Jennifer Bils - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Star Jennifer Bilz asked in the early 80s, after the premiere of the film, which became a cultural sensation of that time. The image of a striptease of striptease that dreams of becoming a ballerina for a long time consolidated for the actress. Other Bilz roles are not so bright, except for Bett Porter in the comedy series, telling about women with unconventional orientation.

Childhood and youth

The actress was born on December 19, 1963 in Chicago. Parents had no relation to the cinema: the father owned a small grocery bench, mother worked as a primary school teacher. The almond-shaped eyes of Anthracite, Jennifer inherited from the African American Father, who was left of his life in 1973, grace and plasticity - from Mother Irish.

The first money is the future movie star earned at 13th. It was possible to get a seller of ice cream by introducing an employer to delusion. Jennifer was higher than the peers. The owner of the shop believed that in front of him a 16-year-old girl. Work in the field of sales did not inspire a young bils. She felt relaxed on stage, so he was happy to participate in the student productions.

After graduating from school, Bilz studied literature at the Yale University. In the same period, another Hollywood star Jodie Foster received in a prestigious university. Being a student, Bilz did not leave dreams of a career, regularly visited the casting.

On the owner of a bright appearance once drew attention to the director Tony Bill. In the film "My bodyguard", released on screens in 1980, Jennifer fulfilled a secondary role. And very soon a student of Yale University has become a sex symbol.

Personal life

On the active struggle for equality and public position, Bils clearly says its page in "Instagram". There are no frivolous glamorous photos or beach shots. Actress in a swimsuit. Jennifer demonstrates impeccable business taste and introduces subscribers with news from their creative life.

On the personal life and its orientation, the public position of the leading role in the TV project "Sex in another city" did not affect. The celebrity, in his youth, who conquered the male public with erotic dances, married in 1986. Her chosen was Alexander Rockwell.

Husband removed Jennifer in the films "in Supe", "Four Rooms". Tandem actresses and director collapsed in 1998. Soon Bilz married a Canadian entrepreneur Ken Dixon. In 2005, gave birth to a daughter.

The biography of the actress is very rich. Jennifer Bils - Personality Curious, energetic. Participates in events dedicated to the protection of women's rights, engaged in photography. The actress periodically organizes solo exhibitions. Not wanting to mix a film with a lot of photo, it represents work under the name Jennifer Dixon.

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The actress is fond of triathlon. Star film "Dance-Flash" and today is slight and captivating (growth and weight of bils - 173 cm, 54 kg).


For a long time, Jennifer Bilz remained one of those who are called actresses of one role. Even today, it is associated with the audience with the heroine of the film "Dance-Flash". In the melodraman, Edrian Laina Bilz played a purposeful girl, dreaming of a big scene. The day of her heroine Alex operates the welder at the factory, and at night dancing in the striptease bar.

One day, a prince appears in the life of the Chicago Cinderella - the director of the plant itself, where she fulfills the hard work daily. Partner Jennifer Bils on the set became Michael Nuri.

Critics highly appreciated the game of a beginner actress, but the plot experts found primitive. Nevertheless, the film was loved by the audience. Cash fees surpassed all sorts of expectations, and the soundtrack became a real hit. In some episodes, Jennifer Bils replaced a double: the film shows complex dance tricks. The executor of the leading role in the melodrame about the dancing welder was nominated for the Golden Globe.

The next project is the film "Bride", in which Bilz played with a young sting - failed at the box office and received negative reviews of film critics. The girl returned to his studies. New attempts to shine on the screen did not succeed. The roles of Jennifer in the film "Kiss of the Vampire", "obscenity", "Blood and Concrete: The Story of Love" was not marked by movie lovers.

In 1994, Jennifer Bilz played a secondary heroine in Kinolent "Gambling", a better known in Russia called "Benefit or Success". Then the artist continued to replenish the filmography of projects in various genres, such as the series "Beyond the Possible", the Black Comedy "Four Rooms", Music Film "Recent Disco Days", Horror "Hunger".

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In 2004, the project "Sex in another city" started on American television with Laurel Hollogen, Erin Daniels and Marley Matlin. The role of Bett Porter opened a new stage in the career Jennifer Bils. For six years, she appeared on the screen in the image of a lesbian. The shooting in the series changed her public position: the actress turned into a shower protector of adherents of same-sex love.

Along the way, with the main project of cinematic biography, the actress appeared in other equally rating films. She starred in the thriller "Deception me", in the detective TV series "Castle", the drama "Chessman". One of the main Bils roles performed in a film "Matrix of Time".

Jennifer Bils now

Now Jennifer successfully implements his acting talent in many directions. She is removed in the series, and in the full-length movie, and in short. With her participation in 2019, the "after" melodrama started. The expected premiere of the year was the show of the series "Sex in another city: Generation Q", the continuation of the history already loved. In 2020, the actress plans to replenish his repertoire role in the drama "Collision with the Wind".


  • 1988 - "Gambling"
  • 1989 - "Vampire's Kiss"
  • 1992 - "In Supe"
  • 1992 - "obscenity"
  • 1995 - "Four Rooms"
  • 1998 - "Pranks"
  • 1998 - "Body and Soul"
  • 2001 - "Behind the feature"
  • 2002 - "Loves of Women"
  • 2004 - "Forbidden Mission"
  • 2005 - "Kostolov"
  • 2010 - "Book лila"
  • 2012 - "Castle"
  • 2013 - "Western side"
  • 2017 - "Time Matrix"
  • 2019 - "After"
  • 2019 - "Sex in another city: Generation Q"

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