Anna Tikhomirova - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Ballerina 2021



Ballerina Anna Tikhomirova is the main soloist of the Bolshoi Theater ballet. Woman with his talent complements the list of great Russian ballerinas. Theatrical audience takes her exits on the scene by ovations, and Anna continues to work tirelessly for his audience. Her biography is a history of a hardworking girl who will inspire many.

Childhood and youth

Anna Tikhomirova was brought up in Moscow. Creative family (Father is the famous ballet artist, the Prime Minister of the Lithuanian Theater, mother professionally sings folk songs) in difficult times supported the daughter in ballet business.

Celebrity from an early age showed a craving for ballet. When the girl celebrated the 3rd anniversary, parents gave her to study figure skating. Little dating stubbornly refused to skate, constantly getting up on tiptoe. Mother and Father did not follow the desire of the child and led daughter to the class of ballet.

Anna's first lessons received in England, where at that time she lived with his family. Already from the young age she dreamed of the execution of the Kitrie party in the famous play "Don Quixote". For the energy and readiness to work for a day, a young ballerina has received a nickname, mad mosquito from his mention of Hope Rracheva. Despite the young age, it turned out to be a worthy routine for adult pupils of a ballet school.

The first time to fulfill the ballet party on the stage Anna Tikhomirova was published in 6 years. It was a brilliant performance in the famous "Nutcracker". After the presentation, the hall applauded standing. That moment became decisive: the girl realized that the ballet was her fate.

Personal life

In 2016, Anna Tikhomirova adopted the proposal of the hand and hearts from Artem Ovcharenko's beloved man. Without postponing the wedding, the couple got married in the summer of the same year. The celebration passed on August 28, 2016. The festive event was invited about a hundred guests.

Future spouses first met at the Academy. Artem came to study in Moscow from Dnepropetrovsk. Anna at that time was a student of the 3rd course. When the partner of the girl suddenly left, she was in a couple of Artem. Since then, they are inseparable. Until the guy made a beloved sentence, the couple consisted in strong relationships of 8 years.

A year after the official marriage of Anna and Artem, the daughter called Ariana was born. In this name, the names of the parents were connected. Spouses did not hide a joyful event that occurred in the family, and shared happy photos on their official pages in "Instagram". The fact that the ballerina is pregnant, did not jeopardize her career, as often happens from other artists. Anna returned to the scene 5 months after childbirth.

Husband Tikhomirova - multifaceted personality. In addition to what is the prime minister in the Bolshoi Theater, he managed to release his collection of men's clothing.

In April 2020, Anna told that he was waiting for the second child. Tikhomirova continued to train at a small time and filmed in photo shoots with her husband. June 1, the ballerina shared the news about replenishment in the family - a boy appeared on the world. A woman resorted to natural childbirth without anesthesia.


Anna Tikhomirov studied ballet skill at the Moscow State Academy of Choreography, which he graduated in 2005. Natalia Arkhipova, seeing the talent of his student, prepared her to the competition. The difficulty consisted that he was held at the same time as final exams. It was a responsible period in the life of the girl: she worked on wear and heavily lost weight. As a result, Anya received a red diploma, passing exams on perfectly, and won in the competition.

The victory allocated an artist from among other graduates, and at the end of the Academy, it was invited to the Bolshoi Theater ballet troupe.

At the arrival in the Bolshoi Theater Anna 5 years old danced in the corpsorette, training and improving equipment. The efforts of the girl did not pass in vain: now she is the leading soloist of the theater, performs the best parties in well-known productions and has an extensive creative repertoire by shoulders.

The talented execution of the artist can be seen in the "lake swan", where she showed the dance of three swans. On the Ballerina's TV list - the party of the Neapolitan Princess and the memorable Effey Party in Sylphide. She played a close girlfriend Giselle. Colombin in the "Nutcracker" immediately turned attention.

"Golden Age", "Shopenian", "in the room at the top", "game of cards", "Class-concert" - these performances did not cost without the participation of Anna. A memorable dance with verses in "Corsaire" and autumn in the "Cinderella" produced a furor. She danced in "Onegin", "Flame Paris", "Don Quixote". About the last girl dreamed from the beginning of the career.

In 2012, Anna Tikhomirov, with a partner Artem Ovcharenko, brilliantly performed at the competition "Culture" TV channel "Big Ballet". According to the result, young people were marked as the best pair.

In 2014, the girl was invited to fulfill the outstanding party Manon Lesko in the famous ballet "Lady with Camellias", which John Neumayer put. Leading roles performed the actress of ballet Svetlana Zakharov and Edwin Revaz.

In November 2017, Anna and Artem participated in the photo project of Viktor Goryachev "Everything begins with love." The photographer got acquainted with a couple back in 2016. The talent and spiritual proximity of the spouses pushed the masters to the idea of ​​creating a project. A photo session only strengthened their personal life. Fans rated work, and many sites could not not publish shots of lovers.

Anna Tikhomirova now

From the biography of the artist, it is seen that she was destined to become a bright star of the ballet, so she was predicted the theater and no place to leave the scene. Husband and parents support her in this desire.

In 2020, Anna became a member of the scandal who broke out around the son of Yevgeny Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya. Journalists published an article about the mental health of the boy. His parents denied such rumors, and Ballerina spoke in support of Sasha. Tikhomirova wrote that an article and punishment should be provided for such a slander.


  • "Swan Lake"
  • "Don Quixote"
  • "Nutcracker"
  • Esmeralda
  • "Symphony of Psalms"
  • "Lady with camellias"
  • "Giselle"
  • "Bayaderka"

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