Nikolay Grinko - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



In domestic cinema a lot of forgotten names. The owner of one of them is Nikolay Grinko. He embodied on the screen more than a hundred images, but a few people remember him today. Ginko began an artistic career on the stage, and later, more than years, played in the best paintings of the master of philosophical cinema.

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born in 1920. His childhood passed in Ukraine, in the city of Kherson. As a schoolboy, he spent a lot of time behind the scenes. Father played on the scene of the local theater. Mother worked as an assistant director. Nikolai dreamed about the acting career from an early age. I first went to the scene for the first time.

Nikolay Grinko in youth

After graduating from school, Nikolai decided to try his hand at the theater school. However, it was not possible to enter the first attempt. War violated the plans of the future artist. Theatrical university, he could not finish and after. However, this did not prevent themselves in the paintings of Tarkovsky, parajanov, Bykov, Bondarchuk.


During the war, Ginko participated in artistic amateur activities. In 1945, it was arranged to work entertainer. Then he spoke with small entrepreneurs. Its growth was 193 cm, which determined the nature of the comic numbers. During one of these scenes, he appeared in the image of the "White Swan" than caused the stormy delight of the audience.

Nikolay Grinko in the film

The actor in his youth played the violin. He did not receive a special education, but he always showed interest to music. However, the real passion was cinema. The first film with the participation of Nikolai Grinc - "Taras Shevchenko", released on screens in 1951. In this picture he played a secondary character - a serf peasant. After the film, the actor did not offer serious roles for a long time. He starred in several films, but played secondary heroes.

In 1963 he was accepted on a film studio. Dovzhenko. The actor possessed an unusual bright appearance and ability to amazing metamorphosis. But something prevented him for a long time to realize his potential.

Nikolay Grinko in the film

On Film Studio, Dovzhenko Ginko did not give major roles, despite the rare ability to reincarnate. The takeoff of the career came to work at Mosfilm. Here the directors reviewed the multifaceted talent of the Ukrainian actor.

In the metropolitan film studio he played peasants, partisans, teachers, monks. In 1969, he fulfilled the role of Anton Chekhov. Externally, Ginko really reminded Russian writer. Actor photo once showed Yuri Yakovlev. And he accepted a colleague by the author of the "Cherry Garden".

Nikolay Grinc in the role of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Still, entering the image of Chekhov Grinko managed due to not so much external similarity as talent and persistence. He treated seriously to his profession, believed that the talented actor does not play himself. The True Guide, argued Grinco, is subject to a variety of images. Once he said:

"I love actors who seek to move away from their" I "."

Ginko's creative flourishing fell in the 60s. During this period, his filmography was replenished with bright, memorable work. But later, he did not suffer from the lack of proposals. It was easily given comic images. In addition, Grinko possessed a rare plastic, the ability to improvisation. In the Children's film of 1979, removed on the fantastic work of Evgenia Wellistov, he fulfilled the role of Professor Gromov. In the adaptation of the fairy tale, Alexei Tolstoy played Pap Carlo.

Nikolay Grinko in the film

In 1961, Nikolai Grinko met a novice director who offered to play in the film on the story of M. Bogomolov. Cinemawork is called "Ivanovo Childhood." Director - Tarkovsky. Foreign critics appreciated a non-standard directorial approach. The executor of the leading role - N. Bullyaev - became famous. With the filming of film rewards in the Venetian Film Festival, friendship and joint work of Tarkovsky and Grinko began.

Shortly before death, the actor gave an interview for the Journal "Soviet Screen", in which he spoke about working with the director. To be filmed from Tarkovsky in 1961 he did not want. Ahead of Grinko, tired of hard work, then there was a long-awaited vacation that he planned to spend the lake near Kaneva. It turned out that the shooting pictures will go through there.

Nikolay Grinko in the film

Nikolay Grinko accepted the offer then still unknown cinematographer only because it was a rare opportunity to combine work with fishing. The actor arrived at the set, got acquainted with the script. The idea of ​​the film for him was then incomprehensible. Grinko by that time was an artist who had already been a clear idea of ​​what a military film was.

Artistic vision of Tarkovsky went out for the usual framework. In his film there were no guns, no tanks, nor large-scale collisions. The talent of this director Nikolay Grinko appreciated only at the premiere of the film.

Nikolay Grinko in the film

In the mid-60s, Tarkovsky offered the actor a role in the biographic kinoframe about the Russian icon painter. Later, an artist and other films were invited to other films, who later became the classics of deep philosophical cinema later for cinematographers and spectators. In the creative biography of Gilco, working with the Soviet director, who became a wizard of a global scale, takes not the last place.

Nikolai Gilco's ancestors were Zaporozhye Cossacks. And therefore he always wanted to play in the Ukrainian cinema. But in his homeland, he starred in just 40 films. It really was appreciated only on Mosfilm. He worked the masterfully. But it was also difficult to come out of the image. The widow of the actor somehow recalled that after the execution of the role of Chekhov, he had changed the image of thoughts, Mimica, a look.

The last role of Nikolay Grinko in the film

At the sunset, the artist, who remembered by the young spectators, thanks to the image of the adopted Father, Pinocchio, played in the V. Bortko drama. The picture "One Salguard ..." received a prize at the festival in Spain. The role of Academician Sheshko is one of the latest films Ginko.

Personal life

For the first time, Nikolai Ginko married shortly after the end of the war. But this marriage quickly collapsed. The personal life of the actor would have formed differently, if not love for music.

Nikolay Grinko and his wife Aishe

At the beginning of the 50s at the Gunco concert, he met a violinist from the Dnipro ensemble. Her name was Aisha, she studied at the conservatory. They got married and lived together with happy 30 years. Aishe, being a talented violinist, refused musical career. Gilco did not have children.


At the end of the 80s, the actor discovered the incurable disease. He died in Kiev in April 1989. The cause of death is leukemia. On the facade of the house where he spent last years, a memorable board is installed. In his honor, the street is named in Kherson.

The grave of Nikolai Grink

The actor is buried at the bike cemetery. To establish a monument on the grave of her husband, Aisha sold jewelry. On the memory left only a gift from the father and the engagement ring.


For a forty-year career in the cinema Nikolai Ginko played in 130 paintings. The latter came out a year after his death.

  • 1962 - "Ivanovo Childhood."
  • 1965 - "death of a squadron."
  • 1966 - "bad anecdot".
  • 1966 - "Andrei Rublev".
  • 1967 - "Silent Odessa".
  • 1972 - "Solaris".
  • 1973 - "Ring".
  • 1975 - "Afonya".
  • 1975 - "Adventures of Buratino."
  • 1987 - "SOME LIGHT ..."

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