Ingmar Bergman - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



Ingmar Bergman is a worldwide recognized director of the theater and cinema, the flagship of copyright cinema, the screenwriter and writer, who has become a classic. And Bergman is a brilliant producer, operator and actor. His paintings are the heritage of world cinema.

Director Ingmar Bergman

On the account of the Master of more than 60 artistic and documentaries and over 170 performances put on the stage of 30 theaters of Europe.

In the piggy bank of the Swedish star 3 "Oscar", 6 nominations for a statuette and fifty other prestigious awards and awards of the global film industry. The name of the Scandinavian Mother put in one row with a brilliant Louis Burniel, Akira Kurosavavoy and Federico Fellini.

Childhood and youth

The future Matcher of the copyright film was born in the summer of 1918 in the old Swedish city of Uppsala 70 km from Stockholm. Rose into the family of Lutheran pastor and a medical sister. Children - Doug, Ingram and Margaret's daughter - brought up in rigor and were subjected to corporal punishments.

Ingmar Bergman and his sister Margarita

Interest in the cinema and theatrical art of Ingmara manifested itself at 9 years old. At Christmas, the elder brother received a film projector with a kerosene lamp as a gift. "Magic lamp", as the invention was called, caused acute interest in young Bergman. The boy was so dreamed of getting him to get, which offered Dagi exchange: an expensive heart collection of tin soldiers.

Experiments with the "magic lantern" marked the beginning of the creative biography of the future director. On the washed film, Uncle helped the boy to draw figures, which ingmar with a box-camera was projected to the surface. So the first films of the Great Bergman appeared - multiplication.

Ingmar Bergman in youth

At the age of 12, the teenager first touched the magic of the real theater: they put the play on the stage of the famous compatriot - August Strindberg. The boy was allowed to be located during the performance behind the scene, and he, holding his breath, watched the actors playing in the "dream game".

The only entertainment and occupation of Ingmara Bergman has since become experiments with the projector and the homemade theater. The guy experimented with lighting, decorations, invented new productions and options for theaters. At 16, Bergman went to Germany for the exchange program for a month and a half. Ingmar got acquainted with the peer - a member of the Hitlergenda - and became interested in the ideas of NSDAP.

Ingmar Bergman in youth

In 1937, the 19-year-old Swede became a college student in Stockholm. But the main subjects - the literature and history of art - Ingmar devoted to the minimum of time: he disappeared in the youth theater, which became the main passion. Home scandals due to passes of classes in college were the cause of Ingmar's care from the parental home.

Soon Bergman finally left his studies, settled by the theater requisition and went on tour. The performance turned out to be a failure, the theater ceased to exist and the requisior was not deed. Soon Ingmar Bergman, who remained without a penny of money, settled in the Opera Theater: there was a place of the director's assistant. In his free time, he wrote the first plays.


Bergman's path to triumph began in the 1940s. The play of the young playwright was set in a student theater. The premiere was successful - they wrote about it in a popular daily tabloid. But the main thing - the performance attracted the attention of the Director of the film studio Anders Dyumling. Ingmara was invited to the film studio, entrusting to edit other people's scenarios and write their own.

Ingmar Bergman and Victor Sokstrov

Memories of the school inspired Ingmar Bergman scenario with the talking name "Travel", who fell into the field of view of the founder of Swedish cinema of Viktor Sixrem. Soon the premiere of the film, which received a warm welcome of viewers and film critics at home, in the countries of Scandinavia and America.

In 1946, the directorial debut of Ingmara Bergman was held - the drama "crisis". The picture failed at the box office, but the director was rapidly rehabilitated: in the same year, the audience saw the melodrama "Rain over our love", which had a loud success. Ingmar Bergman, in the fall of 1946, who has begun to work in the Municipal Gothenburg Theater, dreamed and continue to shoot films in its scenarios, but Bergman's producers were interested only as a screenwriter.

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In 1947, the Swedish director managed to remove the fourth picture in his scenario - drama about the blind pianist "music in the dark". The film came to the nomination of the main prize of the film festival in Venice and received commercial success. The first author's film Bergman is called the Black and White Drama "Prison", the premiere of which took place in the spring of 1949.

The 1950s opened the Cineram "Summer Interlude", which later called the most important filmography. Film critics and viewers warmly took the picture. After some calm caused by the protest of Swedish film studios against a tough tax policy in the country, Ingmar Bergman resumed shooting. In the mid-1950s, the comedy tape of the "Summer Night Smiles" came to the screens, which did not have success at Swedish spectators, but received a prize in Cannes.

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In 1957, Ingmar Bergman presented to fans a picture that entered the Golden Fund of World Cinema - Drama "Seventh Stamp". The picture was removed in record deadlines - in 35 days - in the courtyard of the film studio. The director was awarded the special prize of the Cannes Festival.

Bergman removes movies and continues to put on performances. Under the Curtain of 1957, the director presented the theatrical public to the formulation of "Misanthrop", which became the main event of the 1950s for theatrical Sweden. In the same year presented a new chain - "Strawberry Polyana", the last film for the actor and director Viktor Sixrem.

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The 1960s master opened the picture "The Devichy Source", which called the "poor imitation of Kurasava." But film critics adhered to another point of view: the drama was "Oscar".

In 1961, 1962 and 1963, three Bergman Kinodrams came out, who made the "Trilogy of Faith": "Through the dim glass", "Communion" and "Silence". The first film brought by Material the second Oscar and the nomination for the Golden Bear. The third picture was successful with a scandalous taste: there are too many frank scenes in it. A flurry of indignation resulted in threats to the director and family, but brought deafening popularity.

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In the mid-1960, the audience saw a new masterpiece of the master - the Chamber Drama "Person", in the main roles of which Bibi Andersson and Liv Ulman starred. The project trembled awards, and over time the film became the most discussed work of the Matra. A bright line under the 1960s Ingmar Bergman led the black and white anti-war drama "Shame" and the only film in the triller genre "Wolf Hour".

The 1970s were marked by four projects, later by the classics of world cinema. The psychological drama "whispering and screams" was released on the screens, a hard-moving director due to the financial crisis. Rent awarded Oscar and Grand Prix in Cannes. In general, the "whispers and screams" received 20 awards and fell in 7 nominations. No less successfully used the mini-series "Scenes from the marital life" and the musical tape "Magic Flute".

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In January 1976, the director detained police officers on charges of taxes. The following arrest and scandal in the media ended for Bergman to the nervous breakdown and three weeks of treatment in a psychiatric hospital. In April 1976, the director left his homeland in protest against bureaucratic pressure.

In emigration, Master took the chamber melodrama "Autumn Sonata". The main characters of the film played favorite actresses Bergman - Liv Ulman, Ingrid Bergman and Lena Nyman. For the Hollywood Star Ingrid Bergman - Matra Singlepamilitsa - the picture has become one of the latest works.

Director Ingmar Bergman

Abroad, the Swedish star reached the last 8 paintings. The brightest tapes - "Fanny and Alexander", "From the life of puppets" and "Face of Karin" - brought a few more prestigious awards to a piggy bank. The latest film School of Ingmara Bergman came out in 2003: This is Spin-off "scenes from the marital life" called "Sarabanda".

Personal life

Ingmar Bergman, like any creative person, was a man in love and changeable. His life decorated and overshadowed many women, five of whom became wives. The director has nine offspring, two born out of marriage.

Ingmar Bergman and his first wife Els Fisher

The first legitimate wife of Marta became Els Fisher, an artist from the troupe of the Stray Theater, to which Ingmar joke after the college leaves. In 1943, a woman gave birth to a spouse of Lena daughter.

Ingmar Bergman and Gong Gun

After 2 years, the place of Else took her friend Ellen Lundstrem, which Fisher recommended her husband like a choreographer. In 1948, the second wife gave a twin husband. Family troubles and lack of money killed romance in a couple of relationships.

Ingmar fell in love with a journalist Gong Gong, born his son. Shortly after the appearance of the son, Ingmar Bergman changed his wife. Followed divorce.

Cayby Larlet and Ingmar Bergman

In 1959, the personal life of the Swedish star again made a steep turn: Ingmar led to the crown of the famous Pianist Cayby Larketi. But 7 years of cloudless life on the villa ended with parting: on the set of "Persons", the director became interested in the Norwegian star Liv Ulman.

Ingmar Bergman and his wife Ingrid Van Rosen

For a spouse, he built a family nest on the island of the island. In 1967, Liv gave birth to his wife's daughter, but soon left the island house: the family ship was crashed. Ingoma and the peace of Ingmar Bergman found with the fifth wife - Ingrid Van Rosen.

Books Ingmar Bergman

In 1987, Bergman presented the book to the book, in which he shared children's memories and stories about working on the first performances and films. In 2006, a collection of "Cruel World of Cinema" came out, which included two books of memoirs - "Latern Magika" and "paintings", interviews and articles.


In 1995, the director buried his favorite ingrid. After her death, Bergman retired in the house at the Fore, where his occasion was visited by friends and children.

Grave of Ingmara Bergman

The classic of world cinema died in the summer of 2007. Bergman went quiet, in a dream, 2 weeks after the 89th birthday.

Buried the director on the island. A year later, at the request of the native Matra, the fifth spouse transported the North Cemetery and buried next to her husband. Their overall grave crowned a stone with the names and dates of death of the pair.


  • 1946 - "Rain over our love"
  • 1948 - "Music in the Dark"
  • 1955 - "Summer Night Smiles"
  • 1957 - "Seventh Print"
  • 1957 - "Strawberry Polyana"
  • 1961 - "Through the dim glass"
  • 1962 - "Communion"
  • 1963 - "Silence"
  • 1966 - "Person"
  • 1968 - "Shame"
  • 1972 - "Shepotes and screams"
  • 1973 - "Scenes from married life"
  • 1975 - "Magic Flute"
  • 1978 - "Autumn Sonata"
  • 1982 - "Fanny and Alexander"
  • 2003 - "Sarabanda"

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