Fairy Din-Ding - Character Biography, Winter Story, Pirates and Heroes


Character History

Both children, and remembering their children's entertainment adults with love reread the lines about the adventures of Peter Pan - a boy who did not want to grow up. Running from the family through the chimney, the guy surrendered to the will of the adventure, swirl skipped it on a fictional island called Netland.

Peter Pan

The magic block of the earth, lost in the mysterious seas, presented the Peter of new friends, dangerous rivals, breathtaking games and magic. The monsters live here, and a boy who does not fall out milk teeth, ready to rush into battle in the company of faithful friends.

There are four plots telling about the adventures of fearless Peter Pan: "White bird", "Peter Peng in the Kensington Garden", "Peter and Wendy", "Peter Peng in the crimson tones."

History of creation

Peter Peng was born due to the imagination of the writer James Barry. A native of Scotland, Barry was born in 1860 and received a good education. The tendency to writing literary essays and stories The boy demonstrated from childhood. At the end of the university, he became a journalist and created many plays, novels and works of other genres. Due to the fact that the era did not have to create books for children, Barry became one of the successful authors whose works were witty adult readers.

Writer James Barry

Inspiration, pushing James Barry to writing his "Peter Pan", came to a writer after acquaintance with the Davis family. For the first time, the name of the playful guy appeared in the novel "White Bird". In 1911, the author dedicated him a whole book called Peter Peng and Wendy. As an idea of ​​the writer, a small hero of his works was to become a collective way of all children in the world.

This is a child from an ordinary family, experiencing an insurmountable craving for adventure. Fidget and mischief, Peter Peng received from the leader of the tribe of the nicknames, the winged eagle for the fact that Gord had possessed individuality and inexperienced character. Of course, the ability to fly also influenced the appearance of a new name.

Characters Fairy Tale About Peter Pen

Barry created a unique hero with bright leadership qualities, friendly defender of loved ones. "Lost boys" saw the leader in it capable of taking under their care. Peter Pan is characteristic of the quality characteristic of adolescents. It is selfish and manifests maximalism in judgments, throwing and brazed. The boy does not want to grow up and does not change over time.

Among Peter's friends, the Fairy Din-Din is an important place. Peng is her best friend, so the wizard is always ready to stand on the side of the jacket. The baby is zealously refers to his surrounding and claims all the attention of the buddy. She is the most magical character in the book, so the description of the heroine should pay more attention.

Biography and plot

At the tiny dyn-ding - the usual appearance for a fabulous character. Baby size with young palm and good. She is dressed in a leaf dress, emphasizing the grace of its accurate figurine. When Din-Din flies, trembling with neat wings, it seems that it looks like a golden point. The Voice of Fairy reminds the ringing of the bell, thanks to him the girl and got her adorable name.

Fairy Ding Ding

Ding Din and Peter Peng - Friends. Fairy demonstrates complex character. It is impressionable, temperamental, easily enters the quarrel and also easily goes to reconciliation. The wizard always comes to the rescue, but it is distinguished by disobedience and waybirth.

Flowing over those who will be the main characters of the work, James Matthew Barry described Din-Din in the narration. The writer told his children that when the baby is heard for the first time, a fairy appears on the light.

Ding Ding and Peter Peng

When Din-Din was born, she settled on the magic island called Netland. There lived boys and pirates, which guide the captain of the hook. Fairy quickly made friends with "lost boys" and even managed to participate in their adventures. Din-Din has an important job: to protect the flora and fauna, helping the leaves of plants to replace the shade, the sun is to drown snow drifts, and beasts to get out of the hibernation and get out of mink.

In the book Barry describes the fairy as a lady of a saucepan and teapots. The girl really likes to repair the dishes, and according to the original name of the character, it is obvious. "Tinker Bell" translated from English means "repair".

Ding Ding and flying light

Fairy had a small workshop, where she gave the second life with copper saucepans, frying pan and another scarlet from a brilliant material. The wizard lived on a tree branch and in the evenings after the work, he loved to drink a pumpkin cocktail, admiring the results of work.

Ding Din has a magical force. At its disposal - pollen, allowing to fly. Thanks to this composition, Fairy itself, Peter Peng, Wendy and her brothers, swept into the air. Later, Barry published a continuation of the book, told about the first love of Din-Ding - an elf named flying light. The fascinated festival feat, Fairy goes to marry him, and their magic story continues in a family duet.

Interesting Facts

Contrary to the tradition of the testament of copyright to relatives, James Barry gave them to the children's hospital "Great Ormond Street" in Britain. On its territory there is a bronze sculpture depicting the fairy. The statue appeared in the hospital's square in 2005 and is considered the smallest in London. The height of barely reaches 24 cm, and the wings of the character's wings - 18 cm.

Ding Ding Statue

The story of Peter Pena was popular with film directories. In the image of Din-Din on the screen, demanded actresses were opposed. Among them, Virginia Brauni (1924), Ekaterina Chernenko (1987), Julia Roberts (1991) and Lyudin Sanier (2003).

Din-Din appeared on the screens in the cartoons "Lost Treasure", "Magic Salvation", "Mystery of the Pirate Island", "Mystery of the Winter Forest", "Winter Story". In the projects of Disney, Fairies have a relative. Her sister has no less poetic name - forget-me-not.

Julia Roberts as Fai Ding Ding

The first cartoon in which the image of Fairy received a visual embodiment, was led by Walt Disney in 1953. After the premiere, the audience thought that the multiplier was inspired by Marilyn Monroe, but the author himself assured that he was impressed with the appearance of Margaret Kerry. At the time of the creation of the project, Kerry was already famous, and the star Monroe only went to the cinematographic sky.

The image created by Walt Disney inspired followers. Thanks to the fairytale Gail Carson Levin today Fairy Din-Ding has become an independent character. She was the heroine of numerous stories about Fay's company called "Wings". Shielding of fairy tales is demonstrated in animated variations under the label "Fairy".

Marilyn Monroe, Fairy Din-Din and Margaret Kerry

Din-Ding became the symbol of "Disney". The character image decorates branded products, promotional rollers to cartoons and children's products for small fashionistas. It is noteworthy that, despite the simple origin of the wizard, it is included in the series "Disney princesses".

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