Willma Kutavichyutu - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



With the Lithuanian actress of the theater and the cinema, Russian audience met in 2011. But today Willma Kutavichyut, starred in popular TV shows and films, firmly occupied a niche in the cinema of the Russian Federation. The actress filmography is rich in the main and secondary roles in the projects of Matters of the Domestic Cinema Alexey Teacher, Peter Todorovsky, Anna Melikyan and Alexander Cotta.

Childhood and youth

The artist in Vilnius in the summer of 1988 was born. Vilma rose Kutavichut in a creative family, where the grandfather wrote music, his father played jazz on a professional stage, and her grandmother was a chess star, which beat famous opponents. The remote attitude towards creativity had only Mom Wilma, by profession a doctor.

Parents saw a daughter with a musician and in 6 years, hoping that Wilma would follow the feet of his father and grandfather, took the music school. But the daughter of the jazzman and granddaughter of the composer did not happen to the piano.

The first successful role of Willle Kutavichyut is a sick girl who cannot attend Solfeggio lessons. A convincing game allowed the future star of the screen to lean from classes in a music school. Father, seeing the "success" of his daughter, made a verdict: "There is nothing shining in music."

In the early youth Willma Kutavichut suffered from complexes. Later, the artist admitted that the boys considered her "scary ugly." This explained the closure and some removal of Wilma. The girl wrote poems, but, according to her, they did not have any relation to romance. Kutavichuta liked the game of words and linguistic classes. A month could take a verse.

Cinematic biography Ville Kutavichut launched at school: 15-year-old girl starred in the short film of Lithuanian film studio.

After the release of the youth drama "I seventeen" on the screens in 2007, Kutavichyuthet knew where to go after graduation. For parents, it became an unpleasant surprise. Without paying attention to the protests of the elders, Wilma went to Moscow and in 2008 entered Rati (Gitis) by choosing the Director of the Faculty.

Lithuanian was determined in the workshop of Leonid Haifez. For 2 years, the future actress learned the Russian language on which she had never spoken.

Personal life

Wilma's personal life does not advertise and the guy's name holds in the Security. Kutavichut told reporters that in Moscow she had official novels with colleagues in the workshop, but actors, emotional and centered on a career, it is difficult to get along together. In an interview with Vilma Kutavichut, admitted that relations with the current young man are well added, but they are still a lot of uncertainty.

About moving to the capital Baltic actress does not regret: Moscow she likes. The city opens the doors persistent and gives a million opportunities to realize himself.

In the theater. M. Yermolova Kutavichuta put the performance and thankful for the confidence rendered to the artistic director Oleg Menshikov, who allowed an unfamiliar colleague to make her debut on stage.

The actress is widely represented in social networks. She has accounts in "Instagram" and in Vkontakte, where she publishes photos from filming, but Wilma admits that he is constantly fighting with the desire to "remove from everywhere".

The growth of Lithuanian Beauty is 1.70 m, weight - 50 kg.

Theater and films

The first steps on the theatrical stage of Willma Kutavichut did in student performances on the scene of guitis. She played Odintsov in the "fathers and children", Raisa Pavlovna in the "Forest", Freken Juli in the eponymous stage and Jenny Malina in the "Three-Chicted Opera" on the play Bertold Brecht.

After graduating from the Metropolitan Teatral University, Kutavichut returned to Vilnius and entered the disposal of Eymuntas Nyakroshus, Lithuanian director. Willma went on the scene of the Fort Art Theater (Meno Fortas) and pleased the narrow circle of viewers.

Wide fame came to the artist after the appearance on the screen. Kutavichyuta starred from the Baltic director of the Romas Zakarauskas "Porn Melodrama". This is a tape on the relationship of two boys-gay, who decided to leave the country. To make money on departure, one of them is filmed in the cinema, and on the set is found with the first school love - a girlfriend Aquile. She and played Willma Kutavichyut.

"Porn-melodrama" is the second film of the Lithuanian actress, and the role of Aquile is the first main in kinobiography.

In 2011, the premiere of the first Russian project Willle Kutavichyut - the short drama "about love" directed by Anna Melikyan. The annotation to the film states that he is about how "a man can make the brain of his beloved woman in an even place." Kutavichut got the main role, and Fyodor Lavrov played the "ending brain". Film critics and viewers warmly met a short film, noting the skill of actors.

In 2012, Vilma appeared in the short filter of the Lithuanian film studio "Basket", playing a photographer, and next year the Russian television viewers were pleased with the role of the Ober-Efreitor Lotta in the 8-Series Military Melodrame of Sergey Kozhevnikov "on the razor blade".

The taste of Wilma Kutavichyut fame felt in 2014. In September, the premiere of the Criminal Melodrama "Eight" Alexei Teacher, where the Lithuanian played the character Agela. The main roles, in addition to Kutavichyut, went to Alexey Manzgina, Alexander Novina and Arthur Smolyaninov. In the episodes of the film starring Russian cinema star Alexander Bashirov, Julia Peresilde, Irina Pegov, Zakhar Prilepin and Sergey Pustpalyce.

The painting was based on the same name of Prilepina (played a taxi driver in the film). The Dram "Eight" opened the film festival in Omsk, and the world premiere took place in Toronto.

Willma Kutavichut admitted to journalists that work in the project helped her to believe in the strength and was the first in big cinema. The shooting was held in St. Petersburg and Sestroretsk, they participated in 50 fighters of St. Petersburg riot police.

In 2014, Kutavichyut had pleased fans of roles in the rating sports series "Shot" about biathlonists (Finnish athlete Ula Kremer) and 8-serial melodrama Aleco Tsabadze "You will have a child" (Inga).

The following year, Willma got the role of Natasha in the mystical drama Rustam Ilyasov "Vacant Life of the Chef", where Peter Fedorov played the main character.

Willma Kutavichut claims that it is a perfectionism and is often unhappy with work on the set or theatrical stage. To bring yourself into shape, she has to strain, emotionally tune in to a close-up, subordinate to the emotion to reason.

Cutevichut's career in cinema develops rapidly. In 2017, she appeared in the 8-serial historical drama "Trotsky" Alexander Kotta and Konstantin Statsky. The premiere of the series took place in November on the first channel. Wilma appeared in a star company with Konstantin Khabensky, Maxim Matveyev, Evgeny Stychka and Mikhail Porechenkov.

In Trotsky, the audience saw Vilm Kutavichut in the image of the secretary of Leo Davidovich Silvia Aleloff, who introduced Trotsky with the killer Ramon Merkader.

The greatest success of 2017 was the romantic comedy "Lovestory" Peter Todorovsky. Master entrusted Lithuanian the main role of Masha Sokolova. Her lover played Alexander Petrov, with whom Kutavichut met in Gitis.

Later, Wilma starred in three projects - "Phantom", "Alibi" and "Rimbr". The last ribbon was shot by a talented director Ivan Tverdovsky. In addition to Kutavichut, the noticeable roles in the film went to Danil Glass, Pavel Chinarev and Alexander Ursulak.

Willma Kutavichyutu now

Now the actress is filmed in the cinema and goes to the scene of the "Practice" theater Ivan Vyrypayev. In 2019, she marked the participation in the TV series "Hard teenagers" - the gloomy social drama Rustam Ilyasov. Willma in the project got the role of drawing teacher operating in the minors.

Later, the first channel announced the series "The investigation leads the bell tents" about the outstanding surgeon of Yuri Kolfolnikov, to whom they are forced to seek the help of St. Petersburg detectives. Willm in it got the main female role adventurist Mary Veksler. Her heroine is a journalist, which is constantly trying to find out more about the course of the next investigation. Casting for the role of Mary was 3 months old. Directors tried Olga Arntgolts, and Marina Alexandrov, and Julia Snorgir, but as a result, the choice was made in favor of Willma, less well-known, but more aristocratic and mysterious.

In November 2019, the actress played in the series "stepfather". Her heroine Vera really liked the audience. The company in the frame of Kutavichut amounted to Yuri Stepanov, Ksenia Teplov, Alexey Kolgan and other Russian celebrities.

Another news from Wilma was its emergence of a new comedy "Patriot", the director of which was Nikolai Burlak. The first season went on screens in March 2020.


  • 2007 - "I seventeen"
  • 2011 - "About Love"
  • 2011 - "Porn Melodrama"
  • 2012 - "Basket"
  • 2013 - "on the razor blade"
  • 2014 - "You will have a child"
  • 2014 - "Shot"
  • 2014 - "Eight"
  • 2015 - "Vacan Life Chef"
  • 2016 - "Pushkin"
  • 2017 - "Trotsky"
  • 2017 - "Lovestory"
  • 2018 - "Rimbar"
  • 2018 - "Alibi"
  • 2019 - "Hard teens"
  • 2019 - "Step"
  • 2020 - "Patriot"

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