attraction is yours, and he will dominate to you. Our garden is a single tree, with a multiple bed of branches. He was planted with radiant EVA, in the eyelids and the eyelids, immensant Virgo ...


  • XV century BC NS. - The Book of Genesis
  • 1900 - "Orthodox Bogoslovskaya Encyclopedia"
  • 1908 - "Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron"
  • 1957 - "Myths of Peoples of the World"
  • 1998 - "Biblical Images"


  • 1966 - "Bible"
  • 1973 - "Divine Comedy"
  • 2014 - "Noah"
  • 2017 - "Mom!"

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