XENA - Biography of the warrior, actors and roles, image, character


Character History

In the mid-90s, fans of historical films with elements of fantasy received a gift from American directors - the series "Xena - Queen of Warriors" came to the screens. Already familiar from the film about the adventures of Hercules, Xena from Amphipolis appeared in all its glory in the "personal" multi-sieuled picture.

Xena - the Queen of Warriors

Cruel, powerful and incredibly charismatic warrior conquered the hearts of the audience of both sexes. Men admired the beauty and grazing of the character, for women, the heroine became an example of the victory of feminism and the inflexibility of the Spirit. Fans of the showrooms bribed the exciting adventures of heroes, breathtaking tricks and fights and, of course, original costumes.

History of creation

With Amazon Xena Spectators introduced producers and film director Rob Tapett and Sam Raymi. In 1995, the series "Amazing Jewish Hercules" started on the screens. The studio "Universal" first offered a creative tandem to create a multi-metering film about Conne Barbar, but friends considered that the film industry market was filled with brutal swings in steel melts. They had their own intention on the hero - Hercules, which is famous for both epic feats, and the character of the "his" guy. Among the placer of the characters, the seductive Warrior of Xena appeared.

Rob Tapett and Sam Raymi

The heroine claimed the title of the Great Warrior, so at first it was striving to destroy Hercules, but in the last two episodes of the series, the cruel egoist turned into a friend of the glorious sibling of Zeus. The character so fell to the audience, that the creators of the paintings decided to devote a separate series to the girl, called "Xena - Queen of Warriors."

Although before this, the disputes flared up between Rayim and Tapertow about the topics of the next work. The first wished to shoot the adventures of Jason, the second insisted on the "steep and beautiful" woman - and won. Independent, endowed with the non-light power of the heroine led to the public even inhaled by such characters.

Queen of Zenobia - a possible prototype of Xena

Who spoke by the Xena prototype, is definitely not known. Supposedly, the prototype became the queen of Zenobia, the wife of the Lord of Persia Ottena, who lived in the 3rd century of our era. After the death of the spouse, a woman climbed on the throne on the face of a little son. Zenobia managed to collect an impressive army to reflect the attempts of the Romans on subject land.

The creators of the TV shows abandoned the idea of ​​copying myths. They are simply talented by the legends of ancient Greece, adding their own inventions. "Xena - the Queen of Warriors" is at all a hell of a mixture of eras, places and legends of different peoples of the world. Adventures began in Greece, but later Xena visited Europe, Scandinavia, the Roman Empire, and even in Japan and China.

Biography and plot

The authors came up with a character in a biography, which is full of events of another classroom. Xena is a native of the Greek city of Amphipolis (now Chalkidika). Grew with two brothers under the care of the mother. Father parents killed when he tried to bring a little Xena to sacrifice the god of war Aresu. In battle for his hometown, the younger brother was killed, and since this girl persuaded the birth and a bunch of the inhabitants to defend Amphipolis, a flurry of indignation for innocent victims fell on her.


Leaving the city, the embittered Xena went to create his own army. Travels die with a variety of adventures: the heroine gets acquainted with Caesar (but in the future the warrior betrayed a girlfriend), joins the troops of Boraiz and terates Chinese residents, in order to get a redeem stealing a Japanese child, burns a large city.

In Siberia, the evil heroine succumbed to Charm of Shamans and destroyed the elders of Amazons, and the baby born from Boraiaz gave to the upbringing of the Centaurs - to protect him from herself, from that inner aggression that was just strengthened. In the end, under Corinth, the enemy defeated the army of the girl, but she was not confused - she scored a new one and moved with war to Greece.

Xena and Gabriel

In the series XENA, first fights with the son of Zeus, hoping that his head will help to find unlimited power. And when Greek Stool, defeating the opponent, generously gives her life, the heroine suddenly realizes - it's time to go to the good path.

Xena gained a faithful girlfriend in the face of the peasant Gabriel and came up with his mother, but the restless and tragic life of the warranty continued. During the wandering over the world, she managed to lose Solana's son, die and resurrect, give birth to wonderful daughter Eve, the appearance of which the death of the Olympic gods prophested. Falling from the persecution of the gods, Xena slept a quarter of a century in an ice cave.

In his own series, the girl is involved in many historical events, intersects the heroes. Xena participated in the Trojan War, helped David to overcome Goliath, Odyssey - return lost possessions, and Bruut - destroy Caesar. She dismanded his hometown from Athens's troops (Series "Amphipolis in Siege"), I raised the woman to warrior Callisto on Amazons ("necessary evil").

Part of the acts of the character wears diplomatic nature. For example, Xena persuaded Aphrodite, who had lost his soul's loss, to return the parents of the royal daughter to his parents.


The creators of the tape brightly showed two lines of the character of the heroine. Curious tandem amounted to Xena and Ares. God of war pursued the girl, seeking love, but all the time turned out in the ranks of opponents. By the end of the series, a man even shared with his beloved immortality, which helped to breathe life into a daughter and girlfriend. Behind Xena - many love intrigues, ranging from Hercules and ending with Odyssem, but the relationship with Ares did not go beyond the limits of a passionate kiss.

Friendship with Gabriel was ambiguous. The authors endowed the relationship with a deep meaning: evil, which personifies Xena, united with good friends, making a whole. The heroine is in life hand in hand, harmoniously complementing each other. However, the creators of the film added intrigue, hinting on the fact that girls are associated not only friendly, but also love feelings.

Xena and Ares.

In the final series films, the main character tragically dies. The audience fell into shock, unable to take the death of Xena. However, 14 years after the end of the series, the authors stated that they intend to remove the continuation of the life of a loved warranty. In the meantime, work on the scenario is suspended - the producers did not find a person "with a new vision" of the show and heroes.

Image and ability

In two TV shows, the authors have tried to show the evolution of the character - the ruthless killer, on whose account there are a lot of victims and destroyed settlements, rose at the path of redemption. In her own film, the heroine on the side of good fiercely struggles with evil.


The forces and abilities of Xena are not reaching the characteristics of the gods, but the girl can safely rank to the demigods. The non-real power allows the heroine from one blow to hand to combat the enemy, break through the ice, break the chains and demolish with the door loops.

Helps to win victories in battles the fighting skills that the warrior received on traveling to the east. In the same place, she learned to influence the points of the body to immobilize the enemy. And steady to endure pain - the usual thing for a woman. The endurance of Xena is impressive, which once had to pass through the system of betrayed the army and stay alive.

Suit Xena

The heroine of the series skillfully manages mystical forces, whose secret opened the Eastern Book. So, Xena managed to turn the army of opponents into terracotta statues. She knows how to exhale the flame, reflect the energy attacks, to jump high, catch the teeth of the arrows, demonstrating an incredible speed. In the Arsenal of the Girl Shakram Darkness - throwing weapon given by Ares.

The harsh warrior flashes the light in beautiful outfits in the style of militaries of the time, if you can put it. The most memorable suit was an open short leather dress with an armored bodice and metal rivets.

Roles and actors

The main role in the teleifeeza was given to the star of the series "Spartak: blood and sand" and "Galaxy Star Cruiser" Lucy Lowless. A bright appearance of the actress perfectly approached the image of a bold and cruel warrior.

Lucy Lowess as Xena

Beauty Lucy forever fell in love with the viewer - Glory pursues a woman and now: "Queen of the Warriors" continues to receive enthusiastic letters from fans, a pile of photolab and fan art is dedicated to her. Only a couple of years ago, the actress replaced the usual image of Xena, turning the brunette brunette to the blonde.

Lucy Lowless - Xena in life

The film crew combined Lucy Lowess with dozens of actors, including both beginners and bright stars of screens. The image of the girlfriend Gabriel embodied Rene O'Connor, who failed the lover and the brave god of war Ares played Kevin Smith, and the son of Zeus Hercules appeared in the face of Kevin Sorbo.

Interesting Facts

  • In the audience survey on the best series of the film on the top rating often, it is often "endless day" from the third season, resembling "Surk Day": Xena is in the city, where the same events are repeated with each dawn.
  • The heroine of the series in 2003 was honored to give the name of the dwarf planet in the solar system. True, the event passed at the unofficial level. Three years later, Xena "selected" this achievement, calling Open Planetoid Erida.


"It's hard to be alone." Survival Rules. First: If you can't fight, run. Second: If you can't run - Rent, and then run. Third: if you are in a minority, let them fight with each other while you run away. "See how calm the surface of the water. That was me. And then ... the water slightly fluctuates and shacks; This is who I became. "" You meet people who appear in your life and disappear from it, like ghosts. And when they leave, you realize that you remained part of them. Their spirit helps you to realize who you are and what do you want to bring in this world. "" There is no love without hate, no peace without violence and no forgiveness without anger - it would deprive the world of equilibrium. "The truth is that life - This is a joke, a cruel joke. And so that we do, we will still become food for worms. "" You will not find peace around yourself. You must find it in your own heart. "

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