Roman Khudyakov - biography, photo, personal life, news, presidential candidate 2021



Roman Khudyakov - Russian and Transnistrian politician. The political career began in 2002, becoming the chairman of the Coordination Council of the Social Movement "Eurasian Union of Transnistrians". And soon headed the "LDPR Transnistria" movement, which was the similarity of the Russian party of Vladimir Zhirinovsky. At the end of December 2017, announced his intentions to participate in the presidential election.

Childhood and youth

Roman Khudyakov was born in Tiraspol in the family of ordinary workers - Svetlana Petrovna and Ivan Fedorovich Khudyakov. Immediately after school went to the army, served in the peacekeeping troops of the Russian Federation in Transnistria.

Roman Khudyakov served in peacekeeping forces

Roman received two higher education. In 2011, he received a diploma of the Moscow Institute of Management and Service in the specialty "Management Management". And in 2013 he graduated from the Transnistrian State University named after Taras Shevchenko, becoming a specialist in the field of political science and sociology.


He made his first steps in the politics of Khudyakov in Transnistria, heading in 2002 the Eurasian Union of Transnistrians. In July 2003, he became the leader of the Republican Movement "LDPR Transnistria". The party included supporters of the Russian Batch of LDPR. By the way, she in many ways copies it and actively cooperates with it.

Politician Roman Khudyakov

Since 2006, "LDPR Transnistria" has received the status of a political party, and the novel was elected his chairman. In the same year, Roman Ivanovich entered the Council of People's Deputies of Tiraspol. Already since 2004, Khyatakov is included in the team of Vladimir Zhirinovsky. He speaking several times in the role of the candidate's trustee, and was his assistant.

In 2011, politician participated in the Duma elections from the Pskov region. But the places in the Duma did not receive. Soon Alexey Ostrovsky was appointed to the post of governor of the Smolensk region, as a result of which one place in the State Duma was released. The LDPR faction decided to give the mandate of Ostrovsky Khudyakov.

Roman Khudyakov

In 2016, the duration of the deputy of the Roman Khudyakov in the Duma ended. Due to the fact that the LDPR faction refused to put forward Khudyakov for a new time, conflict occurred, after which Roman Ivanovich decided to participate in the primaries from the United Russia party. He did not win, plus everything was excluded from the LDPR.

However, his activities in the State Duma was not so noticeable and politically significant. In the network, the mass of photos on which Khudyakov is captured during the Duma meetings - he laughs from what he seen in the smartphone, then demonstrates a flash drive gun to his colleagues.

Roman Khudyakov with a flashing gun

The situation with the "flash drive" occurred on November 21, 2012. His performance of many frightened. Right at the meeting, he pulled a miniature gun out of his pocket. Of course, he immediately dispelled all the fears of deputies, saying that he was rubber, and also a flash drive. It was done in order to convince colleagues in the necessary legalization of short-barreled weapons.

In July 2014, Roman Khudyakov again turned out to be in a funny situation. He said that Pornography is present on the 100-ruble bill, and it falls under the letter of the law number 436-FZ "On the protection of children from harmful information". According to him, Apollo, standing on the building of the Bolshoi Theater, is visible to the genitals. He wrote about this Elvira Nabiullina with a proposal to change the design of banknotes.

Apollo on the Russian bill

Of course, his initiative was not supported. Experts decided that, despite the fact that the bill may be formally recognized by the products containing a pornographic nature, its replacement will be economically unreasonable. To remove all 100-ruble bills from turnover and release new instead, the Central Bank will have to spend a volatile amount of money.

In 2014, the Khudyakov family was provided by the "Deputy" apartment in 169.5 sq.m. By the way, Roman Ivanovich was among those deputies that refused to leave the housing at the end of his convocation.

Roman Khudyakov in the State Duma

In 2015, he became a candidate for the governors of the Tambov region. But in the end, in the rating of candidates, he only became the third. The victory was won by the representative of United Russia Alexander Nikitin.

In July 2013, an attack was made on Roman Khudyakov. A conflict has occurred on the road, because of which the deputy was beaten by Dagestanis. He was taken to the hospital in an unconscious state. Soon the attackers were arrested.

Roman Khudyakov after the attack

However, this is not the first such situation with the novel. Even in Transnistria in 2011, criminals attacked Khudyakov, they pulled out a policy from the car, stripped and taken to the city of Rybnitsa, where it was left. The attackers did not find it. Many people tied up with Khudyakov's business - at that time he was the director of the Transnistrian Trading House LLC. "

On September 18, 2015, Khudyakov became a victim of robbers - all bank cards were stolen from his car, 250 thousand rubles and 5 thousand euros.

Personal life

Roman Khudyakov is married. He and his wife Alaney Shestakova four children are three sons and one daughter. It is noteworthy that at their wedding there was a leader of the LDPR World Party Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Roman Khudyakov with family

Politician is a frequent guest of social networks. He has accounts in "Instagram" and in VKontakte. It with a regular frequency lay out family photos, divided by frames from a political television show.

Roman Khudyakov now

In December 2017, Roman Khudyakov announced his intention to participate in the presidential election. He became a candidate from the party "honestly." Roman Ivanovich Hadyakov provided all necessary documents to the CEC, and the election headquarters said that representatives of Khudyakov collected 105 thousand signatures.

On January 22, the official website of the CEC appeared the news that Khudyakov took off his candidacy in favor of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Roman Khudyakov in 2018

According to the representative of the election commission, the members of the party "honestly" listed the boxes, but whether there were no sheets with signatures in them, it is unknown. Because of the self-destruction of the candidate, no one opened them.

According to the results of 2014, the state of Roman Nikolayevich Khudyakov and his spouses are about 4 million rubles. in year. They also own the house and the Mercedes Benz GL class car.

Awards and achievements

  • 2007 - Medal "For Difference in Labor"
  • 2007 - Cross "For Mercy, Honor and Compact Originality"
  • 2010 - the anniversary medal "20 years of the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic"
  • 2012 - Jubilee medal "75 years of the Tambov region"
  • 2012 - Saint George's Medal of the Victorious For Services in front of the Moldovan Orthodox Church
  • 2014 - gratitude to the Tambov Regional Duma for active participation in improving the legislative base of the Tambov region
  • 2014 - gratitude to the Chairman of the State Duma of the FS RF for a personal contribution to the development of the legislation of the Russian Federation
  • 2014 - Medal "For the Return of Crimea"
  • 2015 - Medal "70 years of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"

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