Ivan-Tsarevich - character biography, image and character of the main characters, quotes


Character History

Hero of Russian folk fairy tales. It usually passes through a series of tests, solves some complicated and risky task, performs heroic acts. The father of the hero is called the King of Berendia, and the spouses in different fairy tales are the Vasilisa to do, the daughter of Koschery (a fairy tale of the princess frog), then Marya Morrevna is a steppe warrior and carrier of the witchcraft strength, Elena is beautiful.

History of creation

Russian folk tales about Ivan Tsarevich are usually built by a certain pattern. The hero has older relatives - the origins of Ivan at the beginning of the fairy tale of the sisters and brothers over which the hero is extolled in the final. The king father promises his son to a certain powerful exterior counterpart (sea or underground king) or a wizard before the birth of Ivan. The fabulous plot can describe how the hero runs from the possessions of such a character.

Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf

The crowned Tsarevich also goes to the wanderings to find a kind of magic thing or an animal (for example, a fire-bird that flies into the king's garden and pecks there with molding apples). On the way, the hero has an animal assistant (for example, a gray wolf).

Ivan-Tsarevich and Firebird

Tsarevich can save the magic horse, and it remains in the service of the hero. An animal assistant returns the deceased Hero to life or kills the enemies of Ivan Tsarevich (for example, evil brothers). A number of fabulous scenes are also associated with the search for the missing wife, which Ivan-Tsarevich has kidnapped the evil immortal enorter whale. A typical assistant in the fight against the blazes is a forest witch Baba Yaga.

Image and plot

The image of Ivan-Tsarevich in Russian folk fairy tales has a dual characteristic. As a positive character, Ivan-Tsarevich appears in those plots, where it struggles with evil and helps weak. The hero himself may not know that he is the royal son, to be lost in childhood.

At the beginning of the fairy tale, the hero pursue the enemies, Ivan Pohele. The royal dignity of the hero returns at the end of the fairy tales. As a reward for perfect exploits, he gets the throne, finds the parents who lost him.

Ivan-Tsarevich and Tsarevna-Frog

If the hero starts the way, already being Tsarevich, then at the end of the fairy tales of Ivan the wife-princess, half of someone else's kingdom, a magical horse or a magical subject as a reward.

In those plots, where Ivan Tsarevich is opposed to the hero of "from the people", for example, the fishing son, Tsarevich himself becomes a negative character. Here Ivan-Tsarevich demonstrates anger and hemita, trying to take away from the positive heroes award that they deserved, or to destroy them at all. In the final, Tsarevich remains alive, but punished and posted.


Ivan-Tsarevich once appeared in the cinema and many times - in cartoons. The hero appeared in the Soviet cartoons "Tsarevna Frog" (1954 and 1971), and "Vasilisa beautiful" (1977). In the 1985 film bar of the exit "After the rain on Thursday", the role of Ivan Tsarevich is played by actor Vladislav Toldov.

Vladislav Toldovkov as Ivan Tsarevich

In 2011, the first picture was published from the Ivan-Tsarevich and Gray Wolf cartoon cycle. Studio animation cinema "Mill". Ivan here begins as a simple rustic guy.

The hero dreams of becoming a firefighter, but accidentally turns out to be the "first oncoming", for which the angry king-father under the hot hand decides to issue his daughter who threw him - Tsarevna Vasilis. Heroes, against the will declared the bride and groom, fall in love with each other, but they have a lot of tests ahead.

In the second cartoon cycle of Ivan-Tsarevich, performs the functions of the military minister and is tightly busy with state affairs, while the wife of the hero, Vasilisa, languages ​​from idleness.

Ivan-Tsarevich - character biography, image and character of the main characters, quotes 1594_5

The heroes quarrel, and to river them, the king and the cat, the scientist decide to arrange a comic abduction of Vasilisa and attract the former villain to this case, but now the Circus Artist of the Black Sea. The abduction, however, quickly ceases to be comic ...

In the third cartoon cycle, Tsar-Batyushka retires, and in the trident kingdom, Ivan remains together with the gray wolf. An optional hero is sent with Vasilisa to a wedding trip on the carpet-plane, throwing the kingdom to the arbitrariness of frightened, which comes to life and establishes its own orders in the kingdom ...

About when the fourth part of the cartoon will be released, there is no accurate information yet. In the cartoons of the animation studio "Mill" hand drawn Ivan Tsarevich, actor Nikita Efremov is voiced.

Ivan-Tsarevich - character biography, image and character of the main characters, quotes 1594_6

In 2013, the Ukrainian cartoon "How to catch the feather of the feather-birds" was released on the screens, where Ivan-Tsarevich goes to seek the firebird, obeying the will of the Father - Tsar Berendeya. In the cartoon, the classic elements of Russian folk fairy tales are combined with modern humor and musical accompaniment in the genre of rock music.

Interesting Facts

  • Ivan-Tsarevich, as well as other characters of Russian folklore, repeatedly inspired artists. The character was especially loved by Viktor Vasnetsov, Master of Folklore Painting (paintings "Fight Ivan Tsarevich with a snake", "Ivan-Tsarevich on a gray wolf"). The painting "Ivan-Tsarev and Frog-Kubashka", belonging to the brush of Ivan Bilibina, the artist of the late XIX - the first half of the twentieth century.
  • In 1975, the studio "Diafstilm" released Color Film in the Fairy Tale "Ivan-Tsarevich and Gray Wolf", created by the artist P. Bagin.
Ivan-Tsarevich - character biography, image and character of the main characters, quotes 1594_7
  • The name Ivan-Tsarevich took itself as the name of the Russian folk metal group, founded in 1999. The group works at the junction of heavy metal and folk-epic motifs. Released three studio albums. The famous song of the group is "Living Metal".
  • Among the characters of the science fiction writer Kira Bulychev, the creator of the book cycle about Alis Selezneva, there is a certain citizen named Ivan Ivanovich Tsarevich.
Ivan-Tsarevich - character biography, image and character of the main characters, quotes 1594_8
  • Ivan-Tsarevich became the character of the "Girl" computer game "Wedding Vasilisa". The game is made based on the cartoon "Mill" studio. In the game Vasilisa chooses a dress and is preparing for his own wedding, for which you need to decorate the chambers, bake a cake, send invitations and so on.
  • In 2012, Egmont Russia LTD publisher issued a children's book "Ivan Tsarevich and a gray wolf. In the thirty kingdom of the authorship of Sergei Georgiev.
Ivan-Tsarevich - character biography, image and character of the main characters, quotes 1594_9
  • Moscow Theater Commonwealth of Taganka actors under the leadership of Nikolai Gubenko put a fabulous play for children "Ivan-Tsarevich, gray wolf and others" with original costumes. For example, Koschey in the formulation goes in the form of a German officer of the Second World War.
  • The Masters of the Ural Stamneza Workshop "Svyatogor" was released in 2012-2015 a series of jewelry figurines of unusually skilled work from a diverse stone, a fossil tree and metal. Figurines depict the characters of Russian folk fairy tales. Among them there is one, depicting Ivan-Tsarevich riding on a gray wolf, which rushes away from the chase along with the abducted Elena beautiful.


"I am her from all sorts of trouble. Live, rejoice yes children give birth! So there is no, give her reforms! And the skin of the face is spoiled and skin skin. And what mother are you after that, if all of the work tired and ugly? "" Are you already here? Well done! And said: "Why workout, why workout?" "It is wrong! They will be, Natopchut - will not push around! "" Ivan: - Why do you pretend?

Snake Gorynych: - What is I pretending to?

Ivan: - You pretend to be evil, and you are kind.

Snake Gorynych: - You are thinking about what you say. I said - the axis evil. "

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