Maria Medici - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Queen of France



A smart and purposeful woman who climbed the threads of the Half states of medieval Europe, a representative of the Bancakes of Medici, a relative and contemporary of the famous Ekaterina Medici. The wife of the King of France Heinrich IV Bourbon Navarre, Mother and Regent Louis XIII, patronepress and sacrifice Cardinal Richelieu, Grandma of the English and Spanish kings - All this is Mary Medici.

Childhood and youth

The future queen was born on April 26, 1575 in Florence. Father - Great Duke Tuscan Francesco first. Mother - John, Duchess Austrian, from the House of Habsburg. By the time of birth, Mary, the sixth child in the family, was alive four: brother and three sisters. Mother died when Mary was only five years old. Evil languages ​​suspected poison.

Maria Medici

Two months later, the widower married the long-standing mistress of Bianke Kappello, which the people called the sorcerer. Padderitsa did not endure the stepmother. When Mary was 9 years old, Brother Philip and Elder Sister Anna died. Then the sister of Eleanor served in his new possessions, coming out married the Duke of Mantuansky. In 1587, at 47, the father died. The word "arsenic" sounds in the peres.

The legends rich in the biography of Medici tell that three times in her room in Palazzo Pitti hit lightning. The palace himself was shaken from the earthquake - a rare event in Tuscany. During the trip to Pisa, the girl almost drowned.

Maria Medici in youth

By 12 years old, a lonely girl is surrounded by other people's people. The best friend of Lone Aristocrats becomes Her Camerician Leonor Dori Galigai, who is older Maria for five years. Young aristocracy gets traditional education for the Middle Ages. Learn game guitar and lute, is interested in natural sciences.

The expensive bride is sitting in girls for a long time - up to 25 years, despite all the efforts of the uncle to arrange her fate with the maximum benefit for the Medici clan. She twice refused the grooms, worthy, but not kings. The reason for failures was to predict the passitecy, the nun from Siena. Mary is destined to become a queen, so the duke and counts are not for her.

Queen France

From 1572, the French king is married with a barren Margarita Valua, but it is not close with it. Heinrich is in love with Gabriel d'Estra, which, however, does not prevent him from starting bastards from numerous mistresses. Divorce in those times Even in a rich and noble family is a difficult, long and expensive, but in the 1599th Henrich IV receives from the Pope of the Roman Clement VIII to a new marriage.

Heinrich IV and Portrait of Mary Medici

Sudden death Gabriel D'Estra draws the attention of the king to the relative of Ferdinand Medici, the Great Duke of Tuscan. France owed a large amount of Medici banker house, Heinrich needs funds for war, fighting the opposition. Ferdinand I gives for Maria the biggest dowry, which bride was brought by his grooms of the kings of France - it almost completely covered the debts.

In October 1600, a wedding of proxy took place in Pitti Palace. The role of the missing groom was performed by Uncle Bride, conducted a rite of Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini. Among the guests at the ceremony was attended by young Rubens, subsequently writing a cycle of paintings, showing significant events in the biography of Mary.

Maria Medici

The bride sails to France, then travels from Marseille to Lyon, where the celebrations on the occasion of the royal wedding began immediately by her arrival. On September 27, 1601, the young queen gave birth to her son's son, heir to the French throne. At the same time, Henry's mistress, Anrietta d'anth, also gave birth to King Son. Court life is full of competition, intrigue and struggle for power and influence.

Maria is jealous of the spouse to mistresses and bastards. It is surrounded by the "Italian Click", which Leonora's husband is headed, Konchini Konchini. In the 1610th Henrich often sick, he is 57 years old, the king is dark and afraid of early death. Going to war with Protestants to German lands, decides to crown the spouse. The king declares his will: in the case of his death, the queen will remain a regent with nine-year-old Louis.

Coronation of Mary Medici

On May 13, 1610 in Saint-Denis, Maria is coronewed. Henry's concern about the possible diseases and dangers of a military campaign turns out to be in vain. A day after the celebration, on May 14, 1610, the king dies from Dagger Ravaliac. A suspicion of complicity, who fell on Queen's favorites, was neither proved nor refuted.

Four years of Regency Maria supported Clerkal and Spanish party. The main allies at the courts were the ambassadors of Spain and Rome. For the faithful service of the Queen-Mother, a small nobleman of the end was increased and in 1614 he became referred to as Marquis D'Ankr.

Maria Medici in old age

Even when Louis Xiii matured, the party of his mother retained an influence at the court, and Maria ruled the Council. In 1617, the young king destroyed the ending with the hands of his golden Albert de Luin. Leonora Galigai was accused of witchcraft and sent on the fell. Queen mother exiled in Blois. In February 1619, Maria Benhal in Angouleme and came up with her son. In 1621, the State Council was headed again.

To strengthen power, she helped his adviser Richelieu to receive the Cardinal Hat and take the position of Prime Minister of France. Cardinal turned out to be an equally powerful person than Medici, and quickly pushed the benefactor from the levers of government management. The minister understood that the main competitor of France on the World Arena is Spain Habsburgs. Together with the pro-Siscript, the Queen fell into opal.

Personal life

For ten years of life with Heinrich, Maria became the mother of six children, five of whom safely rose.

  • 1601 - Louis. Future king of France Louis XIII.
  • 1602 - Isabella. Subsequently, the wife of Philip IV Habsburg, King of Spain and Portugal.
  • 1606 - Christina Maria. I was married to Viktor Amadeya I, the Duke of Savorovsky, who worn sonorous, but the useless title of King Cyprus and Jerusalem.
  • 1607 - Nicolas, died in 1611.
  • 1608 - Gaston, Duke Orleans and Anjui, Charther and Blois Graf.
  • 1609 - Henrietta Maria. I became the wife of Karl I Stewart, the king of England, Scotland and Ireland, subsequently - Mother Charles II and Yakov II.
Family Mary Medici

Maria preferred uncomplicated entertainment: shooting around the corners, folk scenes, puppet theater. She held a homely zoo, playing cards. She spent a lot of money for diamonds. To decorate the Luxembourg Palace, the beloved residence, ordered Peter Paul Rubens to write 22 huge cloths.


In July 1631, fearing an attempt on life, Maria Medici fled from Paris to Brussels. All diamonds remained in France. In 1638, fleeing the persecution of the minister, moved to England, then in Amsterdam. July 3, 1642 died in the house of Rubens in Cologne. The rich artist with honor took his patronage, but the aristocracy accustomed to a wide leg still left a bunch of debt receipts after himself.

Monument to Mary Medici

Biographers Mary Medici talk about her love for a parrot, which she kept with him to the end of his life and taught the pet Arman Du Pleb Richelieu. However, Cardinal survived her for only six months, the Son is for a year. The body has long been with all ceremonies from Cologne, in order to bury with due honor in Saint-Denis. Louis XIII died twenty days after the dust of the queen-mother focused in consecrated land.


  • 1615-1631 - Luxembourg Palace
  • 1616 - Cours La Reine Park
  • 1622-1625 - Medici Gallery in Louvre
  • 1980 - Film "Careship Mary Medici"
  • 2016 - Series "Medici: Lords of Florence"

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