Mikula Selyaninovich - biography, description of the hero and character traits


Character History

The famous fabulous characters, whose images seem familiar since childhood have a centuries-old history. Warriors and warriors from legends and legends who told her grandparents, are not just representatives of the traditional folklore, and the characters who personify the spirit and traditions of the Great Russian people. Heroes of the epics are endowed with non-Ravy talents to protect their native land. In the Renice of Mighty Warriors is a place and Mikule Selininovich.

History of creation

Mikula Selyaninovich - Hero, Summary in the episodes called "Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich". We have been composed for several centuries, since the legend has undergone changes and passed from the mouth to the mouth in various interpretations. The characteristic of the heroes is accurately transferred in the version folded in the north of the country after the collapse of Kievan Rus. It is not known how the description of Mikula was composed, but Wolga (Oleg) Svyatoslavovich is a real historical person. Prince accounted for the cousin of the king Vladimir Monomakhu and the grandson Yaroslav Mudrom.

Mikula Selyaninovich and Volga Svyatoslavovich

There is no unity of place, time and action. It involves a description of the fictional events with the participation of fabulous characters, but the etymology of the word indicates that some episodes were actually actually.

The story describes the meeting of two heroes: Prince and Peasant Pahar. The first goes to war, and the second, Bogatyr-Plow, cultivates the Earth. A simple peasant is represented in noble appearance. This is a well-kept man in clean clothing and painted caftane. On Mikule, green boots with a heel and a fluff hat. Such a robe did not fit the usual clothes of the pahar, accustomed to work with the earth and exhausting work. But the statute hero should, according to the traditions of the epics, have a beautiful outfit, and this rule is observed.

Mikula Selyaninovich

The specifics of the epics "Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich" lies in artistic techniques. It includes elements of the archaic language and numerous reasons. Through colorful epithets, details of the robes are described, the characteristics of the character of heroes surrounding their life. The images of the peasant and warrior are opposed to each other.

At the same time, the labor of a simple landpash is put above, because the pahahar could call on the defense of the Motherland at any time, and not everyone was given to work on Earth. There is also a version that the tendments are opposed to images of two deities, patrons of agriculture and hunting.

Mikula Selyaninovich and Volga Svyatoslavovich

The motive of the praise of labor by Parames is brightly described in the episode, when Prince Wolga orders the squad to take up the sushka. Warriors can not master it, and Mikula Selyaninovich copes with the task at times.

Bogatyr, capable of bypassing a squad, is a real defender of the Earth Russian and its cultivator. Welcome writers are kindly good, with caresses respond about the hero. It is noteworthy that during the story of the hedge, they are not called anything otherwise. And only in the final, the name of Mikula is revealed. The hero tells about their achievements, not be bought.

Biography and plot

In the eponym of the Mikule Selyaninovich, two characters were the main actors: he himself and Prince Wolga. The first meeting occurs when, on the Testament of Vladimir Monomakh, Oleg moves three degrees. The prince is heading for the examination of possessions. On the path of the squad, there is a state bogatyr, which is seen from afar, but getting to a curious character is obtained only after three days and three nights. The hyperbole of this kind shows the folk admiration to the rich.

Pacquer Mikula Selyaninovich

Mikula - PAKAR. It will easily cultivate the earth, irradiating stumps and stones with a wooden dear, decorated with precious stones. Mobile Mikula is hunted with silk lugs, and the Outfit itself is not like a simple peasant dress. It becomes clear that in front of the reader, the hero, for which a diligent plow is entertainment.

Mikula Selyaninovich is presented in the image of the hero, revered in Russia more than anyone. The holidays related to the land were dedicated to the holidays, traditions and legends were conjugate. Mikula - People's Hero, his prototype was considered Saint Nikolai, the patron of the peasantry.

Mikula Selyaninovich and Svyatogor

This image was the personification of the Russian landpash. Therefore, the creators of the epics do not mention the name of the father of the hero: Selyaninovich combines the word "village", which means that the parent was a simple Russian people.

Mikula is the owner of a priest character and a good soul, a generous and hospitable person. Without it, the princely warriors are not able to even pull out a lightweight tower, which means that the royal power is based on the power of the pahacary. Rus stands on a simple rustic man who feeds the people and protects their homeland from the attack.

Mikula Selyaninovich and Snake Gorynych

Bogatiry force does not make a mikule Box. The hero is modest and calm, does not climb on the Rogger and simply communicates with the prince. Unconfluous character - everywhere your own. He pleases others knows how to work and relax for glory.

Orthodox Russia is famous for humility and forgiveness, but always able to defend his honor and protect the neighbor. In the episode of the attacks of robbers, requiring pennies, it is clear that the righteous Mikula is ready to endure and exercise loyalty to the last. Getting out of myself, he will be able to enjoy the rivals by force.

Interesting Facts

Alyask Popovich, who fought Khan Tugarin, who fought Khan Tugarin, Ilya Muromets, who was opposed by Nikitich, who was opposed by Nikitich, whose opponent turned out to be a snake. But in folk legends, other heroes who defended their homeland from the invasion of the dark forces were described.

Mikula Selyaninovich is a simple Pakhaccharge, Svyatogor fought with the "sum of the intelligence", in which the "all severity of the earth" is concluded. Oven Veslavievich is a magician who helped defeat the Indian king. Vasily Buslaev was considered a boatture, and Peresvet found fame after the Kulikov battle.

Ox Vslavievich, Vasily Buslaev, Alexander Peresvet

Biography of Bogatyurians is rarely described in detail. Often it is unclear who was the hero before he woke up in him the Bogatiry force. Sometimes it is unknown even where he was born. But the main features that the characters became famous were transferred to the details of the mouth to the mouth, believing the national heritage, and supported the spirit of the Russian people in need of defenders.

Bogatiry force is among the favorite scenes of the visual art. Pictures Vasnetsova, written in the same manner, narrated the exploits and travel of Russian heroes. Among the fans of Russian folklore were painters Vrubel and Ryabushkin.

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