Cyrus Bulychev - biography, photo, personal life, books, death



Cyrus Bulychev - the creator of popular works in the fantastic genre. Today, fans of the talent of the masts of the writer do not cease to be surprised by his insight. Books Boylchev are striking looks and foresight.

Childhood and youth

Cyrus Bulychev - an invented writer's pseudonym. Real Name - Igor Vsevolodovich Mooseko. The future writer was born on October 18, 1934 in the city of Moscow. Dad boy - Vsevolod Nikolaevich Mooseko - a leaving from the nobleman, in his youth left the house and began to live on his own.

Cyrus Bulychev

Maria Mikhailovna Bulychev - the employee of the fellow worker in the production of pencils. She was brought up in the family of an officer and before the events of 1917 he studied at the Smolny Institute of Noble Maiden. After the coup, documents submitted to the Institute of Auto Transport.

Boylchev's parents got married in 1925. As soon as the boy turned five years old, the family broke up. Mom was soon combined with a marriage with a chemical scientist Yakov Isaakovich Bokinin. Soon the boy gave sister Natalia. Yakov Isaakovich during a terrible war went to the front and died in 1945.

Cyrus Bulychev in childhood

In 1957, a young man received a diploma of the Moscow State Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and went to work as a translator to Burma. After a couple of years, returned to Moscow and took up the study of the culture of the countries of the East at the Academy of Sciences. After graduation, remained at the Academy to teach the history of Burma.

Biography Igor Vsevolodovich is famous for success in science. He received a candidate of science in 1965, and in 1981 - the degree of doctor of historical sciences. Among scientists became famous for labor on the history of Southeast Asia.


Plus, the academy wrote notes and other publications for magazines "around the world" and "Asia and Africa today". In 1961, Bulychev published a small story "Maung Joe will live." This was the debut of the author of the artistic literature. Four years later, he created a new story "Debt of Hospitality", but already in a fantastic genre. Creative work was released under the fictional name Maun Sein Ji.

Writer Cyrus Bulychev

However, in subsequent works, the author was mentioned as Kirill Bulychev. In the working circulation, he joined the name of his wife with the Mother's Mother's last name. Bulychev used pseudonyms, because the writing could have a negative impact on the main work. Then this kind of activity was considered a frivolous occupation. The creations of the author fell in love with readers. Soon the stories and stories turned into separate books.

Cyrus Bulychev at a meeting with readers

The publications brought success to Kiru Boylchev, but the readers had imbued with permanent love of Alice Selena. The girl from the Earth constantly got into the grill, but coped with difficulties with the help of seamless and friends. In the books about the young researcher, other heroes appeared, but more often the girl traveled with the father Igor Seleznev and a friend of Pope cumbersome.

In 1985, he released a story from the series about Alice "Reserve of fairy tales." In the work, the writer moved away from the usual canons and sent heroin not to someone else's planet, but in the fabulous world. On the plots of books about the young girl filmed films.

Cyrus Bulychev and Natasha Guseva

In 1977, the "Guest from the Future" film was released on Soviet screens. The picture developed by the plot of the story "One hundred years ago, enjoyed success. On the screen, the girl was embodied Natalia Guseva and Catherine Zutbileak. The final story about the adventures of the young conqueror of Sosmos Igor Vsevolodovich wrote in 2003. According to the result, 52 writing works are devoted to the archaeologist.

In 1982, the fictional was awarded the USSR State Prize for the scenario to the film "Through thorns to the stars" and the cartoon "Mystery of the Third Planet". As a result, the true name of Kira Bulychev turned out, but did not dismiss the institute of literary critic.

Cyrus Bulychev on the radio

A number of works on the "Great Huslar" became the second on recognition. The cycle has absorbed humorous stories and stories about the inhabitants of the fictional city Great Husar. Town characters appeared in a large number of writing works. The feature of the series was that the books did not provide for the main character. The introductory story was called "personal relationships." At the beginning of the XXI century Cyrus Bulychev made a statement that she completed the series, because the plot had exhausted himself.

Popular books about Agent of Cosmophlobe Andrei Bruce. He became a central character of two works "Agent KF" and "Witch Dungeon". The second novel was shielded in 1989. Sergey Zhigunov played the role of Bruce.

Sergey Zhigunov as Andrei Bruce

The female character, which remains one of the most recognizable, is an Orwat bark operating an integalactic police agent. In a sense, the bark is Alice in adulthood. In subsequent works there was an intersection of heroines.

Male character - Dr. Pavlysh - Hero of a separate novel "The village". He is a central character of eight books. Stories about secret research and fantastic heroes were also at the peak of popularity.

Cyrus Bulychev

The "Theater of Shadows" is a trilogy - "a view of the battle from height", "Old Year", "Operation" Gadyuk ". These are stories about people from parallel measurement.

In the series "River Chronos", the author appealed to the topic of history. The main characters were able to move in time. They went to alternative epochs to find out how otherwise the history of Russia would develop. Burma became the prototype of the fictional country "Live", which two stories are written.

Writer Cyrus Bulychev

The writer has a number of creations outside the series. He did not bypass the drama genre. At the request of the director Andrei Rossinsky wrote the plays set in the Laboratory Theater. In 1997, Kir Bulychev received a prestigious Alert award. Since 2002, he is dedicated to the Cavalers "Order of the Knights of Fiction". He entered the Creative Board of Fiction Magazines "noon. XXI century "and" if ".

Personal life

The family life of the literary critic was no less successful than creative. Communicated with a marriage with a colleague according to Cire Alekseevna Soshinskaya. The spouse was a good artist and drawing images to the writer's writer.

Cyrus Bulychev and his wife

In 1960, the family had happened in the family - the daughter was born, which was called Alice. An interplanetary naturalist received a name in honor of the daughter of the writer. The young girl went in the footsteps of the mother and finished the architectural. The son of Alice - Timofey - also showed interest in architecture and entered the Moscow Architectural Institute. Family Hobbies - Diving.

In the nineties, the art's work did not lose interest readers. Heavier years have affected the publication of the magazine "If. Cyrus Bulychev saved a magazine from financial collapse.


Cyrus Bulychev passed on September 5, 2003 in the capital of Russia. He long and to no avail struggled with severe oncological disease.

In 2004, Kir Bulychev posthumously became the laureate of the Award named after Arkady and Boris Strugatsky for a series of essays "Padderitsa of the Epoch" in the nomination "Criticism and Publicistics".

Grave Kira Bulychev

Since 2004, the writing award has been established, which bears the name of Kira Bulychev. An important criterion for obtaining award is a high plank of humanity in the book. The award is made in the form of a typewriter, symbolizing writing work.


  • 1961 - "Maung Joe will live"
  • 1965 - "The girl with whom nothing happens"
  • 1965 - "Debt of hospitality"
  • 1967 - "When dinosaurs extinct?"
  • 1968 - "Sword General Bandula"
  • 1971 - "Martian Potion"
  • 1972 - "Great Spirit and Fugitives"
  • 1974 - "Alice's Birthday"
  • 1975 - "Law for Dragon"
  • 1976 - "Foreign Princess"
  • 1977 - "Need a free planet"
  • 1978 - "One hundred years ahead"
  • 1979 - "Star in the Forest"
  • 1998 - "The future begins today"
  • 2000 - "Genius and Harvestment"

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