Sergey Kapitsa - biography, photo, personal life, quotes, books, death



Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa continued the scientific work of the dynasty of Russian scientists. He led educational activities, studied physics, consisted of membership of the Russian Academy of Sciences (vice president). From under Sergey Kapitsa, the magazine "in the world of science" came out. For 39 years, Sergey Kapitsa led the TV show "Obvious-Incredible" and did not leave the post to death.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa was born on February 14, 1928 in the city of Cambridge. The parents of the scientist were a professor, the laureate of the Nobel Prize Petr Leonidovich Kapitsa and Anna Alekseevna Krylova - Housewife, Daughter Alexei Nikolaevich Krylov. Grandfather on the mother's line reached heights in shipbuilding and mechanics, was an academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences / Academy of Sciences of the USSR. The younger brother - Andrei Petrovich Kapitsa - achieved heights in geography and geomorphology, since 1970 - Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Sergey Kapitsa as a child

In the infancy of the brothers baptized. The Russian physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov became the godfather of Little Sergey. At seven years, the future scientist went to the Cambridge School. In 1934, Peter Leonidovich went on affairs in Russia and did not return. The authorities of the country did not release the Father Sergey from the USSR to England. And a year after leaving her husband, Anna Alekseevna went to her husband to Moscow.

Sergey Kapitsa in youth

In the terrible period of World War II, Kapitsa and Natives went to Kazan and remained in the city until the end of the fighting. Sergey Petrovich studied in the form of externalate and received a certificate in 1943, in 15 years. Then, returning back to the capital, submitted documents to the Aviation Institute and studied at the Faculty of aircraft construction.

The science

After graduation in 1949, he worked in the Central Aero Hydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky, where he investigated the problems of heat transfer and aerodynamic heating at high flow rates. Then, over the course of two years, he led the research work, taking the position of a junior researcher at the Geophysic Institute.

In 1953, he began research at the Institute of Physical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). After a while he was entrusted to head the laboratory. Then followed the position of a leading researcher and followed by the Chief Researcher. At the Institute of Physical Problems, he worked until 1992. In 1953 he received a candidate degree in physical and mathematical sciences.

From 1956 led classes at the Moscow Physical and Technology. In 1961 he defended the degree of the doctor in the field of physico-mathematical sciences on the topic "Microtron", after which Sergey Petrovich was assigned the title of professor. He held the position of head of the Department of General Physics in the Physico-Technical Institute. Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa - a supporter of independent activities of students and, heading the department, introduced a similar approach to educational practice.

Head of the Department Sergey Kapitsa

In 1957, he became interested, and then took up swimming under water. He entered the first founders of the Soviet aqualanga and even mastered the scuba. Subsequently received a diver certificate at number 0002.

Sergey Kapitsa did not bypassed the world of literature. The first published book "Life of Science" saw the light in 1973. It contains introductory words and prefaces of the enlightenment to world scientific papers, starting with Copernicus and Darwin. The publication of the book became a prerequisite for the creation of the brainchild of Sergei Kapitsa - the scientific program "Obvious-Incredible". In 2008, the capital was awarded the prestigious "Teffi" premium as a permanent leading TV program. They noted the achievements of the researcher in the formation of Russian television.

Sergey Kapitsa

In 1983, the researcher organized a magazine, which called "in the world of science", and stood in the head of the printed publication. In 2000, he founded the Nikitsky Club. The association was created to coherely the great minds of Russia.

In 2006, Sergey Kapitsa was invited to the presidential post of the International Festival of Scientific-Popular Cinema "The World of Knowledge".

Professor Sergey Kapitsa

Shortly before death, the scientist engaged in the problems of modern society, globalization and demographics, issued articles on this issue and published the book "General population growth theory".

Sergey Petrovich played a significant role in the development of cleriotamics. The name of Sergei Petrovich Kapitsa is known to every novice researcher. He is the main popularizer of science in the country, and the quotes and statements of the professors are found in scientific treatments.

Personal life

The personal life of the scientist has developed successfully. In 1949, he was combined with a marriage with Tatyana Alimova Damir. The girl was brought up in the family of Alima Matveyevich Damira. Future spouses first met, resting on a country cottage with friends in 1948. A year later, Sergey Petrovich made an offer to the hand and hearts Tatyana Alimovna, and soon they got married.

Sergey Kapitsa and his wife Tatiana

Sergey Petrovich and Tatiana Alimovna built a strong family and lived together for 63 years. The spouses were born three children - the heir Fyodor and two beautiful daughters - Maria and Varbara. Over the years, Tatiana Alimovna has become a true friend and comrade for her husband. Once, the interviewer asked the professor, which of his achievements he considers the largest, and Sergey Petrovich, without thinking, replied: "Marriage on Tanya."

Sergey Kapitsa in recent years

At Professor in 1986, an attempt was made by a mentally unhealthy person. The attacker came to the lecture hall and attacked the ax in Sergey Kapitsa. The scientist received serious damage and hit the hospital, but then again took up work.

In 2008, the stores of Sergey Kapitsa "My memories" appeared in the stores. In memoirs, he described his life and the difficulties faced in detail. In the publication, Professor shared photos from the family archive.


Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa died on August 14, 2012 in Moscow in 84 years. The cause of death served as a liver cancer. Tatyana Alimovna lived a year after the death of her husband and left on August 28, 2013. In honor of the scientist, a memorial plaque was opened on February 14, 2013.

Awards and achievements

Scientific activity

  • Author 4 monographs, dozens of articles, 14 inventions and 1 opening.
  • The creator of the phenomenological mathematical model of hyperbolic growth in the population of the Earth's population. For the first time proved the fact of hyperbolic growth of the population of the Earth under 1 n. NS.

Awards and Prize

  • 1979 - Prize Kaligni (UNESCO)
  • 1980 - The USSR State Prize for the organization of TV shows "Obvious - Incredible"
  • Prize wounds for popularizing science
  • 2002 - Government Prize of the Russian Federation in Education
  • 2006 - the Order of the Honor of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree (2011)
  • 2012 - Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences for outstanding achievements in the field of propaganda of scientific knowledge


  • 1981 - Science and media
  • 2000 - model of growth of the population of the Earth and the economic development of humanity
  • 2004 - Global Demographic Revolution and the Future of Mankind
  • 2004 - about the acceleration of historical time
  • 2005 - Asymptotic methods and their strange interpretation.
  • 2005 - Global Demographic Revolution
  • 2006 - Global Population Blow-up and After.The DEMGRAPHIC REVOLUTION AND INFORMATION SOCIETY.
  • 2007 - Demographic Revolution and Russia.
  • 2010 - Growth paradoxes: laws of human development.

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