Zhores Alferov - biography, photo, personal life, Nobel Prize, cause of death



Zhores Alferov is a living legend of domestic science. A scientist whose discoveries became the basis for creating modern electronic devices. Our world is no longer possible to imagine without lasers, semiconductors, LEDs and fiber optic networks. All this has become available to humanity thanks to the inventions of Jores Alferov and young scientists brought up.

The merits of the Russian (in the past - Soviet) physics are highly marked in all corners of the Earth and even in space. The asteroid (3884) Alferov is the name of the Nobel Prize laureate, Academician RAS and an honorary member of international scientific communities.

Childhood and youth

The childhood of the scientist fell into difficult years. The world has changed a lot since Ivan Karpovich Alföhrov and Anna Vladimirovna Rosenblum was born a junior son in the family of Communists Ivan Karpovich. Senior Son Parents called Marx (he died in the last days of Korsun-Shevchenkovsky battle), and the youngest received a name in honor of Jean Zhorses, the leader of the French Socialists.

Zhores Alferov in childhood

Born on March 15, 1930 in Vitebsk, a child before the war managed to erect together with the parents of Stalingrad, Novosibirsk, Barnaul and Sizhstroy. If the family of Alferova remained to live in Belarus, the world science could incur a huge loss, and without learning about him. Anna Rosenblum's nationality would have the cause of death and mother, and the Son from the hands of the Nazis.

Zhores Alferov in youth

The years of World War II family lived in the Sverdlovsk region, but normally learn from the school to the future scientist at that time did not happen. However, upon returning to Minsk, Zhores quickly soldered a missed time. School finished with a gold medal. Now this school is called gymnasium №42 and wears the name of the famous student.

Teacher Physics Yakov Borisovich Melcornzon noted the ability of the young man and recommended to enter the energy faculty of the Belarusian Polytech. Deciding with the circle of scientific interests, Alferov was transferred to LETI. In 1952 he began his scientific career.

The science

The graduate dreamed of working in Fiztech under the direction of Abraha Fedorovich Ioffe. The physico-technical institute was in the post-war legend. In a joke, he was called "kindergarten Ioffe" - it was there that the young Landau, Semenov and Kapitsa grew. There, Zhores Ivanovich became part of the team that created the first Soviet transistors.

Scientist Zhores Alferov

Transistors became theme for candidate thesis of a young scientist. Subsequently, Zhores Ivanovich switched to the study of heterostructures (artificial crystals) and the movement of light and other types of radiation in them. In his laboratory worked with lasers, already in 1970, the world's first solar panels were created there. They equipped satellites, they supplied the electricity orbital station "Peace".

Classes of applied science walked in parallel with the teaching work. Zhorez Ivanovich wrote books and articles. He led the Department of Optoelectronics and personally selected students. Schoolchildren who enthusized with physics attended its annual lectures "Physics and Life".

Professor Jorees Alferov

Now at the Academic University, the permanent rector of which is Zhores Alfers, operates the lyceum "Physical and Technical School." The lyceum is the lower step of the scientific and educational institution, which includes a powerful research center. Academician sees the future of Russian science in lyceists.

"The future of Russia is science and technology, and not the sale of raw materials. And the future of the country is not for oligarchs, but for someone from my students. "

This quotation from the public speech of Jorees Ivanovich reveals the faith of a scientist in the victory of an inquisitive mind over the desire of enrichment.

Personal life

Perhaps the first scientific success of the scientist contributed to the failure of his personal life. The first marriage of Zhorses Ivanovich collapsed with a scandal. Beautiful wife, with the help of influential Georgian relatives, suggested her husband with a divorce of a Leningrad apartment. Only a motorcycle and clamshell remained in the property of Alferov, on which he spent the night in the laboratory. The rupture of the relationship led to the complete loss of her father's relationship with her daughter.

Zhores Alferov and his wife Tamara

A secondary scientist married only in 1967, and this marriage has resist the test of time. Together with Tamara Darus Zhores brought up her daughter Irina and the common son of Ivan. The birth of the Son coincided with another event in the biography - receiving the Lenin Prize. Children have long grown, Zhores Ivanovich managed to become a grandfather. He has two grandson and granddaughter.

Last years

The authority of a scientist in world science is based on more than 500 scientific papers and almost a hundred of inventions. But the activities of the Nobel laureate were not limited to physics. In the summer of 2017, in the walls of the University of Samara, academician read an open lecture on the topic: "Albert Einstein, Socialism and the Modern World," which revealed the issues of interaction between scientists and rulers.

Deputy Jorees Alferov

In his speeches, the scientist called the situation of science in Russia terrifying and defended the rights of the Russian Academy of Sciences on self-government and decent financing. The scientist believed that the state should provide citizens with free medicine, education and housing, and otherwise this structure is useless.

Zhorez Ivanovich was directly involved in government management. Back in 1989, he was chosen by the USSR People's Deputy from the Academy of Sciences. Since then, the academician was constantly elected to the Russian Duma, actively defending the interests of scientists and ordinary citizens.

Zhores Alferov in 2017

In August 2017, Forbes Journal turned on Zhorses Alferov in a hundred most influential Russians of the last century. Despite the solid age, the Nobel laureate on the video and the photo looked cheerful and confident.


On March 2, 2019, Zhores Alferov died at the age of 88. As Journalists, the head physician of the Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences Oleg Chagunava, the cause of the death of the Nobel laureate became acute cardiovary and pulmonary failure. On the eve of Alfers, several months were observed with physicians with a complaint about hypertension.

The organization of the funeral of the famous physics took on the Communist Party.

Awards and achievements

  • 1959 - Order "Honor Sign"
  • 1971 - The Medal of Stuart Ballandine (USA)
  • 1972 - Lenin Prize
  • 1975 - Order of the Red Banner
  • 1978 - Huglet-Pakcardian Prize (European Physical Society)
  • 1980 - Order of the October Revolution
  • 1984 - USSR State Prize
  • 1986 - Order of Lenin
  • 1987 - Gold Medal of Heinrich Velker (Symposium on GaAs)
  • 1989 - The Karpinsky Prize (Germany)
  • 1993 - XLIX Mendeleevsky Reader
  • 1996 - Prize named after A. F. Ioffe (RAS)
  • 1998 - Honorary Dr. SPbGUP
  • 1999 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" III degree
  • 1999 - Demidov Prize (Scientific Demidov Fund)
  • 1999 - Gold Medal named after A. S. Popova (RAS)
  • 2000 - Nobel Prize (Sweden)
  • 2000 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" II degree
  • 2000 - Nick Hollyaka Prize (America Optical Society)
  • 2001 - Order of Francis Skorne (Belarus)
  • 2001 - Kyoto Prize (Japan)
  • 2001 - Prize V. I. Vernadsky (Ukraine)
  • 2001 - Russian National Olympus Award. Title "Legend Man"
  • 2002 - State Prize of the Russian Federation
  • 2002 - Gold Medal SPIE
  • 2002 - Reward "Golden Plate" (USA)
  • 2003 - Order of Prince Yaroslav Wise V degree (Ukraine)
  • 2005 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" I degree
  • 2005 - International Energy Prize "Global Energy"
  • 2008 - the title and Medal of the Honor Professor of the MFTI
  • 2009 - the Order of the Friendship of Peoples (Belarus)
  • 2010 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree
  • 2010 - Medal "For Contribution to the Development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology" from UNESCO
  • 2011 - the title "Honorary Dr. Russian-Armenian (Slavic) University"
  • 2013 - International Karl Boaer Prize
  • 2015 - Order of Alexander Nevsky
  • 2015 - Gygjevi Nizami Gold Medal (Azerbaijan)
  • 2015 - the title of "Honorary Professor Mim"

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