Thomas Jane - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



The United States is famous for the number of directors and actors who have gained world glory. Thomas Jane became such a person - a brilliant representative of the profession, a specialist of television sphere, producer and screenwriter, director director. Holder of titles and awards for embodied projects.

Childhood and youth

On February 22, 1970, the heir appeared in the family of Ellitt to light. Biography denotes Birthplace as Baltimore, Maryland, USA. From an early age, the boy came to the alarms and director. It is difficult to say that in his youth, it was interested in accurate science. The guy tried to take a maximum of life.

From the birth of Thomas lived with the surname of the Father, but later took the Mother's Familus by Maiden. After the guy graduated from school in 1987, he in seventeen years old with a small luggage and without a single dollar in his pocket went to search for fame.

The path to Hollywood was thorny and long. Without housing, money and acquaintances, he sang in transitions and on the streets of an unfamiliar city. To earn a living, I had to work out by a street musician, spending the night in my own car.

Thomas Jane in youth

In an interview, the actor uttered such a phrase:

"In my repertoire I had several songs, it's" Hey Joe "and" Knockin 'on Heaven's Door. ".

As he fought later, it seemed that people would give artist money just for the guy stopped singing. After coincidence, it was noticed and invited to samples of the film.


I received the first role in the film "Padamati Sandhya Ragam", in 1987 played a major role in the tape and received the first recognition of the audience. After that, Thomas Jane had to learn a lot. In addition to Harizma and Talent, the directors demanded also the initial basic knowledge of acting skills.

Thomas Jane

The mother of the young man is a fan of creativity Stephen King, so despite difficulties, he accepted the offer to play roles in the adaptation of works. Every film lived like the last. Success is to clearly convey the image of his hero. I knew how to build a role, tune and correctly present emotions.

Career and filmography has many interesting moments. The story begins a dozen major roles, episodes, paintings and film. Experience helped to find what he sought all his life, to gain professionalism and love of the audience. Infinite rehearsals, shooting and testing devoted to those who did not overcome difficulty and lost the goal. The actor was nominated three times on the Golden Globe Prize.

"Buffy - Vampire Slayer" - a series that has loved to thousands of adolescents around the world in 1992, at the time of filming, the actor was only 22.

The painting "Nemesis", filmed in 1993, became a creative break in the life of the artist. After the film distribution, he did not participate in the shooting. 1996 I was remembered by a film "Raven 2: the city of Angelov", the fans were shocked by the role in such a genre. 1997 became difficult for him. Thomas Jane's work is in the "without face" - Burck Hicks, "Hollywood Undercover" - "Nights in the style of Buoga", "Suician" - Neil Kessage.

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About three plots, the actor lived in 1998 in the "Bloody Thursday" paintings, where the participant was played by Casey, as well as the "thin red line" and "The Velocity Of Gary". In 2000, a horror window called "Deep Blue Sea" came out. In addition, in the actor repertoire - the roles of Magnolia and Molly.

The film "Molar" demonstrated an amazing ability to integrate from one mood to another. As ideally, the scriptwriters of the catastrophe, the covered city, threatens the danger of the population. The actor fought with otherworldly forces and entities, trying to survive.

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"Dream catcher" - a picture of 2003, where the actor stood out with an emotional feed. The plot tells that four teenagers saved a Christmas tree from trouble, and he gave the Savior's ability to see, hear and make things with whom will have to cope throughout the adventure. A friendly meeting became a fateful and eventually suggested the danger to the human world.

Shot in 2004 the film "Puncher" helped to understand Thomas what he knew and knows the actor much that the creative potential would be enough much more to play not only beautiful guys. We are talking about punishing those who are involved in the death of a young guy.

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Thanks to the participation in the shooting, the actor demonstrated in nature, showed a sense of humor, the features that did not exhibit the public.

The painting "1922", shot in 2017, became a breakthrough and once again confirmed the genius and professionalism of the artist.

Personal life

The man is popular, received world recognition, he will be recognized in Europe and the East. However, Tomas's personal life did not advertise. The press managed to learn a few facts about what is happening in the life of the actor, however, for the fans of this today it turned out.

Aisha Hauer and Thomas Jane

The first marriage lasted 6 years. Aisha Hauer became his wife. Shooting, public life and, perhaps, some unknown personal moments put a cross on this union in 1995.

Thomas Jane and Patricia Arquette

For the second time, the wedding with a glamorous Dier Patricia Arquette struck fans and those who followed the creativity. Over the years of life, Thomas has managed to acquire a child. When the couple decided to dispay, Harlow Olivia Kallop was 3 years old.

Thomas Jane now

Both parents participate in the life, education and education of the girl. The daughter visits the drawing mugs, walks on dancing and ballet. In the future, it wants to become an actress, like a mother with dad, loves to spend time with his father, even when the actor rarely comes.

Thomas Jane and Christopher Lambert

Repeatedly Thomas Jane compared with the actor from France. Similarity with Christopher Lambert stolen a young artist. They are united even the same height - 180 centimeters.

Common features of the face and physique are confused by spectators, but there are one distinctive feature - for many years, Christopher's head covers the noble gray. If you follow their latest photos on social networks, there will be irrefutable evidence of this.


  • 1999 - "Deep Blue Sea"
  • 1999 - "Molly"
  • 2000 - "Under suspicion"
  • 2001 - "Slazen"
  • 2001 - "Paradise"
  • 2002 - "Cutie"
  • 2003 - "Dream Catcher"
  • 2003 - "Standard"
  • 2004 - "Puncher"
  • 2007 - "Moble"
  • 2008 - "Chronicles of Mutants"
  • 2009 - "Territory of Darkness"
  • 2015 - "Tupik"
  • 2016 - "Veil"
  • 2016 - "Doubt"

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