Ivan Ryzhov - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



Ivan Ryzhov is a talented Soviet actor, fully implemented on the theater scene, and in kinocadra. Each role of Ivan Petrovich was remembered to the audience, and the quotes of his heroes from the films "Kalina Red" and "Gypsy" are even now recalling kinomans.

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born on January 25, 1913. Motherland Ryzhova - a village called Green Sloboda (now it is the Ramensky district of the Moscow region). Parents Ivan Petrovich were peasants. Since childhood, the boy got used to heavy work and did not even think about the career of the actor. However, as often happens, everything decided. The school class Ryzhova once was lucky to Moscow, where children went to the theater. From the moment the scene has become a boy's dream.

Ivan Ryzhov in youth

Ivan Ryzhov cherished the "escape" plan to the capital. Up to 17, the young man worked in the collective farm and even held the position of brigadier. But then still decided to try his own strength and went to conquer Moscow. Ryzhov managed to enroll in the acting school in the theater of the revolution. In 1935, Ivan Petrovich graduated from studying, becoming a certified actor and opening a new page of his own biography.


Immediately after the school, Ryzhov entered the service to the theater of the revolution, on the stage of which and went out until 1940. Then the actor was invited to the film studio of the "Union-free" (now this is the Maxim Gorky film studio). The first film with the participation of Ivan Ryzhova was a year earlier. It was a picture of "Kuban", where Ivan Petrovich appeared in the form of Esula Soroki. The first role in the cinema did not bring the actor of crazy popularity, but it became useful experience in the frame.

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Following the first role, other filmmakers followed, the filmography of Ivan Ryzhov was gradually replenished with new images. The actor played in the paintings "in the rear of the enemy", "First Print Ivan Fedorov", "Kashing immortal". Ivan Petrovich perfectly managed and episodic characters, and the heroes of the second plan.

According to critics, in the youth, Ivan Ryzhov, despite the impressive list of works, failed to find his own role. His characters from the "Auditor", "Tale of the Earth of Siberian" and even "quiet Don" (according to the same name of the work of Vasily Shukshin) were not the best roles of the actor. But closer to the 50-year-old anniversary, the actor still found a niche, in which the audience and directors were loved by: the image of a santa, good-natured and wisdom of life wisdom.

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This actor was represented by fans: rustic, but invariably kind and popular wise. And, according to the colleagues Ivan Ryzhov, such an artist and was in real life - always ready to support advice and participation. Interestingly, Ivan Petrovich almost did not use makeup: for his roles there were enough false mustache and beards. Photo Ivan Ryzhova at that time was kept, perhaps in the collection of each fan of cinema.

Ivan Ryzhova for a long time did not get the main roles, the characters of the actor were in the best case secondary. However, each image actor played out as if the fate of the film was depended on it.

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Her heroes of Andron Ovchinnikov in the picture "Shadows disappear at noon", senior master in the "incorrect liar", a house "in the touching film" White Bim Black Ear ", Chairman of the collective farm in the film" You are waiting for you to exclaim the desire in the auditor: "I believe ! ".

The first major role went to Ivan Ryzhov in 1976. We are talking about the picture of Alexander Mitty "Tale about how King Peter Arape married." Here the actor appeared in the form of Boyaru Gavrila Rtishchev. Arape Ibrahim Hannibal played Vladimir Vysotsky, his beloved Natalia - Actress Irina Mazurkevich, in the form of Peter I, the audience saw Alexey Petrenko.

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In 1980, Ivan Ryzhova was awarded the title of the People's Artist of the RSFSR. On the set, the actor worked without a small up to 90 years. The last picture involving Ivan Petrovich - "Pioneer Mary Picford" was published in 1995.

Personal life

Personal life Ivan Ryzhova has developed happily: it turned out that Ivan Petrovich - Odnolyub. Actress Nina Nikolskaya became the only woman in Life's life. With the future wife, Ivan Petrovich met in the walls of his native "SoyuzTolf Film", where a pretty girl came to get a job. In an interview, Ivan Ryzhov recalled that at first glance fell in love with Nina Nikolskaya, but because of the jewelry constantly repeated the girl that she was not a couple completely. But such words absolutely did not confuse Nikolskaya.

Ivan Ryzhov and his wife Nina Nikolskaya

Lovers soon began to live together, not painting, and in 1941, before evacuation in Tajikistan, the official marriage was registered. In an interview, the actor admitted that he would like to educate many children. But only one daughter was born at the pair. The girl was called Tatiana.

According to the familiar and friends of the family of redheads, the actor's house has always been opened for guests, and the relationship of the spouses could only be envied. Nina Nikolskaya left life in 2003. Ivan Petrovich until the last day cared for the sick wife and was seriously worried about her death.


After the death of his beloved wife, the health of the actor finally shaken. However, Ivan Ryzhov died not because of the disease: the tragedy happened in a ridiculous accident. Ivan Petrovich was spinning his head, and the man fell, heavily cut the hand of the glass into the door. Arriving "ambulance" took the artist to the hospital named after Sergei Botkin, but for some reason, the doctors did not even stop the bleeding, only rewound the hand with a bandage.

For a long time to expire blood, no one approached the man, the duty nurse could not receive a doctor. When the doctors still sewed the wound, it was too late. For an elderly person, such blood loss was deadly.

Grave Ivan Ryzhova

The actor's heart did not stand the load. It is noteworthy that none of the doctors learned in a modest elderly man of a nationwide beloved artist. On March 15, 2004, Ivan Ryzhov died.

Sadly, the death of the actor remained almost unnoticed. Panhid took place in a small temple at the hospital. Only relatives and several former colleagues came to the farewell. The grave of Ivan Ryzhova is located on a reheeze cemetery in the Moscow region.


  • 1939 - "Kubans"
  • 1944 - "Hading immortal"
  • 1955 - "Sailor Chizhik"
  • 1958 - "Hard happiness"
  • 1960 - "Aleshkin Love"
  • 1963 - "Monday - a heavy day"
  • 1964 - "Tale of the Lost Time"
  • 1968 - "Ugryum River"
  • 1972 - "Stoves-shop"
  • 1973 - "Kalina Red"
  • 1984 - "Silent Water Deep"
  • 1988 - "Christmas Trees"
  • 1991 - "Tsar Ivan Grozny"
  • 1993 - "Life and the extraordinary adventures of the soldier Ivan Chonkin"
  • 1995 - "Eagle and Rusk"

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