Svetlana Puscript - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, "brother", films, Nyusha, in youth 2021



Svetlana Puscript - Russian actress theater and cinema. Now in the filmography of artists, there are both secondary and main roles. It works organically on the screen and in melodrama, and in black comedies. And in the theater appears in front of the audience in bright, characteristic images.

Childhood and youth

Biography Svetlana Viktorovna began their counts on November 28, 1964 in the village of Burley Kustanay region of the Kazakh SSR. Her parents met at the virgin, where they were sent by Komsomol vouchers. There and decided to stay. Mom Nadezhda Semenovna worked as a film mechanic, Papa Viktor Antonovich - a film distribution. Of course, Svetlana did not miss any premiere and from childhood was immersed in the cinema atmosphere.

When the girl was 13 years old, she went on an excursion to St. Petersburg. Walking along Mokhovoy, saw the sign of the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography and realized that his future wants to tie with acting skills. In his youth, the pennichenko decided to flow in Ligitmik.

True, in the city on the Neva, the family did not have any relatives or loved ones. The only acquaintance in St. Petersburg was the Svetlana Odnao-slain, he asked him to shelter daughter for the time of passing exams. As a result, the girl lived in someone else's family for half a year, and after she was given a hostel.

Penichenko entered the course Igor Vladimirov. During his studies, this director invited the future actress at the Lensoveta Theater. At that time, Alice Freundlich and Mikhail Boyars have already worked there. As Svetlana then told himself, she literally collised with the form of famous actors.

Personal life

Personal life of the artist has developed happily and harmoniously. With her husband Alexander, the first and only love, Svetlana Viktorovna met at the age of 14, still living in the Kustanai region. He played the guitar in the local club and, according to the actress, was simultaneously similar to George Harrison and Paul McCartney. Later, the spouse moved to St. Petersburg.

In the early 90s, the son of Daniel was born. With the birth of a child Svetlana did not leave the acting career. The husband supported the Choir always in everything, so he often had to stay with his son alone. After 6 years, the second son appeared - Timofey.

In the footsteps, the children did not go. Despite the fact that all childhood spent in the theater and played not one role, neither Timofey, nor Daniel wanted to become actors. The first entered the Academy under the President to the customs case, and the second engaged in animation. The artist prefers not to disclose the details of family life to journalists, does not lead social networks. But in "Instagram", photos and videos associated with the work of Svetlana Viktorovna appear.

Theater and films

Svetlana began to film in 1989, mainly in episodes. Soon, the pennichenno gave birth that for a while left her without work. But once the artist received an invitation from the young at that time director Alexei Balabanova to play a major female role in his new film "Castle". The picture turned out to be philosophical, phantasmagoric and, like all the works of the author, social. The project immediately noted film critics.

In 1997, Svetlana was again lucky to play Balabanov's tape. The shooting of a later cult "brother" was held with limited financing, the money was exclusively on the film. Therefore, the actors were filmed for free, in their own clothes. And worked almost without double, because the film was expensive.

Penichenko was involved in the selection of the name of the main character in the film. One day the artist, walking with his son, met Alexey Balabanova. The director asked the name of the boy. Hearing the name, noted that it is beautiful. A little later, Danil Bagrov appeared in the script. On the set of "Brother", everything began to friends, so the death of Sergei Bodrov, and later Alexei Balabanova was perceived by Svetlana as a personal tragedy.

In 2005, the actress participated in the humorous project Dmitry Nagiyev "Caution, asster!". Pennichenko played a companion of the main character, Nastya, with a huge mound on his face, rat pigties and round glasses. The character turned out to be funny and memorable. On the set "Zador" Svetlana met with Yura Galtsev, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Love Polishchuk. As the actress later admitted, these shooting were for her real intense.

In 2006, she starred in the film Marina's disturbed "Yar" (on the story of Yesenin), in which he played a bench. Despite the terrible plot of one of the scenes with her participation, the shooting was having fun. Although, as Svetlana herself told, after the episode was pressed, the weather began to change mystically - thunder, zipper, shower. The performer went to the church in the same evening to "be cleaned."

In 2008, Balabanov removed "Morphy", where the pennichenko appeared in the image of the nurse, Pelagiai Ivanovna. Shooting were heavy, many episodes were created in the cold. One of the main scenes under the conventional name "Bathing of Naked Virgin". Svetlana Pisnichenko and Ingeborg Daequenate "Owl" naked in the trough. The actress recalled that in the studio did not turn out to be hot water, it had to warm her in boiling.

By the way, the scenario was created by Sergey Bodrov based on the stories of Mikhail Bulgakov "Notes of the Young Doctor" and "Morphy". And Balabanov, after reading him, immediately saw Bodrov in the central hero, but this did not happen because of the death of the actor in the Carmadon Gorge in 2002. As a result, Dr. Parkova played Leonid Bechevin.

In subsequent years, the actress was regularly starred in films and serials, mainly in the roles of the second plan. Despite this, women's characters played by Svetlana Victorovna turned out to be bright and colorful. Among the projects in which the Drama and Comedy were also working. In 2020, the filmography of the Artist was replenished with a role in the comedian-fiction belt "Project Anna Nikolaevna".

In parallel with the movie, the theatrical career of the performer was successfully folded. According to Svetlana herself, to a greater extent it took place on stage, rather than on the screen. For more than 30 years, the actress works in the Lensovet Theater. In 2003, he became a well-deserved artist of Russia, and for the role in the play, the "good man from Sichuani" was awarded the Golden Sofit award.

In addition to theater and cinema, the talent of the pennichenko manifested itself in the sounding of cartoons. Svetlana Viktorovna's voice says Nyusha in the animated series "Smeshariki". Together with the actress in this project, Anton Vinogradov, who gave the voice of Krusha and Losyush, Vadim Bochanov, talking for Barash, and others. Also, the actress participated in the sounding of the Beelenka in the Animation film "Luntik".

Svetlana Puscript now

In 2021, the actress continued to work in the theater and cinema. The fans saw Svetlana Viktorovna in the criminal film "Liver, or the story of one startup", sending the audience to the "Likhim 90th". In the picture, the pennichenko appeared in the image of the mother of Lehi, the central character. Together with the artist in the Black Comedy, Sergey Makovetsky starred, Evgenia Dobrovolskaya and others.

Svetlana Viktorovna played in several bright performances "Lensovet". In particular, the viewers appreciated the workshop of the performer in the statement of Earth Elzy, where she got the role of Olga, the daughter of the main character of history.


  • 1994 - "Castle"
  • 1997 - "Brother"
  • 2001 - "Streets of broken lamps-3"
  • 2003 - "Devolutionary Strength-5"
  • 2004-2005 - "Caution, asster!"
  • 2006 - "Awakening"
  • 2006 - "Yar"
  • 2006 - "Circling within the Ring"
  • 2006 - "High school students"
  • 2007 - "Urgently required Santa Claus"
  • 2008 - "Morphy"
  • 2008 - "Walking Love"
  • 2010 - "Love without rules"
  • 2014 - "Alien among their"
  • 2016 - "Simple History"
  • 2016 - "Investigator Tikhonov"
  • 2018 - "Major-3"
  • 2020 - "Project" Anna Nikolaevna ""
  • 2021 - "Liver or Story Startup"

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