Yuri Chernov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Yuri Chernov remembered the audience with bright images in the melodrama "We live to Monday", the comedy "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing the profession" and the children's film "Adventures of electronics". Artist has no major roles, but he starred in more than a hundred paintings, half of whom a well-known viewers are familiar, whose youth and mature years have passed in the USSR.

Actor Yuri Chernov

The episodes and roles of the second plan brought Chernov fame, the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation and the unofficial title of the Master of the Episode. But Yuri Nikolayevich loves fans not only for filmmakes - he is a singer and theater actor.

Childhood and youth

The future People's Artist of Russia was born in April 1949 in Samara (then Kuibyshev).

The father of the actor is a man of a creative profession - the relationship to the cinema and the theater did not have: Nikolai Chernov worked as a designer at the aviation plant. The artist drew posters, agitoes, posters and portraits of leaders. In the summer, Chernov-Sr. worked in a pioneer camp, where daughter and son went with his father. In the same place, Yuri Chernov made the first steps in cinema.

Yuri Chernov

Samara televisions arrived at the camp: on its base they were preparing and filmed a festive concert. Yuri learned verse about the tanker, but the director rejected the number: the voice of the teenager turned out to be a maiden, and a serious work performed by Chernov sounded comical. But the liberty of the boy was liked by television drivers, and he was entrusted to lead a concert.

So the creative biography of the artist began. With the first task, Yuri Chernov coped and received an invitation from a local television studio to television programs. The debut in the movie took place in the mid-1960s - the teenager entrusted with an episodic role in the documentary tape about Valentine Tereshkova.

Yuri Chernov in youth

The idea to go to the theater university came to classmate Yuri. In the graduation class, Comrade suggested Chernov to go to the capital, and he agreed, although he did not believe in success. In the Moscow hostel, the young man from Samara got acquainted with the applicants of creative universities. One of them, having learned that Yuri Chernov playing the guitar, asked to accompany on the exam in the Circus School.

The teacher from the admission commission saw in the artist's guitarist and offered to enter the circus, noting that Yuri Nikulin, graduating from the school, became famous for both the circus, and in cinema. So Chernov became a student of the school. M. N. Rumyantseva. Later, Yuri graduated from the Directory Faculty of Gitis.


The taste of glory Yuri Chernov felt in 1967 after entering the screens of the drama Stanislav Rostotsky "Let's live to Monday." Spectators Character of the film - the dude of the raw materials - remembered as "written off" someone else's happiness (spanging in the notebook of a neighbor, who wrote an essay on the topic "My idea of ​​happiness").

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Rostotsky's shooting area of ​​Rostotsky Yuri came by chance: she walked along the corridor of the film studio. Gorky, where the guy noticed the director's assistant. Parents Chernov, having learned that the Son was invited to the ribbon, where the main role got "Samoye" Vyacheslav Tikhonov, was delighted.

At the premiere of paintings in Samara, his father painted on the Son's poster together with Tikhonov, and Vyacheslav Vasilyevich, having arrived in Samara at the premiere, met with Nikolai Chernov. After the words of the famous "Stirlitz," that an explanatory actor will grow out of her son, the parents finally believed in the correctness of the road chosen by Yury.

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In 1969, the audience saw a young artist in the lyrical comedy "Rustic Detective," where the Chernov appeared in the episode (Balalala Tank). But this year Yury Chernov was remembered by a unreclaimed role in the cult film "White Sun of the Desert". Vladimir Motyl approved Chernov to the role of Petruchi, but the ban on the students of the circus school on the shooting put Yuri before choosing: or study, or a shooting area. Work in the picture of Rostotsky Student was forgiven, but for the second violation promised to deduct.

The second stellar role went to the actor in 1973, when the "Golden" comedy Leonid Gaidaya "Ivan Vasilyevich changed on the screens" Ivan Vasilyevich changed. " Attentive viewers noticed Chernov in the form of a balalaretic in the royal chambers. The bright episode was remembered by artist, because the famous director gathered on the set of stars of Soviet cinema.

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In the 1970s, Yuri Chernov played in a number of paintings with loud names, but only in episodes. In the Comedy "Balamut", the spectators learned the artist in the calculating Sanitar Zubkov, in the "Adventures of Electronics" - in Pope of Syroezhkin, in the "Gypsy" with Miham Volontir and Clara and Clara, in the leaders - in the chauffeur. Nicholas.

In 1980-90, the actor continued to film, but two thirds of the time dedicated to the miniature in the metropolitan theater. From the mid-1990s, Yuri Chernov - Artist Theater of the Moon.

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During this period, the audience saw the Master of Episode in the tapes "Youth Peter", "From the life of the head of the criminal investigation department," "After the rain on Thursday." In the 1990s, Yuri Chernov appeared in tragicomedia "Taganka walks tanks" and Comedy Vladimir Menshov "Shirley Merley".

In 2004, Chernov moved to the "School of Modern Plays" dramatics. As before, he is filmed in the cinema in small, but bright roles, mainly in the series.

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In 2008, Yuri Nikolayevich was assigned the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation, and next year he starred in the continuation of the series "Cadet" - "Kremlin cadets". In the same year, the audience was observed for the game of Yuri Chernov in the comedy musical of Egor Friend "First Love".

In 2011, the artist played the director of the orphanage in the detective melodrama "Reflection" with Olga Pogodin in the lead role, and in 2014 they found out the Samara Liestchy in the Ignat servant in the 16-serial historical project "Lord-comrades", where the key characters were embodied Alexander Domogarov and Elizabeth Nilova.

Two third of the role of artist - comedy. In addition to the cinema, Chernov starred in the vintage "Elash" and "Fitil". The talent of the TV host came in handy in the projects of "Good night, kids!" and "Wheel of History".

The actor from Samara is called "human-orchestra." He plays a guitar, a balalaica, a lump harmonica, harmony and clarinet. In the early 2000s, he recorded a solo disk with the music team "Horus".

Personal life

The first youthful marriage of Yuri Chernov ended with a divorce, but the daughter of Anna appeared in him, who gave the father of two grandchildren.

The second spouse the actor met in Gitis. With Valentina, surprisingly similar to the actress Zhanna Prokhorenko, Chernova had love at first sight. Valentina - Theatersed. At the time of the meeting, the girl worked at the university, in the branch of the foreign theater.

Yuri Chernov with family

After a long courting, the beauty agreed to marry Yuri Chernov, becoming his beloved wife and the best friend for decades. In the second marriage, the actor was born daughter Yaroslav and Son Maxim.

Yuri Chernov Now

In March 2017, the premiere of the 4-serial comedy melodrama "Householder" director Valery Deliylov took place on TVC television channel. This is a touching story about love, family and female emancipation. The main roles in the ribbon went to Denis Matrosov and Anna Miklash. Removed in Ribe and Yuri Chernov with Elena Zakharova.

Yuri Chernov in 2017

In early February 2018, an alarming information about the artist's disease appeared in the media. Journalists wrote that Yuri Nikolayevich was taken to the hospital, where the pre-primary state was diagnosed.

The information was Fake. Soon, Yuriy Chernov was reassured by alarmed fans, saying that she was doing snow cleaning at the cottage. The actor thanked unfinished care and assured that he was healthy.


  • 1968 - "We will live to Monday"
  • 1972 - "Carnival"
  • 1973 - "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing profession"
  • 1978 - "Balamut"
  • 1979 - "Adventures Electronics"
  • 1980 - "Peter's Youth"
  • 1983 - "From the life of the criminal investigation department"
  • 1985 - "After the rain on Thursday"
  • 1991 - "Taganka walks on Taganka"
  • 1995 - "Shirley Merly"
  • 2003 - "saved under the birch"
  • 2006 - "Viola Tarakanova. In the world of criminal passions-3 "
  • 2009-2010 - "Kremlin cadets"
  • 2012 - "Second Killer"
  • 2014 - "Sheep Dolly was evil and died early"
  • 2016 - Cuba
  • 2017 - "Householder"

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