Nastya Fish - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Sex on the Embankment, "Instagram", Alex Leslie 2021



Now the Nastya Fish is glory as a hunt of billionaires and high-ranking officials, a manipulator with public opinion. Her name became known to the public after the investigation of Alexei Navalny, in which Oleg Deripaska and Sergey Prikhodko appeared. The model is confident that still enjoys the press of the press, who wants to know the details of the scandal.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia Vashukievich (real name of the blogger) of the Belarusian Bobruisk. Nickname fish - from the name of the sign of the zodiac corresponding to the date of birth - February 27, 1990. As Nastya herself said in an interview with 2021, it was born in May, according to the sign of the zodiac - Taurus, and the pseudonym is derived from the first husband's name (Rybkin).

As a child, the girl brought up a mother, by profession - an ophthalmologist. If you believe in Nastya's written in the book "Diary on the seduction of a billionaire", at the same time autobiography and benefits for "sex-huncar", Lyudmila Ivanovna focused her. She does not know blood parents. Vashoukhevich became in absentia in absentia at the Pedagogical University at the biology teacher, but worked as a sales manager.

Model business

To say that the fish was engaged in model business, too loud, emphasize serious media. Yes, the girl has suitable parameters (height - 160 cm, weight - 44 kg) to be photographed for magazine covers, it even participated in the designers of Andrei Ponomarev's designers and Oksana of the Nationals. But the agency in which Nastya got specific.

Another living in Belarus, an adventurer who became interested in the activities of the sex guru Alex Leslie (Alexander Kirillova), the author of Pickup benefits and coach for seducing. Having moved to Moscow, the fish first went to his training, became a voluntary concubine.

As Nastya itself noted, it was this man "made it" and taught everything. In the list of conquered men - surnames of six billionaires. To the question, where and how the acquaintance with the strong world of this, I was answered about casting in the agency. In September 2017, in collaboration with Leslie, she released the book "Evrotresh. Seduction of rich for the poor. "

Personal life

Information about the personal life of the "oligarch hunters" contradictory. They wrote that Son Yuru Anastasia gave birth to married with Nikolai Vashukhevich, and after the divorce father took the boy to a new family. According to other information, Nikolai - the second husband of the fish, and they did not have common children, and the father of the child is the first mysterious spouse for whom beauty married at a young age. Vashushevich with journalists for a long time does not contact, because "the distortion of words was complete."

Nastya itself launched a rumor that she had three children from different men. The older son and daughter allegedly live in their homeland, in Belarus, and the youngest girl in the United States. Later, she admitted that she simply wanted to play on the interest that woke up in the public.

In 2019, an interview with Anastasia stated that the creator of Vkontakte and Telegraph was wished to get acquainted with her, Pavel Durov. Businessman, being in Dubai, invited beauty to visit. The apartment of the billionaire impressed the adventurer, but what followed on, forced her to be disappointed in the cavalier. Arriving in White Club, the fish realized that he would not be able to retire with Paul - a friend of the entrepreneur joined the company.

According to Esk Storetto, there were sparks between men, which made her suspect Paul in an alternative orientation. Yes, and the appearance of the Durov did not impress the guest. Nastya admitted that the photo of a businessman in the network was embellished. In fact, he is "little growth, slender, sovereign drits with diathesis on the cheeks."

In the same year, the model tried herself as a singer. One after another began to break tracks with frank names and texts. On the composition of the performer later shot clips. The fish itself admitted that she sings worse than Olga Buzova and thank the world for creating auto.


For the first time, Nastya's name thundered in September 2017. With the "colleague" by Sasha's grass (Anastasia Davydova) on the Embankment of Taras Shevchenko, a blogger was having sex with an unfamiliar man. The video fell into the network, after which the outrageousness of calm was arrested for 7 days. As the fish admitted later in an interview, this promotion girlfriend was held on the dispute, for the sake of interest.

Then Nastya and "Harem" Leslie staged a "naked" campaign in support of the American producer Harvey Weinstein, broke into Alexey Navalny headquarters in causing outfits. The latter decided to find out who these guests were studying the book and instagram account of the fish. As a result, the journey of a young woman on the yacht in the company Oligarch Oleg Deripaska and the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Sergey Prikhodko.

The day after the disclosure of the results, the businessman filed a lawsuit against privacy. Nastya also published a video in accordance with Deripask in the social network, where accused him and Prikhodko in group rape, but later refused his words, saying that it was trolling.

The fish was not afraid to appoint a personal meeting to Vladimir Putin, promising the president to give "a lot of useful information about his employees and for him personally." Another splash of popularity was provided.

In February 2018, Anastasia and Alex Leslie, together with the students of the School, whoighing the lessons of seduction, went to relax in Thailand. However, the guests did not succeed on the beach for a long time. "Teachers" arrested local authorities for illegal sex training. But in the prison cell, the booty model remained correctly - she filed a petition for political asylum in the United States, announced the possession of information confirming Russia's intervention in the internal affairs of America and the impact on the results of the presidential elections, which resulted in Donald Trump.

In 2019, Alex and Nastya received a conditional period were released. Thai authorities quickly spent a scandalous pair from the country, but upon returning to their homeland they were again detained, this time on suspicion of organizing prostitution.

However, before making a decree on arrest, it did not come. The lawyers of the detainees later made a statement that the final charge was not charged, the instruction of the first challenge was made. In the court, Anastasia apologized to Deripaskaya, they say, became a tool in the hands of people who dreamed him to compromise him, and did not think that everything would go so far.

In early 2019, Leslie and Fish became the guests of the Amian Sardarov program on the Yutiub-channel Blogger "Diary Khacha". This interview was the first for a pair after leaving the Russian SIZO. Anastasia did not fragrant on the program, sharing the piquant events of the Thai period in custody, in particular what he managed to have sex.

Freed from Thai and Russian prisons, the fish arranged, according to the definition of the media, the "touring need" with the collection of press conferences, which told about the horrors of the conclusion, the goat of some enemies and the desire to become a human rights activist. In a new instagram account, the conqueror of male hearts posted photos of places of detention, illustrating the conditions of detention, posts with a call to assist citizens of post-Soviet states who fell into the hands of Thailand's police.

At the beginning of the 2020th Esquiten was visited by the project "Last Hero". True, she soaked only one day. The remaining participants of the reality show revealed to the fish with dislike, and Ptah and Eric Davydovich even allowed themselves some unilent statements to Nastya.

The model itself admitted that the conflict happened completely for another reason: allegedly some participants suffered too bad hunger and lack of amenities, therefore, aggressively behaved. And his soon departure home Vashoukievich explained what was afraid to get sick: the nights on the island are very cold, and the Nasta had to sleep in several jackets.

Nastya Fish now

In 2021, the fish continued to conduct trainings and master classes, as well as to appear visiting popular bloggers. So, the audience saw a scandalous person in the show "Brotherly Table" of the blogger, the scenario and actor Artem Koraroean, known under the pseudonym of Kaha. The program covered the mass of spicy facts associated with the sphere of escort, selling love.

Nastya was shared by stories from life, answered the questions of the auditorium, not embarrassed in expressions. In addition to the frank topics, the presenter and his guest talked about the work of the "hunters on billionaires". So, Nastya told that her life principles would largely reflect the song with the text: "If there is in his pocket, in the bucks, baby, not in rubles, then okay, call for a walk."

The fish admitted that Yuri Dory wanted to invite her to his own show. However, learning that the Esquiten was not going to talk about the seduction of Russian oligarchs and disclose their names, lost interest in the meeting.

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