Elina Mazur - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan 2021



On the existence of Elina Mazur Citizens of Russia and the post-Soviet space, they learned after the developed family and property scandal in the Folk Artist of the USSR Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. To the lawyer who put on the side of the ex-spouse artist, the pianists of Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, came the scandalous fame. Her personality became interested in fans of the famous actor and lovers of "roasted".

Childhood and youth

In the biography of the lady a lot of white spots. According to unconfirmed data, even the surname Mazur is fiction. In social networks, they say that the real name of Elina Viktorovna - Galkina. Perhaps, and Mazur she became married. The age of the media person will differ. The lawyer indicates its birth of 1976, but the meticulous Internet users call 1965, June 20.

They argue that these data have been preserved on the "Russian Encyclopedia" website, when Ealina was running in the elections of the deputies of the municipal assembly Strogino in Moscow. On the parents of the Mazur information not found. In an interview, the woman dropped that she had a sister, Doctor of Law. But the native or cousin is unknown.

Lady pages in "Instagram" and "Facebook" is not. Users claim that the woman deleted accounts when the scandal was hit with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Journalists found out that Elina has no legal education. However, she herself does not insist on it: it means about the highest economic education, but the names of the university, at the end of which received a diploma, does not indicate.

Personal life

About the family, husband and children Mazur does not say, leaving details of a personal life under the cover of the mystery. It is known only that the lawyer has a daughter. According to the mother, in his youth, the girl received a legal education and works at the Academy of Prosecutor General's Office.

Career and Tele Show

Ealina does not speak about their activities right. If she believes, she worked as a realist and "solved the problems of people of art" - both housing and personal. In social networks, they were talking about Mazur as a practitioner witch, familiar with black magic. But Elina Viktorovna did not comment on rumors and gossip.

In the program of Dmitry Shepelev "In fact, unsightly facts of the biography of Mazur surfaced. Former employees of Elina, who told about the network of public houses disguised as massage salons, which were supposedly owned by Elina. According to them, Mazur is a pimp.

It contained the brothers in which the surveillance cameras were installed. Records from cameras blackmailed rich customers. The faces of the girls who told about the former boss, hid masks, but the truth of the words confirmed the polygraph. Elina denies the guests of the guests of the transfer, calling the naval and the revenge of enemies.

When a woman was called a "professional decalist of family problems," she did not deny. The greatest popularity in the career of the lawyer brought a story with the divorce of Actor Armen Borisovich Dzhigarkhanyan and Pianists Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. According to the lady, an acquaintance with the young spouse artist took place at the request of the press secretary of the Moscow Drama Theater Natalia Korneeva in October 2017.

The pianist entrusted the Mazur to conduct business in October 2017, signing the general power of attorney with it and allowing the official representative, to make applications from her behalf. However, with the last time, Ealina changed the position of a lawyer in this case, becoming from the defenders of Vitalyna its prosecutor. In the program "In fact" on the first channel in December 2017, Ealina shocked those present in the studio and viewers with a loud exposure.

The representative of the artist's spouse made a confession that, together with Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, drove the whole country behind his nose. But to deceive people and negotiate Armen Borisovich did not want, after all, herself was the victim of "fraudsters and sweatshirts." Mazur argued that "the eyes opened" when her "girlfriend" rushed about the famous husband: "When he dies." Then the lady realized that Vitalin uses her to seize the property of the Matra.

According to another information, the truth about the ward, Ealina found out after a challenge to investigators who had "serious questions" to her. At the interrogation, the lawyer understood that she was silent and accused of non-existent sins of a decent person. The flow of revelations and revelations caused a storm of the perturbation of stars fans.

Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya has denied the words of the ex-representative of Andrei Malakhov in the December (2017) issue of the "direct ether", explaining the anger of Mazur by termination of the cooperation agreement. Full Ivan Krasko, who was present at the Malakhov Show, shared his assumption about the conspiracy of Elina Mazur and the spouse of Gigarhahanyan and predicted the development of the plot on the "100 more series".

Elina Mazur repented at the accusations that wrapped at Gigarhahanyan, and admitted that he helped the ex-wife "to sculpt the image of a unknown tyrant, whitening Vitaly. Mazur taught to lie and explained how to get apartments and money husband.

The scandalous revelations of Mazur continued in 2018: the woman appeared on the ether of the show "New Russian Sensations", where the oils added to the fading fire. The ex-representative of Vitalina told the new Details of the Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya fraud: about fictitious pregnancy and "preservation", which the pianist lay down in Georgia, about departure to Germany and the conspiracy in which he became an involuntary participant.

In the new series of the project "New Russian Sensations" at the end of January 2018, the former defender, who learned the ward to lie and fell, told about the interrogation in the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the dacha testimony against the ex-wife of Dzhigarkhanian. Elina Mazur moved to the camp of the former enemies of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya and agreed to cooperation with the lawyer of Artist Evgeny Parfenov.

A journalist Tatyana Khoroshilova was admitted to the "global exposure" of the scam 2017-2018. After the investigation, Tatiana posted a post about a pre-written scenario in Facebook to "Facebook", to which Alexander Mitrushenkov, allegedly attached a hand. In the company of the last paparazzi and saw an ex-wife of Matra.

Mitrushenkova journalist called the sponsor of popular media projects. For the scandal with Gigarchhanyan and the former wife looming his figure. Masur's position-altered by 180 degrees "fitted" into an artificial scandal, which several months discussed the country and millions of television viewers. According to Khoroshilova, Armen Borisovich is also a participant in the draw.

In September 2018, a lawyer became a guest of the program "Let them say!", In which the unsightly details of the relationship of the humorist Evgenia Petrosyan and his wife Elena Stepanenko also told. At the end of the year, journalists learned that Mazur had a hospital with suspicion of stroke. In an interview with representatives of the press, the lawyer admitted that conflicts with Vitaly brought it to such a state.

In recent months, Ealina said, she received threats about physical sprauls from the pianist. In the medical institution, the lady had to stay a week, and after -bid sessions of rehabilitation therapy.

In 2019, the conflict between the ladies aggravated stronger. At that time, Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya had already met with the popular singer Prokhorom Shalyapin. In the summer, at the set of the program "New Russian sensations", Vitalin with a beloved, as well as Ealina became guests of release. Initially, opponents were in different rooms, sharing with journalists on the current situation.

At some point, Shalyapin and Tsymbalyuk began to joke on Mazur, allowing themselves to switch the boundaries of the clock. The lawyer, without restraining, broke into them and attacked the former wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan with fists. The pianist tried to "answer", as a result, I had to discriminate with both ex-girlfriends. Later, during the show itself, Ealina shared with the public with new revelations in the case of Armen Borisovich.

Elina Mazur now

In 2020, rich in bright scandals, Mazur turned out to be in the center of high-profile events. The name of the lawyer surfaced in the press after Armen Dzhigarkhanyan was not in November. The inheritance of the artist, as well as the lists of potential heirs, among which the Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya could be, immediately became themes of the articles of a number of media. Ealina made a statement that the actor's ex-wife would not be able to qualify for the multi-million state of Gigarchhanyan.

The lawyer also became the main hero of the New Russian Sensation Program, dedicated to the inheritance of Alexey Vladimirovich Batalov. In September, it became known that the spouses Mikhail Civin and Natalia Yezhzhin illegally assigned several real estate objects who belonged to the Widow actor Gitan Leontenko and his daughter Gitan Maria.

Journalists of the Mazur program reported new facts about this difficult case, which, according to the ladies, "smash banditry." It turned out that 5 years ago, when Alexey Vladimirovich was alive, Ealina led with his family talks about buying unique archives belonging to the actor.

Among them were things that could replenish the collections of the best museums in the world. In particular, the famous drawing of Anna Andreevna Akhmatova, created by the Italian artist Amedeo Modigliani in the period of the novel with Russian poetess. Also in the list of invaluable artifacts were the letters of Akhmatova, addressed to the root Chukovsky, Marina Tsvetaeva, rare photos with his own inscriptions by the author of the Poem "Requiem".

These things switched to Alexey Vladimirovich from his mother Nina Antonovna Olshevsk, close to the girlfriend Anna Andreevna. During arrings to Moscow, after 1934, Russian poetess stayed in the apartment of Batalov, calling it the "Moscow House". And Akhmatova brought his personal belongings that left here.

Soon after the broken scandal with a deception of Civin and Yeast became known about the fact that unique rarities disappeared. Stolen treasures later discovered on Kutuzovsky Avenue, in the apartment of spouse fraudsters. Mazur reported that now her duty is to expose criminals and return the archive worth more than a billion rubles to the rightful owners.

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