Valentin Belkevich - biography, photo, personal life, football, death



Valentin Belkevich is a repeated champion of national championships, winner of cups, a successful footballer with the maximum number of titles in Belarus. But the popularity in show business, a young man acquired at the expense of personal relationship with the singer Anna Sedokova.

Childhood and youth

Valentin Nikolaevich Belkevich was born in Minsk on January 27, 1973. Valentine's childhood and family is practically known, as he often repeated that personal life is personal, so as not to talk about it. Valentin grew up in a simple Belarusian family. His mother Valentina Kapustina taught Russian in one of the Minsk universities, and his father worked as a historian.

Valentin Belkevich

As a child, Valentine was taken to the children-youth sports school on the football section. Mikhail Stepanovich Brotherya became coaching coach. Already after the death of the ward, the coach recalls that Nikolay Belkevich objected to the Son Society.

Valentine did not fit with study, and his father wanted to see his son to the heir to the dynasty of scientists. But on the football field, the young man seemed among the best. Nevertheless, the Father did not appreciate the efforts of the child, often even a sports form and shoes picked up Belkevich coach, as his father did not consider it necessary to acquire sports accessories.

Valentin Belkevich in youth

Considering that the parents of the young athlete were divorced and each of them built a new family, grandmothers engaged in education. For a long time, the grandmother drove Valentine to workout until he became more independent.

Alexander Khacksevich, Alexander Khacksevich, was engaged in one sports section with Valentin, who was much later, Bealekevich met as part of Dynamo Football Club. The guys began friends in childhood, often chased the ball outside the workouts. Unlike impulsive and temperamental Hatskevich, Valentine always behaved intelligently, listened to the coach, observed discipline, not a hooligan.


Valentin's first professional match held as part of the Football Club of the Minsk Dynamo. The debut of the young football player took place in the 1991-1992 season. Then Valentine played with the Ukrainian club from Zhitomir. With Dynamo, Belkevich received two times the title of Champion of Belarus. Improving professional skills, Valentin has repeatedly received the title of the best player of Belarus.

Footballer Valentin Belkevich

Kiev millionaire came to one of the training sees of Belarusian boys. He immediately noted the game Belkevich and said: "I buy!". The Belarusian club paid symbolic 400 rubles, and the athlete went to Kiev. There, the head coach of the Ukrainian team Valery Vasilevich Lobanovsky instantly appreciated the talent of a young man.

Nevertheless, Valentin has almost never appeared in the main composition - so the decision of the Chief Coach of the Club of Yozfa Sabo was manifested. But the Lobanovsky returned to Dynamo noted the game Valentine and created a shock tandem from Shevchenko, Rhurov and Belkevich. Soon the football players began and outside the field went to visit each other, communicated with their families.

Captain Kievsky

According to official statistics, in the sports biography of Valentina Belkevich, there are 250 matches (including 38 cup) and 58 heads. At the end of 2006, Valentine received an "honorary sign" for merits in Belarusian football.

In 2008, Valentine signed a contract with the Azerbaijani Keshli Club ("Inter"). But after a year, the player received the right to train, on the basis of this prematurely broke the contract with Azerbaijanis and became a coach. Then Belkevich filed documents for the receipt of Ukrainian citizenship, and soon a positive answer came.

Valentin Belkevich in the national team of Belarus

With great disappointment, the footballer faced with a match in the Union of European Football Associations in 1994. Then Valentine disqualified for the use of doping. Belkevich himself did not recognize his guilt. The athlete said that in 1993 he was faced with the injury of the knee joint, and in the treatment of injury, injections were used containing in the composition of steroids.

According to the athlete, steroids were used exclusively for therapy of the knee joint. However, it was never able to prove his right point to the international community, because Valentine disqualified.

Coach Valentin Belkevich

As part of Dynamo, Valentine was often chosen by the captain of the team. On the field, he was distinguished by intelligent behavior, never played "dirty", but, nevertheless, he often performed the organizer, the center of the game of his club. Belkevich did not violate the rules, did not try to earn a free-kick by "dirty methods". Journalists called the period of work of Belkevich in Kiev "Dynamo" by the silver century of Ukrainian football.

Personal life

Even in the youth of the colleague, Valentina became acquainted with the charming blonde of the Belarusian origin of Olesya in 1996. Young people have twisted the novel. Olesya at that coin lived with her husband and son from the first marriage. From her husband, the girl went to the famous football player. Then Olesya heard a lot of criticism in his address: the girl was accused of the fact that only the money of the football player is interesting and at his expense she tries to attach his own son.

Valentin Belkevich and his girl Olesya

In the summer of 2004, the press reported on the marriage of Belkevich and singer Anna Sedokova. The ex-participant "VIA GRA" was an enviable party for a football player, on the one hand, and on the other hand, information appeared that the marriage turned out to be a forced measure, since Anna has already been a child of a football player for 4 months.

Valentin Belkevich and Anna Sedokova

At the wedding photo, Valentin couple really looks like too happy fiance. 6 months after the marriage of marriage, a daughter was born. The girl was called Alina. But soon after the birth of the child, the singer and football player broke up. Valentine returned to Oles, with which he lived before marriage with Anna.


Shortly before the death of Valentin, together with Hatskevich, met with the first coach and offered to thank it to the acquisition of the car, but Mikhail Stepanovich refused - he wanted young people at first themselves achieved success.

Funeral Valentina Belkevich

Olesya, who then lived with a former football player, says that in the fatal evening she came out to talk on the phone with a friend, as suddenly Valentina became bad. By the arrival of ambulance, the athlete was already dead. The cause of death was thromboembolia.

Shortly before Death, Valentine ended the validity of the coaching contract. Former football player was very worried about this. Olesya tried to pick up a civil husband: entertained him that fishing, then joint travel.

Valentina Belkevich's grave

Valentina Belkevich's mother insisted that the Son was buried in Kiev. At the funeral, both the civilian wife Olesya, who took condolences and the ex-participant "VIA GRA" Anna Sedokova, who launched a wreath and rapidly disappeared.

Already after the funeral between women there was a conflict with a financial population. Anna, who last years lived in the United States with her daughter, flew to Kiev and declared the rights to the apartment Valentina Belkevich. Sedokov's claims supported the mother of a football player who accuses the Son's Civic wife in disappearing a large amount of money. Olesya denies all claims from third parties.

Awards and achievements

  • 1992 - Gold Medal at the Belarusian Championship
  • 1992 - Gold Medal at the Belarus Cup
  • 1994 - Gold Medal at the Super Cup of Belarus
  • 1996 - Silver Medal at the Belarusian Championship
  • 1997 - Gold Medal at the Championship of Ukraine
  • 2002 - Gold Medal at the Commonwealth Cup
  • 2004 - Gold Medal at the Super Cup of Ukraine
  • 2007 - Gold Medal at the Championship of Ukraine

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