Spencer Stone - biography, photo, personal life, news, terrorist attack 2021



US Air Force Sergeant Spencer Stone became world famous after August 21, 2015. After Stone with friends neutralized terrorist in Amsterdam train - Paris, their lives changed dramatically. Heroes were awarded the Order of the Honorary Legion and a purple heart, they wrote books about them and removed the film.

Childhood and youth

Spencer Stone was born on August 13, 1992 in Sacramento, California, USA, in the family of Brian Stone and Joyce Esquel. He has an elder brother named Everett, serving in the California Road Police, and the younger sister named Kelly. Friendship related Spencer with Alek Scarlatos and Anthony Sadler still during training in the Christian School of Freedom in the fairie-world OUS and continued in adulthood.

War pilot Spencer Stone

All three men are described as dividing "deeply religious background and faith in serving their community." In high school, Del Campo Stone preferred football, lacrosse and other team sports. Teachers Del Campo and Basketball Coach Dave Nobis remember their student as a person, always ready to support his comrades.

Military service

After graduating from high school, Stone signed up in the United States Air Force. He worked on the Trevis Air Force Base in Fairfield (California) and trained in the Azores. Joao Santos, coach Stone, characterized the pilot as a very good, polite, educated and passionate guy learning.

Sergeant Spencer Stone.

In January 2015, Stone began training at the leadership school of aviation in order to become a junior officer. November 1, 2016, partly due to bold actions in France, received the title of senior sergeant. After preventing the terrorist attack and meetings with France diplomats and the USA, Stone became interested in the theory and practice of international relations and wanted to get a higher education in this area.

Terrorist attack

The turning point in the pilot biography was the summer of 2015, when three friends went on a trip to Europe. Shots that sounded in Tambura's high-speed trains Thalys 9364 Amsterdam-Paris led the guys into combat readiness mode. When a stranger with a gun opened the door of the car, the first to him rushed Spencer Stone. The second is Alec Scarlatos, the soldiers of the National Guard of the United States, in July who returned from Afghanistan.

Spencer Stone and Alec Scarlatos

The military helped their third comrade, Anntoni Sadler student and a car for a car - 62-year-old Briton, living in the south of France, a former rugbean Chris Norman. Stone the criminal wounded the stationery knife in the neck and hand, and a crazy bullet flew in the throat of one of the passengers. Despite the wound, it was Spencer who had a victim first aid.

Moroccan Ayub Al-Kazzani, armed with the Kalashnikov machine and a lugger gun, cut down with several powerful blows on the head, were tied up and transferred police that arrived at the alarm signal. The wounded passenger crossed the helicopter to the Hospital of Lille, and the main character, Stone, was taken to the hospital of the city of Arras, where the surgeons were seeded in a semi-divent thumb on the left hand.

Wounds of Spencer Stone

Spencer had to lie in the hospitals of France and Germany, where his friends were not disregarded, as well as police officers from the anti-terrorism department, journalists and diplomats. In September, the famous pilot returned to his homeland, but soon as a result of the scuffle in Sacramento with James Tran, he was again in a hospital with fresh kneading wounds.

A week later, the danger has passed for life, and Stone left the hospital. The investigation has shown that California Tran is not related to international terrorism.

Personal life

It was impossible to return to the previous imperceptible life. Stone resigned and became a public person. Now Spencer Stone lives in Sacramento, does not advertise his political views. Now people are interested in his opinion on a variety of questions:

"People ask what the coolest things we did, but I can list the hundreds of actions, of which it is difficult to choose the most important."

In his speeches, Stone says that "gives all the merits of God" and thanks family, friends, the air force of the United States and Sacramento citizens. Former President of the United States Barack Obama personally presented Stone, Scarlatos and Sandler signs of the purple heart. The solemn ceremony of awarding the heroes took place in the Pentagon.

Spencer Stone in 2018

France President Francois Holland adopted American guys to the Order of the Honorary Legion - this is the highest French award for military and civil services. But much more than award-winning from the hands of high-ranking persons, Spencer values ​​alive manifestations of gratitude from the people who he had to save.

It is terrible to imagine how many people could die as a result of the terrorist attack. The train drove more than five hundred passengers. Fortunately for everyone (except terrorist), the brave Americans were in the right place and acted decisively. In his 25 years, Spencer Stone managed to visit the pilot, hero, writer and actor. The world will also hear about this man.

Spencer Stone now

Stone, Scarlatos and Sadler appeared in the program "Who wants to become a millionaire" within the framework of the "Heroes of the City" week. Their team won $ 250,000. In January 2016, three friends, together with journalist Jeffrey E. Sternor, began writing the book "15:17 to Paris: the real story of terrorist, trains and three American heroes." Memoirs were finished on August 23, 2016, almost a year after the train attack.

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On July 11, 2017, Clint Eastwood began working on a film based on these memoirs. Initially, it was supposed to find actors, outwardly similar to Stone, Scarlatos and Sadler, but later the director decided that it was better to take three friends in the role of himself. Cole Isoshrebger, Paul Mikel Williams and Bryce Gezar play the roles of Spencer, Anthony and Aleka in childhood. The premiere of the biographical picture in the US was scheduled for February 9, 2018, in Russia it is expected on February 15.


  • 2015 - "Pilot"
  • 2015 - "For impeccable service"
  • 2015 - "For the National Defense Service"
  • 2015 - "For participation in the global war with terrorism"
  • 2015 - "Purple Heart"
  • 2015 - "Order of the Honorary Legion" (France)
  • 2015 - "Civil Medal for the courage of the 1st degree" (Belgium)

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