Ida Galich - biography, personal life, photo, news, former husband Alan Bassiev, divorced, "Instagram" 2021



Ida Galich is a gifted person, the creative biography of which perfectly confirms the saying about talented people who can be implemented in any business. She managed to conquer the love of millions of fans. Today Galich is one of the most popular Russian bloggers, and its video regularly falls into the trends "Yutyuba."

Childhood and youth

Ida was born in Germany on May 3, 1990 under the sign of the Zodiac Taurus. Mom Ida, Zarina, Ossetian by nationality, devoted himself to medicine. Father Vasily Galich is a personnel officer who has often changed the place of residence on debt. Parents met in Georgia, where young Zarina lived, and Vasily passed military service. The novel developed rapidly, signed young a week after the first meeting.

The firstborn of the spouses was the Son, who later chose a military path. After the birth of the daughter, the Galich family changed not one city, in 2002, being in Moscow.

The interest in the acting skill appeared at Galich in childhood, so after graduation, the girl went to the theater university, but did not pass through the competition. In 2007, Ida became a student of the Trade and Economic University, the parents were influenced, which considered a diploma of higher education. The graduate of the university did not leave the dream of the acting profession, the path to her began with KVN.


For the first time Galich took part in a comic competition of fun and resourceful at the university. In 2011, the team, which was founded by Ida and her friend Alena Makovskaya, was called the "Autumn Kiss". After a time after changing the composition, the team began to be called "Moscow was not immediately built."

In 2015, humorists even managed to break through to the Premier League KVN. Ida with comrades reached the final performance, but the team took only 3rd place, dividing it with the team "Friendly Roman". In 2016, Ida and her friend Anton Kapavaetsev became the participants of the popular show "Comedy Battle".

Known Ida as a blogger. Most of the subscribers fell in love with Vaine - short videos, charging positive and good mood. In the video, a girlfriend of girls and a colleague on the humorous workshop Nastya Ivelev appeared.

In 2017, Ida became a TV host project "Looking the Show" Success "." The girl revealed the bearing moments and the secrets of this vocal competition, asked questions to the participants and the tradition sparkled in the frame on the tradition.

In addition, the blogger launched a new header "Cleot" on the Yutiub-Channel, where, together with celebrities, tests over cosmetics. Here the actress often appears without makeup to demonstrate the art of using cosmetics. Ida also participated in the program Alexander Gordon and Julia Baranovskaya "Male / Women's" on the first channel and in the game show "Where is logic?" on TNT.

In the spring of 2018, she became the co-hosting specialsone transmission "Eagle and Rush". Ida, together with Jeanne Badooy, visited Caucasian mineral waters. During the journey, the Golden Card got a constant TV host project, and Galich had to explore the southern resort with a limited budget.

At the end of May, the video cell was made at the Maewwi Live Music Festival with the song "Dima", which on the Internet by that time gathered 4.5 million views. After the exit to the scene, Ida admitted that he did not feel the real singer, although described the feeling from the speech before the public as unforgettable.

The creative activity of Ida during pregnancy did not decrease. The 5th clip of the artist was preparing to release at that moment - the second part on the song "Entrepreneur", in the filming of which a team from Syktyvkar participated.

The first video on the popular track of the performer "blew" network at the end of April 2019, after which Galich declared a competition among fans for the best roller with a dance under her hit.

In September, the artist visited the musical show "Soyuz Studio", where her rival became the singer of the tree. This is the second appearance of Ida on the popular program - in February 2019, she fought here with choreographer Miguel.

Parallel, the celebrity announced the release of a new author's project "1-11". The essence of the humorous show was reduced to comparing school knowledge between today's students and held stars. The format liked the audience - of course, here is a great merit of a talented leading and sparkling jokes. However, to observe how the artists who received the certificate have lost their schoolchildren, turned out to be no less fun. As a result, the program was extended and now also pleases with new issues.

And in the 2020th, a new project Galich and Alan Basiev "such parents" started. This is a fun sketch show in which Ida and her ex-husband played a funny scene from the life of young parents, and also shared useful information and gave advice on the upbringing of the child.

Another brainchilder is "unintended fluids." The native of Germany puts itself a goal to tell the world the amazing stories of those who fell into a difficult situation, but did not fall in spirit and could rise. The first editions shot in Nizhny Novgorod and Vladikavkaz did not leave indifferent: Galich told the audience about real wonders. And, of course, it was proved that you can get into the trends "Yutyuba" not only with funny videos, but also making something bright and kind.

However, not all the ideas of Ida reached the goals. The show "Fake is not Fake", in which the participants fought for the main prize, trying to find out of two things or events "Fake" turned out to be not quite successful. The loyal audience of the star this time expressed discontent and contests, and the submission of content.

Personal life

Personal life Ida Galich is interested in fans at no less than creativity. It is known that a luxurious brunette, the growth of which is 170 cm, and the weight is 52 kg, almost a year met with a young man named Dmitry Diesel. They met through "Instagram" during the conclusion of an advertisement contract.

Later, the guy Idis even appeared in her rollers, and it seemed that these relationship would last long, but soon the couple was broken. Galich admitted that he broke up with Dmitry because he was not wonderful with her.

At the end of 2017, blogger met a young man named Alan. The meeting occurred in the nightclub of Moscow. Relations developed rapidly, soon lovers have already become living together. After a while, the man made an offer ide on the island of Bali. Soon the marriage of Ida Galich and Alan Bassieva took place. The wedding decided to play with Caucasian scope. The bachelorette party took place in Amsterdam, the painting took place in the Tagansk registry office of Moscow.

The video dedicated to the wedding of Ida and Alan, appeared in the program "In the topic" of the TV channel "YU". On the transfer of blogger, he said that 200 or 300 people attended the celebration, during the ceremony, the girl changed 4 dresses. The menu consisted of European, Caucasian and Japanese dishes. Guests have entertained Rapper Feduk, Bread Group.

In the summer of Ida Galich, together with her husband, became a guest of transferring Regina Todorenko "Friday with Regina". On the air, young people revealed the details of their acquaintance, further relationships, and also talked about those countries that decided to visit after marriage.

At the end of the summer of 2019, Ida Galich pleased fans with the news about their pregnancy. Photo in bikini, which only emphasized all changes in the celebrity figure, appeared in the "Instagram" of the blogger. And on February 7, 2020, the girl gave birth to a son, which in his microblog was told by the newly loved grandfather of the baby, father Ida.

The transformation of a successful blogger in a caring mother was observed a multimillion audience. Galich managed to combine concerns about the newborn Leone, shooting, repairs in the new mansion and the process of weight loss. Folloviers began to notice the absence of Alan in Storsis and star posts.

At the end of 2020, Ida shared with subscribers with changes in personal life, concisely stating that she had a new stage in his life with her husband. Numerous questions from the experienced Folloviers blogger did not ignore, but refused to reveal the causes of separation with the Father of Leon.

The official divorce took place in April 2021. Former spouses did not share the progressive property, did not become the subject of the trial and the question of the meetings of the Father with the child. The parents of the boy remained in friendly relations.

Ida Galich now

The first half of 2021 Galich has time to relieve new issues of projects "1-11" and "non-verbal fluids," traveling with family, go to loud filmmakers and please the audience with new scoring advertising integrations.

In addition, Ida once again visited the Soyuz Studio show, fighting against Denis Dorokhov, and also visited the Azamat Musagaliyev at the "musical intuition." As for its own projects, the blogger does not cease to generate ideas and promised subscribers the release of new formats.


  • The KVN team "Moscow was not immediately built"
  • "Locked the Show" Success ""
  • "Cleed"
  • "Star Fluids"
  • 1-11
  • "Such parents"
  • "Fake not Fake"
  • "Uniform Fluids"

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