Captain Flint - Pirate's biography, image and character, treasure island


Character History

Pirates are one of the most romantic literary characters. The historical realities are such that piracy existed from the moment of nucleation of shipping. The temptation of light profit led by navigators and forced to go to robbery. In ancient Greece, the term "LESTES" was used, describing people who made up with piracy.

Pirates' ship

In the era of great geographical discoveries, the number of attacks on ships increased, as many new routes appeared. One mention of some gangsters led travelers and horror traders. The biography of such persons inspired artists, including the writer Robert Lewis Stevenson. The character of his work "Treasure Island" John Flint is a fictional hero, who had a real prototype.

History of creation

Azart, adventures and romance of travel enveloped piracy from the 16th century, from the moment of lifting the British fleet. The authorities resorted to the help of bandits, organizing control over the colonies and combating competing countries: France, Holland and Spain. Pirate flotillas were based on the Islands of the Caribbean Sea and gradually became a threat to states. The plots of political battles were known thanks to newspapers, gossip and bikes, and therefore became an attractive motive for the boyish games.

Robert Lewis Stevenson

Original Stevenson planned to name the novel "Sea Kok, or Treasure Island: a story for the guys." The writer created a color map of the island and unconsciously gave him a name. Inspiration brought new images for woven in the story. Roman thought as a game for teenagers in which everyone could implement His fantasy. The author read excerpts in the family and made edits, focusing on the comments of households.

The adventure theme fell to the taste for children of that era. Heroes of work uncomplicated: Billy Bons, John Silver, Captain Flint. The plot included interesting peripetics, descriptions of travel, battles and goats. The author is not neglected by the saturation of the action, the rate of development of events and the change of locations. The unity of time, place and action gives a feeling of reality.

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The shooter Stevenson made a boy who watched the happening on the outside and at the same time formerly a direct participant of events. He led the first person's story, transmitting sincere emotions and voicing thoughts. The boy minimizes the use of adjectives in speech, talking about events, communication characters and allowing dofantizing landscapes and surrounding heroes atmosphere.

The prototype for the image of Captain Flint was a real historical person who first appeared in the literature on the pages of the work of M. Whitehead "Life of English thieves and pirates." Pierre Mc Orlan mentions pirate in the preface to the book "Universal history of robberies and deaths secured by the most famous pirates."

Pirate Edward Tich

The researchers believe that the prototype of Captain Flint served as Edward Tich on the nicknamed black beard. His biography is capturing. Pirate was born in Bristol in 1680. His youth is surrounded by a secret, but judging by rumors, Tich was visible and had education, which indicates noble origin.

According to the legend, Tich has been serving a sailor on a ship during the war with Spain. In 1717, he joined the kapaps who fought with pirates, and then changed the side and stood on a criminal path. Over time, he seized the ship called "Revenge of the Queen Anna", and a black flag appeared on the mast of the vessel. From that moment on, the name of a black beard became known to the sailors.

Pirate flag on mast

Pirate was deft and heter. He robbed rich trial, drank around the finger of travelers, bribed the authorities. In 1718, the British fleet was sent to the capture of the pirate. In the duel, Tich lost and was killed. It is curious that in the Roman Stevenson describes Israel Hands. This is a real character, a pirate in a black beard gang.

Image and plot

Captain Flint, the hero of the novel "Treasure Island", stood on the path of a discrepancy in his youth. Son of the convict who served an opinion on the Barbados Katorga, he almost did not see the Father. After the change of power, Flint's father received a block of land on the island, married and started a family. The captain was the Third Son and had attractive prospects.

Captain Flint

He could become a planter or shipowner, but the war with Spain prevented him. Once the village was robbed and burned with Spaniard Privatir, who killed the whole family of Flint. The teenager was able to wait for the siege, after which he became a bukanener and fought against the Spaniards.

Like Silver, Flint used amnesty conditions to get a ship. His plans included the capture of caravan moving silver, or robbery of mainland settlements. He called "Morzha" received at his own disposal. Despite the formidable reputation, Flint was peacefully loving: it was manifested in sympathy for animals. On his ship, the pets were not rare.

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According to the plot, Captain Flint burned the treasure on the island located in West Indies. Six pirates helped him and were killed, so that the mystery did not get spread. As a reminder of the place where treasures are hidden, the corpse remained on the island, whose hands pointed to elevation called a lonely mountain. To measure the mountain on the map Flint designated its point. Later, the plan was assigned the shutter of the ship Billy Bons, and after his death - Jim Hawkins.

Treasure Island Map

Flint was not afraid of enemies, rivals and treasure hunters. Only the name of the apartment officer John Silver did not give him peace. The latter parrot wore a nickname "Captain Flint".

The captain is not the main acting face of the novel, it is brief in the narration. In the screening, the author's characteristics is supplemented with visual appearance.


The book "Treasure Island" is not yet fused and presented to the audience as a multiplication project. In 1934, American producers presented to the publication to the public, the main roles in which Wallace Biri and Otto Kruger were performed.

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In 1937, the novel was shielded in the Soviet Union. Osip Abdulov played Silver, and Nikolai Cherkasov - Billy Bons.

Walt Disney drew attention to the book in 1950.

In 1971, Boris Andreev embodied on the Soviet screens of John Silver.

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1982 presented to the Soviet cinema film, which still attracts the children's and adult audience. The actors and roles are preserved in memory of the audience. Fyodor Fedor Fedor played in the cinema of Jim Hawkins, Oleg Borisov - Silver, Vladislav Stroelchik - Telleon, Leonid Markov - Billy Bons, and Valery Zolotukhin embodied the image of Ben Gann.

In 1988, added a series of interpretations animation-gaming film. Among the actors who voicing the characters are: Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Yuri Yakovlev.

Toby Stepens in the role of Captain Flint

In 2014, the viewers saw the premiere of the American Multi-Severe Film "Black Sails". Performance of Toby Stevens Flint is a brave sailor, whose costume emphasizes his combat mood. According to the director, the hero was gay, whose passion called Thomas Hamilton.

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