Mikhail Jonin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The actor and cinema actor Mikhail Zhonin is removed both in the Ukrainian and Russian projects. His filmography is a lot of roles in the series and the full-length paintings presented in the genres of detective, militant, melodrama and thriller. Jonin is also a dubbing artist, heroes of Hollywood blockbusters, European films and Turkish TV series speak his voice.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Zhonin was born in the Oasis city in the south of Ukraine, comfortably located on the left bank of the Dnieper, in the polustener of kilometers from Kherson. In New Kakhovka, childhood and youth of the future actor passed.

Mikhail grew up in a family, where neither artists nor people associated with other types of art were not. But this circumstance did not become an obstacle to the boards of the young man to become a guide. Creative spark flared up in Misha in early childhood. Artistry and musicality poured into the ability to dance and play several tools.

After graduation, the graduate went to the Ukrainian capital. From the first attempt to go to the Kiev National University of Theater, Cinema and Television. Jonin was enrolled on the course of the theater teacher of Nikolai Rushkovsky, where Mikhail received an Aza of acting skills and in the mid-1990s a diploma of higher theatrical education.

Personal life

Mikhail Zhonin is reluctant to divide the details of his personal life. With the wife of Julia, the Perennek, he met on the voicing of the Turkish series "Roksolana. Magnificent century". Zhonin's voice said the ruler of the Ottoman Empire - Mighty Suleiman. Julia voiced the main heroine.

According to the scenario of the film of the heroine of Julia Roksolana, five children gave birth. After the end of the work on the dubing actress joked, which now knows how to give birth. I broke in the studio feelings turned into a novel and led a couple in the registry office, since the spouses together. There is no information about the children of Mikhail and Yulia.

The actress admitted that she fell in love with the future husband before working together to voicing the Turkish melodrama. Mikhail conquered her in the theater. Julia, having seen him on stage, realized that a more talented man did not meet. Zhonina's voice played not the last role - they are told by Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, Gary Oldman. Artist's growth - 1.78 m, weight - 85 kg.


The creative biography of the graduate artist began at the theatrical stage of Kiev. In the metropolitan theater of drama and comedy on the left bank of Dnipro, Mikhail Zhonin played Kochkina in the play "Have fun! Things are good!?". On the stage of the theater "Atelier 16" played key characters in the "Keystone" and "Song 35", the latter lay the play of Jean-Field Sartra.

Wide fame to the artist came after the appearance on television screen. Mikhail Zhonin began to film in the early 2000s, debuted in a 12-serial detective Boris Nebiiride and Vladimir Popkov "Doll". Here he got only an episode, but on the set he met with Cinema Stars Sergey Shakurov, Alexander Dedyushko and Igor Barochny.

From one draft director of Boris Nebiiridze, the actor moved to another - the historical melodrama "Roksolan" with Olga Sumy in the lead role. Jonin did not bring the appearance of Russian-Ukrainian TV series in the episodes, but he made experience on the set, a new for theatrical artist.

The first major role in the movie went to Mikhail in 2008: Ukrainian melodrama came to the screens, with elements of the Mysticism "Witchcraft Love", in which the constellation of artists of Ukraine and Russia starred.

There are in the repertoire of Mikhail Jonin and comedy roles. In the Ukrainian full-length film "One for all", the audience saw the actor in an unexpected role. It is much more likely to appear in detective ribbons, playing a volitional guard order or charismatic criminal authority.

In 2007, Jonin had experience in a political thriller. Mikhail played a secondary, but bright image in the project Aleco Tsabadze "Russian Triangle", producer whose producer spoke Artchil Gelovani.

In the filmography of the Ukrainian artist there was a place and military film project - the film release of the Roman Alexander Kokhanov "Caravan Hunters". The 4th-serial drama of the same name was published in Ukrainian ICTV in December 2010, and in the Russian TV channel "Russia-1" - in early 2011. Alexey Serebryakov played the main character in the drama, Jonin got a bright episode.

In May 2016, the premiere of the detective-criminal series "DOV" took place on the NTV television channel, where the audience saw Mikhail Zhonin in the form of an operative of Genzdilov, a partner of Max Character performed by Nikita Panfilov.

The ribbon attracted the attention of the viewers of the dynamic plot and charming main character - the German shepherd dog on his nickname. The creators of the series decided to extend the rating project for another few seasons. New films series appeared annually, including 2019.

The bright pages in the repertoire of the artist were his work in the drama "According to the laws of military time", a detective "Citizen Nobody", the melodrame "on the line of life." In documentary tape "Splitted atoms", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the tragedy, which happened at the Chernobyl NPP, Jonin embodied on the screen the image of Mikhail Gorbachev.

The taste of glory, Mikhail Zhonin, felt in 2017, when the TV channels "duty officer" came out on the TV channels of Russia - Russia, Kazakhstan, in which the actor played the main character, Surgeon Andrei Mazura. This is the first Ukrainian-language project about physicians. Jonin shared that before filming, the acting was seriously prepared: they advised the experienced patrolman.

In 2018, Jonin reincarnated in two heroes with the opposite fate and characters. In the melodraman, the "closed circle" he starred in the form of the head of the ROVD, and in the "Storey Life" project played a gang leader. The artist masterfully copes with a wide amplitude of the transferred emotions and characteristic features of the character, so the directors are not afraid to entrust Mikhail roles in various amplua.

Mikhail Zhonin now

The actor lives and worries in Kiev. Removed in Ukrainian and joint projects, goes to theatrical layouts and continues to work on the dubbing of the series and full-length paintings. Eccentric photos from the shooting sites Mikhail places in "Instagram".

Now, the main time of his creative activity, Mikhail devotes to work on the image of Igor Genzdilov from the series "Dog", but in 2019, with his participation, the mystical series "Looking in the distance" was also published on the screens, where Elena Radevich, Anton Batyrev, Kirill, were presented to the screens. In 2020, Jonin appeared in a new project - the Ukrainian melodraman "Christmas tree by a million".


  • 2002 - "Doll"
  • 2005 - "One for all"
  • 2006-2007 - "Guardian Angel"
  • 2006 - "Angel of Orly"
  • 2007 - "Russian Triangle"
  • 2008 - "Detachment"
  • 2008 - "Walking Love"
  • 2009 - "Rules of HUMAN"
  • 2010 - "Brother for Brother"
  • 2012 - "Death to spies. Hidden enemy "
  • 2013 - Nyukhach
  • 2015 - "According to the laws of wartime"
  • 2015-2019 - "Dog"
  • 2016-2017 - "duty doctor"
  • 2018 - "Contact"
  • 2019 - "Looking Dwalle"

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