Mark Sheppard - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Mark Sheppard is a talented actor from the UK. The main fame and millions of fans Mark won due to the role of Demon Crowley in the series "Supernatural". However, in the filmography of Sheppard there will be more than quite a few characteristic and memorable work, no less worthy of attention.

Childhood and youth

Mark Andreas Sheppard is such a complete name of the actor - Born in London on May 30, 1964. Father Stars - William Morgan Sheppard - a popular actor, familiar to the Kinomans in the roles in the "Elephant Man", Transformers, Lady Jane. It is not surprising that in the boy the interest in the scene and public life woke up early.

Mark Sheppard in childhood and youth

However, unlike Father, Mark first gave preference to music. From 15 years, the young man played in the music group, which he himself organized together with friends. The team was called Television Personalities and enjoyed the success of Melomanians. For more than ten years, Mark Sheppard gave concerts, tour and studio records, but at age 28 decided to move to the United States and try forces in new activities.


The first work in the acting biography of Mark Sheppard became an episodic role in the series "Silk Networks". The brand hero is unlikely to remember the audience, but the actor received invaluable experience on the set.

Soon the audience again saw Sheppard on the screen: Mark starred in the film director Jim Sheridan "In the name of the Father." This touching drama tells about events that really happened. In 1975, four Irish, randomly turned out to be at the site of the explosion, were accused of the terrorist attack that did not commit. And only a lawyer believes in the innocence of these people.

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The picture was awarded nominations for the Oscar Award and Golden Globe, as well as several awards in the field of cinema. Sheppard, who played one of the key roles, literally woke up the famous. Immediately after this work, the actor began to invite to the movies and serials.

In 1993, Mark Sheppard appeared in the episode of the cult "secret materials" with David Governorate and Gillian Anderson, as well as in the "Soldiers of Good luck", "Chinese city", "sliding". Fans appeared at the actor, and the directors began to relate to Sheppard as a real star.

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In the early 2000s, a series of serials, in the episodes of which Mark Sheppard took part, rapidly replenished. It is noteworthy that the actor was mainly given images of screen villains. Sheppard starred in "C.S.I. The crime scene "and" enchanted "," maritime police "and" fireflock ", as well as in the series" Galaxy Star Cruiser "," 24 hours "," Puppet House ". The list of work actors can not not impress.

There are among this list and main roles: Mark Sheppard played in the series "Good luck soldiers." This story about the life of the military who perform the secret assignments of the government in Korea, in the Middle East and other countries, brought an actor even more popularity. Here, the colleagues brand on the set of Tim Abel, Brad Johnson, Melinda Clark, David Selby and Rail Andrews.

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However, the main success in the career of Sheppard's brand can be considered an invitation to participate in the filming of the series Eric Crypt "Supernatural." The uncomfortable adventures of two guys who oppose the world of the uncleans, loved by millions of viewers. The brand again got the image of the villain - the Demon of Crowley.

Actor masterfully embodied in this character, showing real talent and devotion to the chosen profession. Partners Mark on the shooting area "Supernatural" became Jared Padalekia and Jensen Ekls, as well as Misha Collins, Katie Cassidy, Mark Pellegrino.

No less significant for Sheppard became a role in the Motheric project "Doctor Who", which started in 2005. This work is noteworthy in that the actor played with the father William Sheppard of the same hero, only at different ages. This series, like "Supernatural," carries the viewer to the world, where there is a place to mystical and frankly fantastic events. The character of the Father and the Son of Sheppdov - Doctor - constantly moved in time, every time saving someone's life, then the world is entirely.

In addition to acting skills, Mark Sheppard has always been interested in the directing work. In 2001, the actor even released his own picture "Road 101", giving his own role to his father. The name of the film and events in the frame refer to the viewer to the notorious work of George Orwell "1984", telling the world of the world of complete totalitarianism.

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In 2012, the second director's project Mark Sheppard was published. This time, an inspiration for the creation of the film served as the book of Jules Verne "Mysterious Island". The picture was named "Adventure on the mysterious island". Mark himself played Captain Nemo here. Also, the film appeared Father Sheppard and Actors Gina Holden, Listlin Manro, Edrik Brown.

Each role Mark Sheppard is a sample of complete returns to acting skills and the art of reincarnation. In an interview, Mark loves to remember that for the series "Storage-13" he once had to learn nine sheets of text for one day. However, Sheppard is sure, such sacrifices are completely bothering with the love of the audience.

Personal life

Attractive actor (by the way, the growth of Sheppard's brand - 175 cm) never experienced a lack of female attention. The first wife Sheppard became the actress Jessica Mark. Lovers announced a marriage prisoner in 2004. The woman presented the spouse of two sons - Maximilian and William. Unfortunately, 10 years later, the relationship of Jessica and Mark were smoldered, and in 2014 the actors divorced.

Mark Sheppard and his first wife Jessica

Mark Sheppard not long suffered from loneliness. In the same year, the man spun a novel with a girl named Sarah Fujzh. A year later, Mark married a second time, and already in 2016 Sarah presented Sheppard daughter Isabelle Rose.

Judging by the photo with his wife and daughter, which Mark Sheppard periodically lay out on his own page in "Instagram", this marriage was truly happy. Free time the actor loves to devote to children. In addition, Mark loves to travel and relax in nature, as well as watch the Games of the Manchester United's favorite club.

Mark Sheppard now

In 2017, the actor shocked fans of the "supernatural" news about the care of the project. Season 13 The series will be held without a loved character.

Mark Sheppard in 2017

Now Mark Sheppard, by rumors, is busy in a new project, the details of which is not yet in a hurry to disclose.


  • 1992-1993 - "Silk Networks"
  • 1993 - "In the name of the Father"
  • 1996 - "Love Knot"
  • 1999 - "Dance with me"
  • 2001 - "Survicious Hunters"
  • 2003 - "She wrote Killing: Celtic Mystery"
  • 2004 - "Devil Code"
  • 2004 - "nine lives"
  • 2006 - "24 hours"
  • 2008 - "In simple"
  • 2009-2013 - "White Collar"
  • 2009-2017 - "Supernatural"
  • 2010 - "Mysterious Island"
  • 2011 - "Doctor Who"
  • 2017 - "McGaiver"

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