Robert Schuman - biography, photo, personal life, works



Peter Tchaikovsky, Ferenz Sheet, Frederick Chopin is rightly called the greatest composers of the 19th century. But the phrase of the Sumanovsky period is heard more often, such a name is given to the era of romanticism in the world of music.

Childhood and youth

German composer and musical critic Robert Schumani was born on June 8, 1810 in Saxony (Germany) with a loving couple of Friedrich Augustus and Johann Christians. Because of the love for Johanne, whose parents opposed marriage with Friedrich because of poverty, the father of the future musician for the year of work as an assistant in the book shop worked for a wedding with a girl and to open his own business.

Portrait of Robert Shumana

Robert Schuman rose in the family where there were five children. The boy was grew by mischievous and cheerful, like a mother, and was very different from his father, a closed and silent man.

Robert Schumanov began studying at school at six years, was distinguished by leadership qualities and creative abilities. A year later, the parents noticed the musical talent of the child and gave to learn the game on the piano. Soon he manifested the ability to compose orchestral music.

House Robert Shumana

A young man could not decide on the choice of the future profession - to make music or be afraid of the Literature as he wanted and insisted. But the concert of the pianist and conductor of Mosselles, on which Robert Schuman visited, did not leave the chance of literature. Mother of the composer had plans to make a lawyer's son, but in 1830 he still received the blessing of the parents to devote the lives of music.


Having moved to Leipzig, Robert Schuman began to attend the Lessons of Piano Friedrich Vika, who enlighted him a career of the famous pianist. But life makes its own adjustments. Shuman has developed paralysis of the right hand - the problem forced the young man to refuse the dream to become a pianist, and he switched to the ranks of composers.

Robert Schuman in youth

There are two very strange versions of the reasons why the composer began to develop a disease. One of them is a simulator made by a musician independently for the workout of the fingers, the second story is still mysterious. There were rumors that the composer tried to remove tendons on his hand in order to achieve the virtuosity of the game on the piano.

But none of the versions are proved, they are refuted in the diaries of the wife of Clara, which Robert Schumann knew, so to speak, from ornamental years. Having enlisted the support of the mentor, Robert Schuman in 1834 founded the edition of the "New Music Gazette". Bringing in the newspaper, criticized and ridicule the indifference to creativity and art under the fictional names.

Royal Robert Shumana

The composer challenged the depressive and poor Germany of that time, putting harmony, paints and romanticism into his works. For example, in one of the most famous cycles for Piano "Carnival" at the same time there are female images, motley scenes, carnival masks. In parallel, the composer developed in vocal creativity, the genre of lyrical song.

Separate attention deserves a story about creating and the work of the work "Album for Youth." On the day, when the eldest daughter of Robert Shuman was married for 7 years, the girl received a notebook with the name "An Album for Youth." The notebook consisted of the writings of famous composers and 8 of them were written by Robert Shuman.

Composer Robert Schuman

The composer gave the meaning of this work because he loved his children and wanted to please, he was playing an artistic level of musical education - songs and music that the children studied at school. The album included the plays "Vechenny Song", "Santa Claus", "Merry Peasant", "Winter", which, in the opinion of the author, lungs and understandable for children's perception.

In the period of creative lifting, 4 symphonies are written by the composer. The main part of the works for piano consists of cycles with a lyrical mood, which are associated with one storyline.

Monument to Robert Shumanu

In lifetime, music written by Robert Shuman was not perceived by contemporaries. Romantic, sophisticated, harmonious, taking the thin strings of the human soul. It would seem that Europe, a shrouded change of change and revolutions, could not appreciate the style of the composer going down with the time of the composer, all his life begging for not afraid to look in the eyes of a new one.

Colleagues "On the workshop" also did not perceive the contemporary - Mendelson refused to understand the music of the rebellion and the rebel, Ferenz Leaf, being sensitive and romantic, included only the work of the "carnival" in the concert program. Music Robert Shumana accompanies modern cinema: "Dr. House", "Grandfather of Easy Behavior", "The Mysterious History of Benjamin Batton."

Personal life

With the future wife of Clara Josephine, Vick composer met at a young age in the house of the Piano teacher - the girl was a daughter of Friedrich Vika. In 1840, the marriage of young people took place. This year is considered the most fruitful for the musician - 140 songs are written, and the year is notable for the admission of the University of Leipzig Philosophy.

Robert Schuman and Clara Schuman

Clara was famous for the famous pianist, drove around concerts in which the husband accompanied her beloved. The couple had 8 children, the first years of their own lives were like a fairy tale about love with a happy continuation. After 4 years, Robert Shuman has sharp attacks of nervous disorder. Critics suggest that the reason for this is the composer's wife.

Before the wedding, the musician fought for the right to become a famous pianist, to a greater extent with the father of a girl who categorically did not approve of the intentions of Shuman. Contrary to obstacles created by the future test (it came to court proceedings), Robert Schumann married love.

Portrait of Robert Shuman and his wife Clara Schuman

After marriage, I had to fight popularity and recognition of my wife. And although Robert Schuman was a recognized and famous composer, the feeling that the musician hides in the shadow of the Glory of Clara, did not leave. As a result of the spiritual experiences, Robert Schumanch makes a break in a length of two years in creativity.

The history of love about the romantic relationship of creative couple Clara and Robert Shumanov is embodied in the movie "Song of Love", who saw the light in America in 1947.


In 1853, the famous composer and pianist go to travel in Holland, where the pair took with honors, but after a while the symptoms of the disease sharply aggravated. The composer attempted suicide, jumping into the Rhine River, but the musician was saved.

Grave Robert Shumana

After this, the case was placed in a psychiatric clinic near Bonn, the meeting with his wife was rarely resolved. On July 29, 1856, in 46, the Grand Composer died. According to the results of the opening, the cause of the disease and death at an early age is the blood-over blood vessels and damage in the brain.


  • 1831 - "Butterflies"
  • 1834 - "Carnival"
  • 1837 - "Fantastic passages"
  • 1838 - "Children's scenes"
  • 1840 - "Poet's Love"
  • 1848 - "An album for youth"

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