Serge Gensebur - biography, photo, personal life, songs, movies, death



Serge GENSBUR - phenomenon in French song culture. The son of emigrants from Russia of the first wave remained in the memory of fans as a romantic and an amateur of the mouth, a provocateur and lovers of women.

Childhood and youth

Serge Gensebur at birth received the name Lucien Iosifovich Ginsburg. It happened on April 2, 1928. Parents - Olga Mesman and Joseph Ginsburg - Right from Ukraine. Mother - singer, father - composer and pianist. After the 1917 Revolution, the family through Constantinople moved to Paris. Marseille's eldest son died in infancy, then the daughter of Jacqueline and Gemini Lucien and Liliana was born.

Serge Gensbar

Children everywhere accompanied music. Lucien graduated from the school of arts, at the insistence of his father played a piano in a cafe, casino and hotels. All this time, Ginsburg raved the famous artist, but she did not achieve success in visual art.

In the early 50s, the musician became interested in jazz, and soon with the help of his father received a permanent job at the Paris club Milord L'Arsoille. Then Lucien received a proposal not only to play, but also sing.

Serge Gensburn in childhood and youth

The first opinions of critics rated not only by vocal data, but also demonstrated by a young musician, the image of a mixture with light cynicism and gloomy humor, gave Ginssburg inspiration. Without possessing an attractive appearance, Serge did not like public speeches and preferred to be in the shadows.

1958 turned out to be a sign in the biographies of the author and the artist. Lucien songs were performed by other artists, the debut plate duchant a lanee came out! In addition, the musician changed the name. Serge - Tribute to the Russian composer Sergey Rakhmaninov, Surname Gensburg - Revenge English Artist Gainesboro.


Serzh's writing found support in the face of the composer and writer Boris Viana. The style that Gensburg professed did not leave anyone indifferent: they were either enthusiastically rejected. The musician soon acquired the status of an innovator.

Despite the fact that his own albums "№2" and L'Etonnant Serge Gainsbourg met cool, songs came to the repertoire of popular singers of that time - Dalida, Juliette Greco, Petula Clark, Iva Montana, Edith Piaf. Serge's creativity has undergone the effect of jazz, funky, electronic music, rock and roll, as well as classics - Chopin, Brahms.

In the early 60s, Gensbar had already conquered the scene of the Paris Music Hall "Olympia", toured in Switzerland and Belgium, recorded an album on which "La Javanaise" sounds among others. The song will be called the pearl of the repertoire of the French singer.

In 1965, France Gal with the song "Poupéedecire, Poupéedeson" won on Eurovision, and Gensbour at one moment went into the category of super fashion authors. Serge will repeat success in the early 90s, when the song "White and Black Blues" performed by a native of Guadeloupe Joel Ursul will conquer the second prize of the competition.

Serge Gensebur and Frans Gal

At the same time, the success of the priest in the towns becomes the maestro's shots. What was the story with a new song for a very young France Gal called "Lollipops". Rumors that the girl is the lover of the composer, Serge was heated by a statement that he had no candy in the song.

Oils in the fire poured acquaintance with the sex symbol of the era - actress Brick Bardo. According to legend, Bardo asked to write a beautiful song about love, and the passion of Gensbour wrote in the night of the whole three - "Harley Davidson", "Comic Strip" and the duet "Bonnie and Clyde". The scandalous "Je T'aime ... Moi Non Plus" Artists recorded together, but Bijit, being married, asked the song not to publish.

Serge Gensebur and Bijit Bardo

The author and actress gave food to curious journalists for three months. Then Bardo went to shoot, and Generals B.B. Initials B.B. album recorded in her honor. Reprinted in the 1968th called Bonnie & Clyde, in the US album up to 12 lines in the charts.

From depression, the musician brought the English aristocrat, actress Jane Birkin. To her, Serge also suggested performing the duet "Je T'aime". Frank hit was the only French who started from the first place in British charts. The song did not pass censorship in Spain, Switzerland, Great Britain, received the condemnation of Pope. Where the work was made to the ears of the listeners, the song turned into the hit of the underground, entered the repertoire of hundreds of performers, reprinted in 8 languages.

Jane Birkin and Serge General

Gensbar made a cult figure from Jane. By and large, the singer, who, not the memorable vocal data, performed only the writings of Serge. Peru Gesbura belongs to Albums Birkin Lolita Go Home, Ex Fan Des Sixties, Baby Alone in Babylone, Lost Songs and a farewell amours des feinties.

Favorite women inspired Hesbura to writing poems and music. In the 70s, the conceptual albums "VU De L'Exterieur", "Rock Around The Bunker", "L 'Homme A Tête de Chou", "Histoire de Melody Nelson". In honor of the fictional girl from the last album, the actors Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradi called their daughter. And of course, Serge wrote an album for Vanessa, then a very young singers.

In 1979, this Enfant Terrible bites himself to the holy for the French - on Marcelesu, writing her reggae-version called "AUX Armes et Cetera". The author was beaten on the street, musicians at concerts refused to go on stage, and the public was fighting in ecstasy. Oddly enough, the record with a record of the renewed anthem is named the best album and received the status of platinum, and Serge is recognized as the best vocalist.

Mid 80s - American page in the work of the Frenchman. In just a week, Gensbour recorded the album "Love On The Beat", which became the most sold over the entire career. Serge fame reached the highest point.

Serge Gensbour on stage

By the way, in the title of works, whether it is a separate song or a whole album, Gensbar invested double, if not triple meaning. Serge not only behaved defiantly, but forced the audience to follow him: the audience launched in words the meaning is inferior and believed his main.


The cinematic heritage of Serzh Gesbura consists of 44 roles and 40 soundtracks for films. Among them are "Sous Le Soleil ExacTement" for the painting "Anna", "Requiem Pour Un C ..." for the film "Pasha" with Jean Gaben. As director, an outdoor Frenchman, in addition to advertising and video clips, shot 4 films, including "Charlotte for Ever" with the participation of Charlotte's daughter.

In 1969, Serge visited Nepal. There was a film "Road Kathmandu", for which the composer wrote music. With its director's debut of "Je T'aime Moi Non Plus", dedicated to Boris Vian, Gensbour once again demonstrated its own unusual style both in music and in the movies.

Jane Birkin and Serge Gensbour in the film

Soundtrack "SEA SEX AND SUN" for the film "Tanned" turned into a 1978 hat. After a couple of years in the picture "I love you", Serge performed by a duet with Catherine Denen "Dieu Est Un Fumeur de Havanes".

The name of Serzh Gensbura is synonymous with mouth, erniche, cynicism and unacted eroticism. In the clip to the song "Lemon Incest", the musician was not afraid to remove Charlotte in the bed scene, which was almost 14 years old.

Serge Gensebur in a female image

For the album "Love On The Beat" starred in a female dress. The excitement with the song SEX Pistols "God Save the Queenis", the indecent gestures of Jarvis Cocker to Michael Jackson and Demarsh with a burning of a million pounds of sterling secondary compared to the shocking outcomes of the Hesbura.

In 2010, the life of the famous Frenchman was based on the film "GENSBUR. Love Huligan. "

Personal life

The personal life of the musician turned out to be as scandalous and extraordinary as creative. In 1951, Serge married Elizabeth Levitskaya, a representative of the ancient Russian aristocratic kind, daughters of emigrants. Marriage lasted 7 years.

In January 1964, Gensbur was distinguished by the Crown of Francoazuz-Antoinett Pancrazzi, which for some reason the name of Beatrice. In the same year, Natasha's daughter was born. After 2 years, the couple broke up, then came up again. As a result, the son was born.

Serge Gensebur and his wife Carolina von Paulus (Bambo)

The rest of the children are the daughter of Charlotte and Son Lucien - born in civil barrels. Charlotte - the daughter of the actress and singers Jane Birkin, who has already proven itself in the world of cinema. Son singer presented Carolina von Paulus, protruding on the stage under the pseudonym bamu. According to another information, marriage with the granddaughter of German Feldmarshala Serge was still registered.


After the death of the Father in 1971, Gensbar went into all the grave - he drank a lot, even more smoked. The musician tried to abandon alcohol after surgery for the liver at the insistence of doctors. The cause of the death of the Master of Potatage was the fifth infarction.

Grave Serzh Gesbura and his parents

The day of the death of Hesbura was announced in France by the Day of National Mourning, President Francois Mitteraran made a farewell at the funeral. In the last way to the grave at the Montparnasse Serge Cemetery, Johnny Hollide, Catherine Denev, Isabelle Adjani held.


  • 1958 - DU CHANT à La Une!
  • 1959 - №2
  • 1962 - №4
  • 1967 - "Anna"
  • 1971 - Histoire De Melody Nelson
  • 1976 - L'Homme à Tête de Chou
  • 1981 - Mauvaises Nouvelles des Étoiles
  • 1984 - LOVE ON THE BEAT
  • 1988 - Le Zénith de Gainsbourg


  • 1959 - "Dance with me"
  • 1967 - "Valmi"
  • 1968 - "Life at night"
  • 1969 - Road Kathmandu
  • 1970 - "Marijuana"
  • 1972 - "Too beautiful to be honest"
  • 1983 - "Equator"
  • 1986 - "Charlotte forever"


Without a staggering, this world would be extremely crowded. I am not from this world. I generally neither from what world. Although I didn't feel so well as with Nisk. Train is much less likely than love, and requires full return. I don't want me to love me, but still I want it. If I were A more beautiful boy, I would have died now from overwork.

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