Artem Danin - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Artyom Danin is a Russian actor, TV presenter, showman, director. Born on December 25, 1995 in the city of Shchekino, Tula region.

Actor Artem Danin

Since childhood, Artem was a versatile developed and inquisitive child. Dad, being an athlete himself, gave a 4-year-old son to the selection section, where Artem participated in numerous competitions and won prizes, showing good results.

"My dad sports man, and throughout my childhood he instilled a love for sports"

But creativity was still in the first place. Each holiday Artem came up with scenarios, handed over the roles of all family members, arranged theatrical evenings. A little later, Artem begins to dance in the studio "Todes".

From early childhood, Artem participates in various theatrical productions in the House of Culture of the city of Shchekino, is engaged in the vocal studio, in the regional competition of readers takes 1st place.

Artem Danin in childhood

In the 11th grade of Artem, the desire to enter the Theater Institute, namely, in Gityis, and then he begins to drive to acting courses in Moscow at the same time.

Artem graduated from the Tula Lyceum of Arts in the class of "acting skills" with the prom play "Planet School", where he plays one of his first theatrical roles.

"Mom learned about the theatrical school, I could not believe that I already had such objects as" acting skills "," stage speech. " Parents always supported and support me in all endeavors, for which I am immensely grateful. "
Artem Danin

At the end of the school, it goes to Moscow for listening to theatrical institutions, but flies from the velvet in the 5 best theater institutes of Moscow and enters the International Slavic Institute to the acting faculty, in the workshop of Andrei Lyubimov.

"It was very difficult to take reality and let go of the dream to learn in Gitis. But the main thing is to engage in your favorite thing and not stop in spite of everything! "

Without letting his dream, Artem again tries to enter Gitis, and at the end of the listening of Artem take immediately on the 2nd course of the Faculty of Estrades in the People's Artist of Russia, Valery Garkalina, in the acting group.


During study, Artem actively participates in the productions, reveals as a comedy actor.

"I am immensely grateful to Valery Borisovich for the fact that he gave us the ability to play, including my favorite comedy and absurd."
Artem Danin in the theater

In parallel with studying in Gitis, the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino" comes into courses of television journalism, where he gets the necessary for the TV journalist and TV master skills, tries, produces the magazine "Your city", which is published in Native Shchekino.

"I was always interested in journalism, and I decided to get the first experience, making the magazine" Your city ", writing articles, think over the reports, feel relevance and recognize that it is interesting to people."

The directorial debut took place in the fourth year, where Artem performed as a SO-screenwriter of the New Year's fairy tale "The Adventure of Vanya and Tanya" and where Vanya plays. Together with Mom, Artem organizes tour with this play in their native city.

Director Artem Danin

After graduating from Gitis, Artyom was listening and entered the body of the NTP Theater, from where 4 months later goes to the theater house "Old Arbat".

In addition to working in the theater house "Old Arbat", Artem works with Kirill Serebrennikov in the play "Chayad".

"Work in the theater is the necessary practice and invaluable experience, I am convinced that the origin of the acting profession go out of the theater."
Leading Artem Danin

Artyom repeatedly led numerous events, such as: Festival Competition, a concert in the column hall of the House of Unions, dedicated to the World Wide Day of the Disabled, the Day of the city of Moscow and others.


In September 2017, Artem is invited to work "Red Square" to a television project for the first channel "Chief Cattle Court" with the leading Sergey Shnurov. Artyom takes an interview with the stars and shoots the plots for the program. At the end of the project, proceeds to the preparation of the All-Russian Championship "Abilimpiks".

The organizers claim to conduct the ceremony of the opening and closing of the championship, where the Councils of Artem are actress Irina Bezrukov and TV presenter Svetlana Zeynalova.

Artem Danin

Artyom was marked by a thanks to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as well as the Rector of RGSU for his contribution to the development of the Arabimpix movement and the organization and successful holding of the 3rd National Championship.

In March 2018, the premiere of the play "Much" will take place, where Artem will speak not only as an actor, but also as a director.


Schikinsky Theater of the Young Spectator:

  • "Children's Planet" role: sorcerer;
  • "Foresturn" Role: Cressing, Director: Nadezhda Zakharova;
  • "North Pole" Role: Maurid, Director: Nadezhda Zakharova.
  • Academic work:
  • "Suician" Erdman, the role: Mary Lukyanovna, director: Faridong Mukitdinov;
  • "Last victim" Ostrovsky, Role: Dulchin, Director: Sonya Nikolaev; "Mandate" Erdman, Role: Valerian Olympovich, Director: Olesya Lavrentiev;
  • "Good man from Seshuana" Ostrovsky, Role: Dulchin, Director: Sonya Nikolaev.

Theater "Gityis":

  • "About anything about everything" on the play "Card Self" Ruhezhevich, Role: Fat, Director: Garkalin V.B.;
  • "Rock Legends" Role: Valery Leontiev, Director: G.Auelbach;
  • Poetic Perfomanans "Ballad on Combat";
  • "Evening on the farm near Dikanka" N.V. Hogol, director: Serov S.P. Role: Ivan Shponyka
  • "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka" N.V.Gogol, director: Faridong Mukitdinov. Role: Gypsy;
  • Perfomance "Ave Oza" Andrei Voznesensky, director: Vladimir Pankov.
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Theater "Helikon Opera":

  • "Chayad" - Atlant, Director: Kirill Serebrennikov.

Theater "Old Arbat":

  • "Little Prince" Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Role: Little Prince (main role), Director: Elena Lebedeva;
  • "Anthiros" on the play of Yasminyn Reza "Art": Serge (main role), Director: Elena Lebedeva;
  • "Bulgakovskaya Fysmanagoria" M. Bulgakov, Role: Crazy Scientist, Director: Elena Lebedeva;
  • "At the bottom" M.Gorky, the role: ash, director: Elena Lebedev.


  • "New Year's adventure of Vanya and Tanya" - Vanya, director: A.Dan;
  • "Mother's", director: A.Danin.

TV projects:

  • "The main cat in the country";
  • "Happinnes exists".

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