Yulia Salibekova - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs, "house-2" 2021



Yulia Salibekova is one of the few participants of the telestroy "House 2", who really managed to find their happiness there.

Julia from birth was surname Kolisnichenko. A girl appeared in the light in Krasnodar, in April 1988, and not alone, but with a twin sister Katya. The family has already been raised in the family. But there was no full-fledged happiness: the head of the family soon threw households. Three children raised mom and grandmother. In an interview with Julia, he told that wealth was very modest, and since childhood the girl was accustomed to save.

Julia Salibekova in childhood

The challenge nature of the sisters could not even be confused by mom, a law enforcement officer. Girls regularly quarreled and fought. But with schools in school it was without any problems, the sisters actively showed themselves in all sorts of events and cherished the dream to become famous as singer.

Julia Salibekova with sister Katya

Katery Katya and Julia went to the vocal studio, entered the music school, then the artistic nature led them to the Kuban Cossack choir, in which girls sang for three years and even solired. But then the character was intervened - due to the conflict, Kolisnichenko left the team.

The biography of the sisters would have remained an ordinary and no one as interesting if not a well-known realistic show.

"House 2"

Of the total mass of "candidates for happiness", Julia was already knocked out that was not alone, but with his sister. On the threshold of "House 2", Kolisnichenko appeared in September 2010 and lasted there for 2 years.

Julia Salibekova in the show

The first object of the hands of beauty turned out to be Evgeny Pynzar. An indifference, punished with a young man, was not embarrassed by a brisk girl. Julia turned to the nectarians of Lieberman, but with the same success.

Then the brunette tried to repel Andrei Cadetov from Olga Agibalova. At first it seemed that a couple had something, however, in this case, as they say, did not come around. Added paints and conflict with Olga's mother, Irina Agibalova. In this confrontation, the girl acquired a mass of supporters both among the participants and from among the audience following the pilpeties of the show.

Julia Salibekova

By this time, romantic feelings rose from friendly relations with Yury. Young people settled into a separate apartment, but the joint existence lasted for a short time. According to Yuri, the share of guilt lies in Catherine, who intervened for any reason with his advice. Justice should be noted that the guy did not always behave in Gentelmen.

The desperate Kolisnichenko was removed to leave the project, but the situation has changed with the appearance in January 2011 Krasavtsa-Ossetian Tigran Salibekova.

Julia Salibekova and Tigran Salibekov

The atmosphere on the site was glowed every day, emotions beat them through the edge. The man did not differ in loyalty than caused the stormy scenes of the jealousy of the girlfriend. Nevertheless, the new couple settled in the urban apartment. And in June 2011, Julia announced pregnancy.

In Tigran posted oriental temperament. The shocked guy first offered to make an abortion, then demanded an inspection on a lie detector, and then slammed the door at all and left the project. Julia, despite the broken feelings, remained on the show, gaining support and sympathy of the participants.

Personal life

To the honor of Tigran, the awareness of paternity was still coming to him. According to the assurances of some Internet portals, the last word remains for the guy's parents. They forced Salibekov to return and recognize the child, although at first they also rejected the grandson and his mother. In December 2011, Yulia and Tigran legalized the relationship in the Griboedovsky registry office.

Wedding Yulia Salibekova and Tigran Salibekova

Yellow press did not lease. The statement was followed that the guy was paid by the wedding, gave money to their own karaoke club, and Yule helped with the purchase of an apartment. In other words, a beautiful fairy tale must have ends beautifully.

Whatever it was, but Julia with Tigran is raising for three children - the sons of Rolan, Eldar and their newborn brother. The first small, but a couple's own housing changed when I purchased a new apartment in Schelkovo. According to Salibekova, for the sake of buying an apartment, the spouses worked without days off, left children with nanny, did not fundamentally take loans. Now jokes: in plans - buy apartments on Arbat.

Julia Salibekova with children and husband

On the page in "Instagram" at Julia a lot of promotional photos. Journalists directly asked questions, and did the family did repair in exchange for services. The woman also frankly answered what to think as if they were only gifts - a mistake.

Young people escaped templates on the topic of parting due to repair: Designer delights Tigran entrusted his wife. It happened, quarreled, but Salibeks are calm and disposable, and started in the family - Julia. According to his own recognition of the former participants of the reality show, the Caucasian traditions, in the soul, in the family has already developed a unlawful set of rules of behavior for each of the parties.

Julia Salibekova now

After leaving "House 2", Julia tirelessly demonstrated that she had a family in priority, although he periodically continued to raise the public and remind themselves. In 2015, the sisters Kolisnichenko made publicity of the conflict with each other. A stumbling block was the former husband of Catherine, Nikita. Allegedly he intervened in the relationship of the girls and set up one against another.

Julia Salibekova

Over time, the young mother has established relations with Catherine, although periodically did not forget to reproach the sister in the fact that it does not help with nephews.

I did not forget Julia and about the singing career. However, the first experiments did not even appreciate close people. Salibekova came to the question with all seriousness and asked for help from a professional teacher.

In February 2018, the conflict between his sisters flashed with a new force. This time, Julia accused Katya in the claims on Tigran. Salibekova was not ashamed to share family secrets with the audience of scandalous transmission "in fact." Moreover, the corresponding post in "Instagram" appeared earlier than notification on the official website of the first channel.

The message caused the wave of angry comments. The right speeches about building a happy life and family values ​​from the mouth of Yulia, romantic photos and other attributes of Follovier considered an empty picture. Julia was accused of selling and insincerity, in the fact that she ruined the future of children.

Julia Salibekova in 2018

A separate line is allocated comments in Tigran. Especially perturbed observers the fact that the Caucasian man allows his own wife such publicity. Salibekov put in the reproach that he did not think how such a transfer would affect parents.

But the defenders were also found. Such, although little, and not such tary, but they supported a couple, seeing another producing show, besides well-paid.

On November 22, 2018, Julia and Tigran again became parents. Their third son appeared on the world. The boy was born in the usual maternity hospital.


  • 2010 - "Dom-2"
  • 2011 - "Battle of Psychics"
  • 2014 - "Time will show"

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