Pavel Pyatnitsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Public Affairs, Lawyer, Ksenia Timoshchenko 2021



Pavel Pyatnitsky is a bright person. In early 2017, the popularity policy increased sharply. It happened after the TV viewers learned the story of Diana Shurygin. But Pyatnitsky's sudden confession received from that part of the population, which is less interested in politics - in adolescents. Now the lawyer continues to engage in human rights activities, lead the legal center.

Childhood and youth

Future politician was born in 1984. For other information - two years later. Childhood passed in the small settlement of the Novosibirsk region. These and other facts from Pyatnitsky biography are known thanks to the periscoplas.

At the age of 12, Paul has already worked in a local newspaper correspondent, the truth is freelance. In 1998 he took the first place in the journalistic competition by writing an article on health problems. After school, according to the official version, he entered the Moscow Border Institute of the FSB of Russia.

According to other data, he studied at the Tomsk Economic Law Institute. There is a third version, according to which Pyatnitsky did not receive higher education, but bought a diploma for 20 thousand rubles. In the "Periskop", commenting on the tragic news about the teenager who committed suicide because of the unlawful exam, Pyatnitsky said:

"You need to learn. But the diploma will not open the way in life. "

The public figure applied to high school students and students. Perhaps a statement in an interview about the role of a diploma in a person's life and gave rise to a hearing about the purchased document. There are no reliable information about the parents, the career and personal life of Pyatnitsky until 2000. Pavel Igorevich was part of the LDPR. According to some sources, the party entered 14 years. The last years of membership was headed by a youth movement. Another fact from the biography of politics, not officially confirmed, worked for Sergey Polonsky.


In November 2016, Novaya Gazeta published information compromising Pyatnitsky. Unsight story concerns the arrest of Erica Kituashvili. Charged in fraud, and then in other crimes, the street races was kept in the chamber on the first floor of the "sailor silence", where the conditions are terrible. The first time the prisoner visited Pyatnitsky. Promise to improve the conditions of the arrested, the lawyer took 100 thousand rubles from him. However, did nothing.

Katuachvili needed pure mattress and underwear. In the "Periskop" Pyatnitsky reportedly reported visits to Striters and his assistance. Soon on the Nemmagi channel, bloggers who acquired fame with witty reviews published a video called "Mattress Supplier".

Pyatnitsky immediately commented on a satirical video using an abnormative vocabulary. By the way, obscene Brani often flashed on the streets policies in social networks. At the beginning of 2017, posts dedicated to Diana Shurygin appeared on the network. A 16-year-old girl during the year acquired 200 thousand subscribers in VKontakte and 500 thousand in "Instagram".

In the release of "let them say", released at the end of January, the rape of the victim and the fate of the rapist was discussed. A young man received a period. First - 8 years. Later, the term has reduced to 3 years. A criminal reached the support of millions of viewers, in early 2018. Most of the audience defended the convicted Sergey Semenov, believing that the young man was a victim of false testimony of shurgina. Furious defender became Pavel Pyatnitsky.

Public figure, by that time, conducted legal advice, and until 2017 regularly participated in the shooting of a talk show. However, the story of rape, which became extremely discussed, brought Pyatnitsky a lot of fans. Paul personally communicated with subscribers.

Shurygin, meanwhile, became a Runet star. In social networks there were groups against the girl who had fallen a young man. Users have created a community to defense Diana. In February and March, two more issues came out, in which the continuation of history was discussed. Pyatnitsky again demonstrated the oratorius talent, the decisions of the false witness.

The growth of Paul's rating was rapid. In Twitter, he received messages from adolescents daily. I could not answer everything - sometimes they were about 500. Pyatnitsky regularly answered subscribers to the "Periskop". The broadcasts affected various topics: from education to politics.

One day, a high school student appealed to Paul with a request to help in fulfilling the task of social studies. The lawyer, politician and public figure did not refuse. Some young subscribers called it no other than the "Uncle Pasha". The politician reacted positively to such an appeal. But for the Panibrate "Pavlusha" instantly blocked.

Pavel Pyatnitsky and Nikolai Sobolev

By the time Semenova, Andrei Malakhov led another project - "direct ether". Televishers now invited Father Diana. Present on the set, of course, and Pyatnitsky, which, as always, emotionally and noisily commented on what is happening. The winner of the competition "Mr. Universe" Eduard Krivenko and blogger Nikolai Sobolev participated in the release.

Remarks Pyatnitsky hard and whiskers than he won the respect of the viewers. But sometimes they are rude. Once there was a scandal with Alexandra Hološina. The 30-year-old granddaughter of the star of the Soviet movie was waiting for a child. On the set, Diana was defended, because of what he quarreled with Pyatnitsky.

Alexandra was in the hospital and hardly lost the child. This happened after filming, which immediately reported media. The holoshin accused of this Pyatnitsky, that he commented on it calmly:

"Nobody forced her to go to shoot, being pregnant."

Paul said in the "Periskop" there was still a lot of unpleasant words to the Hološina for the speculation of relationship with celebrities. The scandal with his granddaughter Oleg Strizhenov quickly forgotten.

From popularity in social networks, a public figure is quickly tired, passed the moderation of his own team. In January 2018, Pyatnitsky traveled to visit the Semenov. They talked, roasted kebabs, and after "Instagram" Pyatnitsky posted a photo with Sergey.

Pavel Pyatnitsky and Tessen

In early February, Paul said: during an independent investigation, previously unknown facts were revealed from the biography of Shurygin. These Facts Pyatnitsky intends to use in the case against Diana, which gave false testimony.

In Strapram, Sergey thanked Paul, who supported, and helped collect the necessary amount for the payment of the Diana family, who was numerous attacks from activists, defenders of the convicted person. In the media, the name Pyatnitsky, as before, appeared in the context of a resonant case.

In 2019, the human rights activist was in the center of the new scandal. This time he himself was a violator of calm. In April at the bottom of the birth of a friend of Dmitry Nosov, a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Pyatnitsky, being drunk, went outside of the hookah, where the celebration was held. Some passersogue began to shoot Paul to the phone, which caused the wrath of the last. During the rewritten, he pulled out a traumatic gun and made several shots into the air.

After the call of eyewitnesses to the Pyatnitsky police detained, and then they opened a criminal case under the article "Hooliganism" for shooting in a public place. Realizing that his behavior discredited the title of member of the Public Supervisory Commission, the human rights activist wrote a resignation statement. An investigation was conducted, after which the case file was sent to the Tver District Court.

Paul admitted guilt, brought apologized to the police and the victim Eduard Shahramanov. After these actions, as well as the petitions of the lawyer of the human rights defender, the Judicial Commission ceased to criminal prosecution. The violator of public order was sentenced, according to which he had to pay a lawsuit in the amount of 300 thousand rubles.

Personal life

Two years before a photo of Diana appeared in RuNet, the heroine of the story "on the bottom", the fans of "let them say" learned the name of Pyatnitsky's favorites. She became Ksenia Timoshchenko. Before acquaintance with the girl, Paul was married and divorced twice and had children from previous marriages.

In 2016, there were high-profile articles in the media in which the singer Ekaterina Kravtsov, the former soloist of the Arrow Group, demanded to entertain her husband, Sergey Lyubimsky, serving a punishment under the article "Attempt to murder. The victim of the criminal was Timoshchenko, with whom relations related to relations for 5 years. The attacker attacked the former beloved in the entrance, broke her nose, brutally beat.

In this story there is a lot of unclear. According to Pyatnitsky, with Ksenia, he met shortly before the tragic day, when the girl was in a hospital with injuries and cuts. Timoshchenko told the former beloved about the novel with Paul, which caused anger in it. Catherine claims that Ksenia and after parting continued to terrorize Sergey and his wife with gracious messages.

Pyatnitsky acted as a lawyer. Lyubimsky received 7 years. Later, Paul made a beloved sentence, after which he married. In "Instagram" Paul sometimes lays out a photo with a beautiful wife. Ksenia Pyatnitsky gave birth to her daughter's husband. Also in the family, the son of the lady from the Lyubimsky is raised.

About the relationship with the former spouses Pyatnitsky does not apply. But once said:

"Once I dreamed of having one wife, live with her all my life and wait for the great-grandfathers. But it did not come out, and such as me, millions. "

The lawyer does not have his own Yutiub-Channel, but on the "Yutiuba" videos with his participation periodically appear.

Pavel Pyatnitsky now

In 2020, the lawyer continued its human rights activities. At the beginning of the year, the famous MMA fighter Alexander Emelianenko was in the center of the next scandal. The athlete was condemned for drunk riding, after which they were placed in the SIZO. After liberation, the wrestler left the fans a message in which he compared himself with the hero of the film "Gentlemen of Good luck": "Romantic. He drank, rushed, imprison. " After that, Pyatnitsky supported a friend, noting that "nothing deadly happened."

The lawyer left a trace in a resonant matter related to the death in the prison of the famous scandalous neo-Nazis Tesacian (Maxim Marcinkevich). In mid-September, the prisoner of Chelyabinsk SIZO was found in the chamber dead. The preliminary cause of death was called suicide - the proof of this was a suicide note.

However, the case seemed to human rights defenders strange and confusing. In the video event, Paul told the public that he sent a photo with the body of Tesaca to familiar specialists - workers of the slaughter department, who saw various cases of suicide and murders in their century so that they analyze. Also, the lawyer noted that he did not doubt the violent death of Marcinkevich.

In October, the press appeared information that Pyatnitsky broke his leg and found himself in the hospital. But it was not the only nuisance for human rights defenders. In the medical institution he infected with coronavirus. Among the symptoms of the disease, a lawyer had a high temperature, heat, lack of smell.

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