Mikhail Tsyshenko - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Mikhail Tsyshenko - actor, theatrical director director, the star "Curve of the Mirror", a humorist, whose monologues make the smile of the most sullen people.

Artist Mikhail Tsyshenko

In one of his interviews, the artist briefly spoke about his childhood:

" I'm from kiev. Parents - Master of Sports in Gymnastics. Father taught at the Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers at the Department of Physical Education, then he was a physical education teacher at school. Mom, having finished performing at professional competitions, became a functioner in sports society. Thank God, both alive, healthy, still live in Kiev. And the younger brother went on their footsteps, only he became interested in sports acrobatics. And I am correctly saying, in the family is not without a freak, - the sport did not love and became an artist. "

Mikhail Toryshenko was born on September 19, 1960 in the capital of Ukraine - Kiev. The parents of the actor - the master of sports in sports gymnastics, the family did not follow the professional road, although his childhood spent in the gym.

Mikhail Torishenko

After graduating from school, I tried happiness in the Kiev Theater Institute, but did not pass the exam on the history of the USSR. I gave the honor of the Motherland, having served in the army, after which he entered the Kiev National University of Theater, Cinema and Television named after K. Karpenko-Karoy. After graduating in 1985, the university worked in the Kiev theater of the stage. So started the path of the artist to television screens.

Humor and creativity

Some time, the actor continued to work in the theater. But in the dashing the 90th theater lost attractiveness for the audience. Mikhail Tseryshenko resigned and went to trade the literature near the Sophia Cathedral to survive in difficult times. The beginning of a career on television artist is obliged to Anatoly Dyachenko, a partner in the theater. Dyachenko agreed on the role for a comrade in the movie Oksana Bayrak "paid in advance."

Mikhail Toryshenko on stage

After the filming of filming, Mikhail Toryshenko moves to Moscow, where he begins to act in the humorous program "Boe-on!", Which brought the humorist's popularity and recognition of viewers. With the author of the transfer, Igor Okolnikov, the actor met the film.

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In the early 2000s, Kyshkin House was advised. And the following 10 years, a humorist dedicated to the participation in the program "Curve Mirror", founded and led by Yevgeny Petrosyan. The relationship with the management was not easy. The humorist responds about working with Petrosyan as a stubborn work and endless disputes.

Comments to Petrosyan describe it as a person of conflicting, fighting with himself, who is not accustomed to working in tandem, but only solo. It is worth paying tribute, the television transmission "Curve Mirror" brought the most recognition and glory artist.

Mikhail Tseryshenko and Evgeny Petrosyan

In 2013, the humorist leaves the transfer. The 2000s are becoming productive and in cinema - the actor is filmed in films and shows, where comedy roles were more often a humor.

Personal life

The first time the artist married his student years at Côtessnice Inna Kapinos. The couple lived in the dorm room of the theater, where Mikhail Tseryshenko worked as a designer artist. A young couple lasted in marriage less than 3 years.

Mikhail Tseryshenko and Inna Kapinos

The second marriage of the actor happened in a couple of years, in which the couple lived 6 years. The wife worked as a costume at the same theater, where Mikhail Toryshenko worked. In the second marriage, the artist was born the son of Victor, who currently works in the computer technologies industry.

At the set of the film "Paid in advance", the actor met Ekaterina Semenova, which in the 90s has already been recognizable singer. Relations with his wife at the actor were poorly evolved that over time more and more manifested. And with Catherine Semenova - easily and cooler. The singer at the time of dating with Mikhail was officially married, but she did not live with her husband. In the families of both relationships did not make up, therefore there was no point in preserving them.

Mikhail Tsyshenko and Katya Semenova

For some time, Ekaterina and Mikhail rode from Kiev to Moscow and from Moscow to Kiev to meet each other. The actor lived in the trains literally, but at one moment the question of where the couple is going to live, stood sharply. Lovers decide to stay in Moscow and create the official cell of society - the family.

The artist did not rush to live in Moscow - parents lived in Kiev, and leaving far away, leaving them without help, did not cause much enthusiasm. On moving to Moscow in his interviews from 2016, the artist says the following:

"I even had no thought to leave Kiev, not to mention the ambitious plans to conquer the capital. I always wanted to live next to my parents. Not so that mom, sorry, washing shirts and socks, no. And to help them. Any parents deserve the children to care about them, but mine sure. However, life ordered otherwise. But I woke up to my mother with dad very often, barely exharicted free time. Alas, now there is such an opportunity as before, no. "

But the career of his beloved woman was on takeoff, and the decision came by itself. The actor was not more accused of attached to the famous actress for the sake of benefits and careers, but the artist treated with her usual humor.

Ekaterina Semenova and Mikhail Tsyshenko in 2017

A couple of Kati Semenova and Mikhail Tseryshenko for 25 years considered an example for imitation. Lovers endlessly recognized each other in the feelings on the screens and in an interview. But at the end of 2017, the celebrities show business announced a divorce.

A year before the loud sensation, the artist's wife learned about the treason of her husband, but tried to save the relationship. And about the fact that in the family of actors a problem, held secret from the press. The actress filed to a divorce, but decided to suspend the process, but attempts were useless. Emotions related to the tragedy and a split family, couple splashing on social networks. On the "Instagram" page, the actress wrote the following:

"Circus closed! My ex-husband with his partner. I hope that someday I can wash. I did not want to deceive anyone, it turned out! ".

On the Social School page, Katerina Semenova posted a photo of the alleged ravine - Natalia Old, which completely denies the charges and dry. Mikhail Toryshenko does not just do not deny, but also recognizes his guilt before his wife.

Mikhail Tsyshenko and Natalia Old

Treason, the artist commented on "Instagram" with the appeal to the fans of his wife with what he did not deny the incident, exposing himself an idiot that did not appreciate happiness and perceived as usual. From the comments of the actor it is clear that regret came too late.

Mikhail Tsyshenko now

The artist practices as a director in the Moscow Jewish Theater "Shalom", periodically removed in films and serials. He writes monologues. Among friends was famous for the collection of models of the car "Beetle" Volkswagen. After the divorce continues to live in Moscow.


  • 1992-1995 - "Both!"
  • 2000 - "Old Klyachi"
  • 2000 - "President and His Granddaughter"
  • 2001-2003 - "Kyshkin House"
  • 2002 - "Kamenskaya 2"
  • 2003-2013 - "Curve Mirror"
  • 2007 - "Kolobkov. Real Colonel "

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