Evanna Lynch - biography, photo, personal life, news, films 2021



The role of half amen of Lovegud in the adventure fantasy about Harry Potter lit up another Hollywood star, whose name is Evanna Lynch. "Poteriana" made a young Irish on the top of Olympus, but her fans are afraid that the girl does not have graduate the actress of one role. It seems that Evanna does not frighten the perspective of the care from the screen: after the end of the shooting of the story about Potter, Lynch was called into other bright projects and offered roles in theatrical productions.

Childhood and youth

Evanna Patricia Lynch was born at the end of the summer of 1991 in the picturesque Irish village of County Laut, famous for agriculture and tourism. Parents - Donal and Margaret - did not have attitude to art. The head of the family, where he grows up four siblings (three daughters and son) - a Catholic school teacher for girls.

Actress Evanna Lynch

Evanna Lynch grew up the usual Irish girl, dreamed of glory and romance. She also turned out to be the "Girls": Evanna Patricia wanted to achieve the perfect figure like the models from the TV. The consequence of diets and restrictions became anorexia diagnosed in Lynch at 11 years old.

The girl was hospitalized. But most of all Evanna was upset not because she had to swallow bitter pills - she missed the premiere of the next book of Harry Potter.

Evanna Lynch suffered anorexia

Doctors went to meet the girl and let go to the meeting with Joan Rowling. Evanna Lynch's delight There was no borders - she got a lined book with autograph itself Rowling, women legends, the authority of which for the young Irish was continued.

Inspired by reading the book about Potter's adventures, Evanna wrote a letter from Joan, in which he told about health problems and a dream: to play a role in the screening of your favorite work.

Joan Rowling found time and answered the letter Evanna Lynch. The writer called on the little fan of Harry Potter to collect will be in a fist, overcome the ailment and come to the set. Her support had a decisive effect on the biography of a young Irish. For 2 years, Lynch overcame the disease and in 2005 celebrated full recovery.

Evanna Lynch with mom and older sister

The initial education of Evanna Lynch received in the National School, continued in a Catholic gymnasium in the Droid, where his father worked as Deputy Director, and in 2008 he entered the Irish Center, which took gifted girls and boys. In the center of Evanna, two years studied dramatic art and speculative fiction.

In September 2010, Lynch became a student of the Irish Institute of Education.


In February 2006, the 14-year-old Evanna, hearing the casting for the role of half amen of Lovegud, forced the Father to go with her to London, where samples were held. 15 thousand applicants arrived in the British capital - Irish risks. But Lynch won. Watching the samples, Rowling, say, exclaimed:

"Yes, she is not from this world! She fits perfectly! "

The fact that it will be taken to the role, Evanna Lynch guessed on returning home. The girl was called from the studio and asked not to change the shape and color of the eyebrows. The older sister suggested that once they spoke about the eyebrows, which means they took. A week later, Evanna Lynch was approved for a role in a star project.

Evanna Lynch in Saga about Harry Potter

In 2007, the spectators saw a blonde half (Evanna had to repaint dark hair) and fell in love. The actress "fell" to the role, playing that heroine, which was seen by Rowling and film producers.

Later, the girl learned that the producers David Himan and David Barron agreed to take the role of a non-professional actress, which preserved the immediacy and unpredictability. The eccentric half-one was required not to play, but to become it. Evanna Lynch brilliantly coped with the task.

Evanna Lynch and Daniel Radcliffe

Later, the actress admitted that the heroine with radishes was close to her: half-one is self-sufficient and not looking for recognition and approval of actions. It acts on the call of the heart and the wiser of peers, despite the eccentricity. On the set of Evanna Lynch met with Daniel Radcliffe, Tom Felton and Emma Watson, but Bonnie Wright chose to a friend, who got the role of Ginny Weasley.

Evanna Lynch and Bonni Wright

In Ptteriana, the actress was filmed until 2011, appeared in four films of the series. Film crims and fans of the film called it one of the "unconditional winners" tapes. About creative nature, the girl says the fact that she together with designers came up with decorations for the heroine "Poterians".

Evanna Lynch and Tom Felton

In 2012, the premiere of the adventure militant "Sinbad" took place. This is an English multiserious project, in which the main character - Sinbad - played British Elliot Knight. Irish actresses offered the role of Helen.

In 2013, the fans saw Evanna Lynch in the American filmcoming "When the best friend - Gay" with Michael Willett and Natasha Lyonne in keywords. Lynch played a heroine named McKenzi Price. In 2015, Evanna Lynch appeared in the American TV series "Danny and Zoo", where he reincarnated to eccentric and mischievous bridard Riordan.

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The star "Ptteriana" is invited to the Label of British theaters. In the spring of 2013, theatrians saw Lynch in the play of the Illusionist Harry Hudini: Evanna reincarnated in a spouse and an assistant American artist and a magician.

Personal life

Evannah leads a page in "Instagram". The number of stars account subscribers exceeded a million: Lynch regularly updates the page and pleases the fans of funny photos. The actress loves cats: snapshots with fluffy pets at the artist dozens.

Sometimes in social networks appear photos that allow fans to judge the personal life of the artist. Miniature (growth of Evanna Lynch 1.58 m) Beauty met with a colleague on the series about Potter Robbie Jarvis. The actors associated shooting in the project and common interests: both - vegetarians.

Evanna Lynch and Robbie Jarvis

How many Evanna and Robbie met - mystery. Fans learned about the novel in 2015: romantic joint photos appeared in "Instagram". Presumably, the novel flashed on the set. At the end of 2016, two stars announced parting, but they retained friendship and communication. They continue to visit parties and public events, but the pair are not.

Evanna Lynch now

The actress leads an interesting and rich life outside the set and scene. Lynch is a famous philanthropist and community. In 2010, Ireland collected funds for compatriots suffering from multiple sclerosis. Then demanded freedom for rabbits on farms and struggled for the legalization of same-sex marriage.

Evanna Lynch in 2018

Evanna not only does not use meat in food itself, but also promotes vegetarianism. Before the New Year holidays of 2018 in social networks, she advertised "Vegan" gifts to creative relatives and friends. These are vegetable products and treats in the style of Harry Potter.

Evanna Lynch is an advertising person of balanced products that are created in conjunction with the international organization PETA.


  • 2007 - "Harry Potter and Order of Phoenix"
  • 2009 - Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince »
  • 2010 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1"
  • 2011 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2"
  • 2012 - "Sinbad"
  • 2013 - "When the best friend is gay"
  • 2013 - "Butler - Monster"
  • 2015 - "Danny and Zoo"

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