Series "Official" (2021) - Release date, Actors and roles, Facts, Trailer


In the online cinema, the Kion was started by showing the melodramatic series "Official" with elements of a detective, whose release date is June 30, 2021. The main heroine of the tape in the pursuit of material values ​​does not notice how it becomes part of the criminal corruption scheme. The payback for secured life is too bitter taste, and to achieve justice, the official will have to go to the end and radically change its worldview.

In the material 24cm - interesting facts about creating movie cornocartes on an essential theme, its plot, roles and actors.

Plot and shooting

In the center of the plot of the paintings - Arina Alferov, which works in the regional office of the Ministry of Health. Its prosperous life can only be envied: luxury real estate in the center, prestigious car, brand shoes and expensive jewels, weekend and shopping in the capital. After all, the salary of the head of the department of finance and the economy allows you to confidently support such status.

In addition, the lover of Arina is a businessman and is associated with the first largest pharmaceutical company in the region. A man filigiously cares for the object of sympathy, gradually hatching her vigilance. From the official in exchange for material benefits, only a small help is required: to sign, not reading, the necessary contracts and paper, not to notice inconsistencies in the calculations and reports, allow certain people to become winners in tenders.

However, Alferov is too passionate about his personal life and thinks little, what is the price of her actions in reality. One of the beneficiaries, which she advanced to the regional market was a businessman Tsalov. It earns millions on overdue and fake medicines. And the victim of his frauds are not only hundreds of inhabitants of the region, dying from poor-quality drugs, but also a close man Arina Alferova. Too late, the heroine understands what her negligence and irresponsibility led. She decides to become part of the corruption system to independently understand its intricacies and reach her top, punishing everyone involved.

Film Studio Keith was engaged in the production of tape. The director became Oksana Caras. Maria Melenevskaya worked on the scenario, Denis Skimkin, Valeria Podorzhennova, Dmitry Ivanov. Janik Fayziev, Rafal Minasbekyan, Igor Mishin, Alexander Bondarev, Alexey Akhmedov, Irina Borisov, Vladimir Vasilyev, Alexey Nezludov became producers of the project. Dmitry Malich-Kokkov and Alexey Filyushkin engaged in decoration of the project.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the series "Okinnitsa" played:

  • Victoria Tolstoganova - Arina Alferova, Official;
  • Maxim Vitorgan - Paul;
  • Polina Kutepova - Veronica;
  • Artem Bystrov - Andrei;
  • Yana smooth - Lyuba;
  • Alexey Agranovich - Tsalov;
  • Laura Pickelaururi - Yana;
  • Sergey Volkov - Dima;
  • Camille Tukayev - Bogdanov.

Also in the picture were filmed: Semen Serzin (Gosha), Vitaly Kovalenko (Zhurov), Varvara Vladimirov (Minister), Kirill Plastunov (Stas), Vladimir Lysenko (Bandit), Maria Radziville (Masha, Fedor's wife) and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Director Oksana Caras is known thanks to other film projects. She removed such films and series: "Dr. Lisa", "Above the sky", "Excellent", "Brothers-Detectives". Oksana also appeared in a short-lasting tape "Fedor's trip in Moscow of the beginning of the XXI century" and the film "Rehearsals" and wrote a number of scenarios.

2. Shooting the series "Okinnitsa" took place in 2020 in Vyborg, Kronstadt, as well as in the Leningrad region. The creators note that the audience will not see the usual urban locations in the frame. The action in the tape occurs in a small provincial city located on the banks of the river.

3. Slogan to the tape became the phrase "her love is expensive".

4. Actress Victoria Tolstoganova told in an interview about the project in which she got a key role. According to celebrities, this series, despite the name, not about a specific position, but about living people. Victoria described his heroine as not a very happy woman who is poorly understood in the loves of others around and does not understand that the chosen one uses its position for mercenary purposes. Arina's actions, according to the performer, are justified by her thirst for money, but in love.

5. The audience was interested in the topic of social drama and questions that are raised by the authors of this project in the series "Official". Network commentators noted that it is relevant not only in pharmacology, but also in other industries and the spheres of modern society, so there should be a tape.

Series "Official" - Trailer:

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