Richard Wagner - biography, photo, personal life, musical works



German composer Richard Wagner is an ambiguous personality. On the one hand, his political views contradict the principles of humanism (and it is still gently said). His creativity (not only music, but also philosophical articles) was inspired by ideologists of fascist Germany, which turned Wagner into a symbol of the nation. On the other hand, the contribution of the composer to the development of music is grandiose.

Portrait of Richard Wagner

He changed the principles of opera art by entering into Opera through dramatic action and endless melody. His legacy inspires modern composers, continues to live in rock music, heavy metal and literature.

Childhood and youth

Wilhelm Richard Wagner was born on May 22, 1813 in Leipzig - the city, at that time belonged to the Rhine Union. Johanna Rosina's mother made nine children. Father Carl Friedrich Wagner, a police officer, died of Tifa on November 23, 1813. From this point on, the controversies of the composer biographers begin: some of them believes that the father of Richard was his stepfather, Ludwig Geyer.

Richard Wagner in youth

Married to the actor Geyer a large widow came out three months after the death of the spouse. Be that as it may, this talented man influenced the choice of a career stepper. The second largest sister, Johanna Rosalia played the second largest role in the fate of Brother. A popular actress supported Richard in intention to become a musician.

Up to 13, Richard studied at the Saint Thoma School - the oldest humanitarian school of the city. At 15, the young man realized that his knowledge was not enough to write music (and the thrust had already arisen), and from 1828 he began to study the theory of music from Theodore Weinliga, the Cantor of the Church of St. Thoma. In 1831 he continued his studies at the University of Leipzig.


As many celebrities, Wagneru often attribute other people's works. For example, in combination with his name in the network, "Requiem for a Dream" is mentioned. In fact, the soundtrack for the eponymous film Darren Aronofsky wrote Clint Mansell in 2000. Although it is possible that Mansell was inspired by the Wagner composition "Path in Valchalla" from the Opera "Death of Gods"

Composer Richard Wagner

With the name of the classic link and sinister "tango death". According to the legend, during the mass destruction of the Jews in fascist camps, the music of Wagner sounded. In fact, it is unknown that the camp orchestras played. But it is unlikely that it was his composition. Wagner worked with a scope and for the performance of his works need a large symphony orchestra.

In the XIX century, Wagner music was so revolutionary that, for the production of the "Ring of Nibelung", the Bayreuth Opera House was built on the composer's project. The acoustic effects of the concert hall thoughtfully thought out. For example, the orchestral pit was covered with a visor so that the music did not blow the voices of singers.

Wagner wrote 13 operas, 8 of them were classic, as well as several less large-scale musical works, including libretto to operations, as well as 16 volumes of articles, letters and memoirs. Wagner operas are distinguished by long, pathos and epic.

Opera "Fairy", "Ban of love", "Renzi" belong to the early period of the composer's creativity. The first mature work was the "Flying Dutchman" - an epic story about the ghost ship. Tangayizer tells the sad story of the love of Menestrel and the pagan goddess. "Loengrin" - Opera about the knight-swan and an unreasonable girl. Here, in full voice declares a genius.

Tristan and Isolde - record holder on the duration of individual numbers. The love duet of heroes in the second act lasts 40 minutes, the monologue of the wounded tristan in the third act - 45 minutes. To perform the Wagner compositions of the opera singers, it was necessary to train again. So the new opera school was born.

Composer Richard Wagner

The story of the Ring of power Wagner composed for a hundred years before J.R. Tolkien. "Gold Rhine" opens the "Ring Nibelung" cycle. The second opera cycle, "Valkyrie", contains a "business card" wagner - the scene "Walkiry's flight". "Siegfried" is the most positive opera in the cycle: the hero kills the dragon and takes love.

Everything completes the "death of gods", consisting of the leitmotifs of the previous operas of the cycle, includes the famous "mourning march to the death of Siegfried, which subsequently performed at the funeral of the composer.

Personal life

Despite the fact that Richard was low in growth (166 cm) and the ugly, most of the life was poor, did not possess titles or titles - he always attracted women. A variety of love intrigues with actors and fans are not known to anyone, but three women are forever inscribed in the biography of genius.

Richard Wagner and Minna Planer

Minna Planer, first wife. The backstage of the twenty-year-old conductor of a beautiful artist was crowned with a marriage in November 1836. The young wife was four years older than her husband, more experienced in everyday affairs and more pragmatic. The family moved from Königsberg to Riga, from there to St. Petersburg, Mitava and Paris. In a new place, Minne managed to quickly poison the cozy nest and provide her husband reliable rear for creativity.

Over the years, it was harder for her. After the collapse of the revolution in 1849, Wagner fled to Weimar to the sheet, and from there to Switzerland. In Zurich, Richard met a new Muse: Matilde Wendonk. Twenty-year-old Beauty and her husband Otto were hot fans of the composer's creativity. Rich Kommersant Wendonk organized Wagner concerts and presented that "quiet shelter" - a house near his own villa.

Richard Wagner and Matilda Wendonk

In this "refuge" written "Siegfried" and "Tristan". Matilda was the object of this passionate song of love and appreciated her to dignity. Muza composer also composed music and wrote poems and prose. Letters of Wagner remained to Matilde, published after her death. It is unknown that Richard and his patroness lovers, but most biographers believe that.

Love for Kosima Background Buloves Nastigla Wagner in 1864, in a period of sudden well-being. The young king Bavarian Ludwig II, in love with the work of Wagner (and in the opinion of some historians - in Richard himself), invited him to the court, in brilliant Munich. And not only paid with creditors, but also generously revealed the treasury to finance the Wagner projects.

Richard Wagner and his wife Kozim

Wagner invites you to the Orchestra conductor Hans Background Buloves, happily married father of two children. His spouse Kozim, the extramarital daughter of Ferenz Leaf, an old friend of Wagner, becomes a personal secretary of the composer. And, of course, the muse and sweetheart. I broke out between Richard and the goat passion for a long time remains a mystery for a deceived husband.

But instead of Hans, the scene of jealousy was a king, the king was arranged, the matter smelled to the scandal. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the wagner was spent by the colossal funds of the state treasury, and Catholic morality dominated in Bavaria. The adulteurs were dismissed into Switzerland.

King Bavarian Ludwig II

Divorce in those times was so difficult that Ceta von Bulove could get it only seven years later. Over the years, Kozima gave birth to Richard daughters isold and Eve and son of Siegfried (the birth of the boy coincided with the completion of the Opera of the same name). Died from the heart disease Mina Wagner, and Ludwig suddenly changed the anger to mercy and asked Wagner to return to the yard.

In 1870, Kozima and Richard were married. From this point on, the life of the muse consists of serving the idol. Spouses together are building the theater in Bayreuth and work on the first stage of the "Ring of Nibelung". The premiere took place in 1876 from August 13 to 17, forever changed the submission of Europeans about opera art.


In 1882, Wagner at the insistence of doctors moves to Venice, where he dies in 1883 from a heart attack. Former with her husband to the last breath of Kozima takes the troubles about the transport of body in Bayreuth and funeral. She organized and headed the annual festival in Bayreuth, to devoting his memory of her husband.

Richard Vagner's grave

In addition to the annual Wagner Festival, which has become a cult event in the world of music, another interesting monument to genius remained. This Neuschwanstein is a fabulous castle in the mountains of Bavaria, the Swan Castle, built by Ludwig II Bavarian in memory of a brilliant friend. The interior of the premises reflects the admiration of the king by the operators of Wagner.


  • 1834 - "Fairy"
  • 1836 - "Ban of love"
  • 1840 - "Renzi, the last of the Tribunov"
  • 1840 - Faust (Overture)
  • 1841 - "Flying Dutchman"
  • 1845 - "Tangezer"
  • 1848 - "Loangrin"
  • 1854-1874 - "Nibelung Ring"
  • 1859 - Tristan and Isolde
  • 1868 - "Nurembern Meystrenzinger"
  • 1882 - "PARSIFAL"

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