Tyler Hacklin - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



The path to the success of the Hollywood actor Tyler Heclin began in early childhood. A boy from a simple California family is incredibly lucky: the second role turned out to be the main one. And the artist has become famous after entering the screens of the Drama "Damned Way" and the TV series "Seventh Sky" and "Volchonok".

In the piggy bank of HEXINA prestigious premiums "Saturn" and "Young Actor". He is young, talented and still not married. He is attributed to novels with Hollywood beauty and male colleagues. Star does not comment on rumors, skillfully heated interest in his person.

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born in September 1987 in California. Childhood and youth passed in the town called the crown. Tyler grew up in a large family of medium wealth, he has the younger brothers Tanner and Travis and Sister Carrie.

Tyler Hacklin in youth

Caring for the younger teaching Tyler HExline to justice and hardly worry. Parents because of employment at work often left younger children on the care of the eldest son. There was no xeclin family to the HEXline family: the father worked as a doctor of ambulance, Mama - an accountant.

In childhood, Tyler Hacklin was fond of sports, choosing, like many young Americans, baseball. At the age of 7, first went to the site, and in 9 with the team represented the country in Pan American Games. As a student, Hacklin played for two university teams - Arizona and Irquin.


The cinematic biography of HEKLINA began when the boy was 9 years old: he played Jeff Joe in the American melodraman "Family Tree". The tape went on screens in 1999. And in 2001, Tyler was offered to play the main character - Billy - in the film "Enchanted train". Ribbon was filmed in Romania.

The first roles of broad famous adolescent were not brought, but they gave an invaluable experience. He was useful to Tylera already next 2002, when the guy was called on the samples of the Gangster Drama "Damned Path" directed by Sam Mendez. In the competition, 2000 boys participated in the role of Michael Sullivan, but Californic Hacklin won.

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The 15-year-old artist entrusted the role of the second plan, but the star of the first magnitude of Tom Hanks, Paul Newman and Jude Low, was surrounded on the set. The "damned path" brought the director and actors a lot of awards. Tyler Hacklin felt the taste of glory: two prestigious premiums were immediately in his piggy bank - Saturn and Young Actor.

The role in the drama was opened by the young Lyedie Matrah film industry. In 2003, the guy appeared in the popular seventh heaven melodrama, which was published since 1996. Hacklin appeared in the 8th season and starred until the 11th, final. For his role in the project (played by Martin Bruber) Tylera HEKLINA was nominated for the Teen Choice Award Youth Prize as a breakthrough. In the nomination, the actor fell in 2004, but the reward went back to the competitor.

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After the closing of the series, the actor starred in the Spin-Off episode "C.S.I.: Scene of the Crime Miami" and the Canadian horror movie "Grizzly Rage". In the latter, he got the main role, but the "horror movie" David Dee Coto criticized.

In 2009, it turned out to be generous for bright roles. Californias appeared in the TV series "Lincoln-Heights", "My Team" and "Castle". From the full-length paintings, Daniel Mirika was the most bright of the Tiller "Solstice". On the film's film crew, the actor met with a colleague Amanda Seibride. In the Police Comedy-Drama "Castle" HEXINY played Dianana Fulton in the series "Deceive me once."

In 2013, the fans saw a pet in the comedy picture of the "Clean Week" (starred in the company with Owen Wilson) and the teenage drama-horror "Volchonok", where Hacklin appeared in the image of the Derek Hale's Vuddalaka. The actor was involved in the 4 seasons of the project. Together with him, Tyler Positions and Dylan O'Brien starred in the mystical series. "Volchonok" and the role of Derek Hale brought an actor to the Teen Choice Awards Award.

In 2016, the star pleased the fans with two full-length pictures - a comedy about baseball players "each of their" and melodrama "not in the team." In the same year, the superhero's TV series "Supergel" was released, where Tyler Haclin played a bright role of the second plan.

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In winter, 2017, the long-awaited premiere of the sequel "50 shades of gray" called "on 50 shades is darker", in which the project fans learned the artist in Boise Fox. In the spring of the same year, Tyler Hacklin appeared in the Pretton's militant: the first task, which was played by Tom Felton and Dominic Cooper. In the fall of 2017, the audience saw Hacklin in the 6th season "Volconka".

Personal life

The bright appearance of Tyler Hacklin, a dazzling smile and growth (1.83 m) made an actor as an adoration of Hollywood beauties. In 2004, the star in his networks caught a pop performer and artist Ashley Simpson. But the novel of the 16-year-old Tyler and 19-year-old Ashley turned out to be short - after 2 months, the couple broke up.

Tyler Hacklin and Ashley Simpson

Next year, a vocalist Candis Akkla was seen next to the artist, who was playing Caroline Forbes in the Vampire Diaries of the Vampire Little Project. On the set of "Seventh Heaven" Tyler Hacklin fell in love with Mackenzi Rosman partner, but the romance in the relationship ended after filming.

Two years - until 2012 - Hollywood Macho met with a colleague Rachel Brook Smith. The following 3 years of Tylera saw near the blonde Brittany Snow, the star painting star "American Dream". This novel turned out to be the longest in the middle of the amourn connections of the handsome.

But Brittany remained in the past, when Jill Wagner was on the path of Lovelace - a model and actress, starring in the "horror" "Wolf".

At the end of 2015, Tyler Hacklin got into the lenses of Paparazzi in Rome, where he walked with a model from Germany by Alena Gerber. But journalists did not achieve comments from the star. In the early 2016, memories remained from the romantic relationship with the model.

Dylan O'Brien and Tyler HEKLIN

Gossings say that fleeting relationships with women - Shirma, behind which HEXLIN hides unconventional sexual orientation. On the Internet, pictures appear on which Tyler kisses with a colleague dilan O'Brien. But the fans do not believe that the handsome gay, and continue to hunt for a Hollywood bachelor.

Tyler Hacklin is now

In February 2018, the premiere of the American drama "Fifty-shades of freedom", in which the main characters, as in previous films, will play Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan. Kim Basinger will appear in the film.

In the third film of Love Saga Tyler Hacklin will be seen again in the image of the writer of Boys, the ex-colleagues of the Anastaishi Gray.

News of life and fresh photos of the star willingly shared with the account subscribers in "Instagram".


  • 1999 - "Family Tree"
  • 2001 - "Enchanted train"
  • 2002 - "Damned Path"
  • 2007 - "Grizzly Rage"
  • 2007 - "C.S.I.: Place of Crime Miami"
  • 2008 - Solstice
  • 2009 - "My team"
  • 2009 - "Castle"
  • 2011 - "Open Gate"
  • 2011 - "Clearance Week"
  • 2011-17 - "Volchonok"
  • 2012 - "Modnik Melvin"
  • 2016 - "Everyone"
  • 2016 - "Not in the Team"
  • 2016 - "Stretton: first task"
  • 2016 - "Supergel"
  • 2018 - "Fifty shades of freedom"

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