Black Panther - Character Character, Supersila, Actors, Empty


Character History

The young leader of the African country, capable of learning the enemy for a kilometer, will protect his own people from any attack. If superpowers add the sharp mind and the formation of physics, the image of a black panther is evaporated. The man who visited the throne and the cat's dexterity will not allow vultures to ruin a distant homeland.

History of creation

In June 1966, the Universe "Marvel" acquired a new superhero under the name Black Panther. Character authors - Stan Lee and Jack Kerby. For the first time, a man appeared in the comic "Fantastic Four No. 52".

Jack Kirby and Stan Lee

Initially, the Black Panther was presented as an antiger. A man comes into confrontation with the quartet of the guardians of the rule of law, but later it turns out that the female is infinified. The hero simply checked his own strength and the possibilities of the fantastic four.

Black Panther - the first black superhero in the Universe "Marvel"; The brave was ahead of Blade and Luke Kage. Marvel fans have adopted a new character with enthusiasm, and over time, the Black Panther got his own storyline. The first comics "Black Panther" came out in 1977.

Black panther in comics

In parallel with the main plot, the Black Panther is often involved in third-party stories. A man plays a prominent role in books dedicated to the avengers, defenders and illuminators. For the first time about the filming of a film dedicated to superhero, they spoke in 1992. The idea was voiced by Wesley Snipes:

"We have a wide field to film the characters of comics on a large screen. Especially interesting is a black panther, who has such a rich and interesting life. "

Representatives "Marvel" did not give consent to the shooting. The actor has already played Blade in the first part of the franchise of the same name, the authors of the comic book did not want to confuse the audience. But the idea itself seemed to the creators of the Black Panther promising. The Hero of Comics received his own film. Kinokartina will be released on the screens in 2018.

Image and superconductivity

Black Panther - not a single hero alias. The name is inherited in the ruling family of a small African people. The King of the Vacanand (referred to the previously known country) received a gift from God-Panther, and after death the strength and ability of the beast went to his son.


The young man named T'chchal was endowed with exacerbate feelings, easily tracks enemies in the footsteps, easily climbs on the roofs and climbs along the walls. A man sees in the dark, and musculature allows the hero to develop speed up to 35 miles per hour (56 km / h). In addition, the sensitive hearing warns the Black Panther about the approaching enemies.

Such physical features are needed, because the vacanted is rich in a useful mineral, which is popular in the black market. To protect the people, the leader must have super supervisory.

Costume of the Black Panther from Vibrano

By the way, from this mineral - Vibranuum - a suit is designed by a hero costume. Equipment is equipped with extended claws and special shoes that allow a black panther to land on their feet like a cat. Major weapons of men are an unusual energy dagger.

But one hero's forces are not enough to secure the country. Therefore, T'challa goes to America - enlist the support of the avengers and the fantastic four. During the trip, Black Panther meets a girl on the nicknamed storm. The heroine occupies an important place in the organization "X-People", but finds the time for a relationship with a brave of Africa.

Black Panther and Storm

Love between superheroes flashes instantly, and soon the characters play a wedding. Alas, debt to the people of Vacanands and different views on life separated spouses. The storm remains in America, and the Black Panther returns to his homeland. The purpose of the hero and its allies - the evil closer, who killed the father T-k'kchal and wishing to capture the country. Black Panther believes a blood to the blood enemy and is ready to enjoy the principles to punish a rascal.

In addition to the invaders of the country, the enemies of the superhero becomes a revived ku-klux clan. Racism passes the red thread in the male biography. T'chchal not only protects the black inhabitants, but also punishes the group of African youth, an obsessed idea that white people are to blame for the country's troubles.

Black Panther

Stay in America presented a black panther of several close friends, including Sorvigolov. When the hero leaves New York, Black Panther becomes a defender of the city. In order not to stand out from the crowd, the king of the vacant finds work at the local school.

After the return of the Sorvigolov from Vacation T'Challa again goes home. The life of a man is full of movements around the world, because not only the inhabitants of the African kingdom are needed in defense.


The first appearance of the drawn hero took place in 1994. In the animated series "Fantastic Four", the Black Panther is voiced by actor Kate David. The hero is not included in the main composition, he resorts to the help of a fantastic four in the fight against the villain of CLO.

In the full-length cartoon "Ultimate Avengers 2" (2006), the formation of a superhero is again shown. Captain America with the team helps a black panther to defend the throne after the death of the father. Hero's voice gave the Actor Jeffrey D. Sams.

Black panther in cartoon

In the animated series "Avengers: the greatest heroes of the Earth", released in 2010, Black Panther fights on a par with more famous superheroes. Impressed courage character, Avengers invited a man to a famous team.

In the film "First Avenger: confrontation", the scenarios returned to the death of the father of the Black Panther. The young man swars revenge for the death of a relative, but pulls into the opposition of other superheroes. The role of T'Challa got the actor Jeedwick Bovazman.

Chadwick Bowzman in the role of black panther

In 2018, a black panther appears on the screen twice. The character will acquire his own film cornel. The film "Black Panther" will show events that happened to the man after the "confrontation". The role of the role - the superhero suit Chadwick Bowzman has already stronger.

The film "Avengers: War of Infinity" gathered a truly star composition. All actors who played superheroes of the Universe "Marvel" will appear in the filmmaker. Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy and Single Characters are united to combat Tanatos. The role of the Black Panther was secured by the shedvik Bova resort in April 2017.

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