Pom Clementeff - biography, photo, personal life, news, films 2021



The audience fell in love with Clementeff for bright images in the "Wolf" drama, tenderness films and "sleepless night", but the taste of glory is the French actress after entering the screens of a superhero-based project based on marvel comics. In the "Guards of the Galaxy" Pom played the beauty of the Mantis, at times, by increasing the already a considerable army of fans.

Childhood and youth

The actress was born in the spring of 1986 in the capital of the French-speaking province of Quebec in the capital of the French-speaking province of Quebec. The father of the future star came to Canada on duty - French consul, French and Russian blood mixed in whose veins. From the ancestors from Russia, the surname Clemeneff, derived from Clementev.

Actress Pom Clementeff.

From the mother in the hills of Pom Clementeff - Korean Blood. The name of the second child - at the time of his birthday in the family smasted a 7-year-old son - parents chose Korean. In the Korean language "POM" means "spring" and "tiger".

When Pom turned a year, the father was sent to Japan. Family went with him. Then followed moving to West Africa (lived in Côte d'Ivoire), France. Frequent crossings and a nomadic way of life, according to the actress, awakened the gypsy memories in her soul.

Pom Clementeff in childhood

Childhood Pom is happy not to call. When the daughter turned 5 years old, father died from oncology. The exacerbated mental illness of the mother (a woman suffered from schizophrenia) led to the transfer of custody over children to his native uncle and a tel. At 18 years old, Clementeff was comprehended by new blows of fate: uncle died. Soon there was no 25-year-old brother who committed suicide.

Aunt dreamed to give a niece prestigious specialty. It seemed to her that if Pom would choose jurisprudence, the girl's life would be. Clementeff, wanting to please the aunt's replaceable mother, entered the law college. Soon realized that the study of the laws of laws was a tedious occupation, and the career of a lawyer of happiness would not bring. A creative beginning awoke in the girl: Pom dreamed of a scene.

Pom Clementeff

In his free time, Pom went to the frames of the Parisian Theater School Cours Florent. The debut took place in 19 years, and soon the starting actress won theatrical competition. As a prize, Clementeff was awarded a certificate for 2-year-old training with the best teachers. With jurisprudence, Pom decided for forever.


Cinematic biography of Pom Clementeff started when the actress was 21 years old. The girl got a secondary role, but in a melodrama with the very Catherine Denev. On the set of tape "Life after Him", Clementeff worked only 3 days, one of which ended with a drop from the stairs. According to the direction of the director Pom, I encountered a colleague from the staircase, but I lost my balance and fell myself.

Actress Pom Clementeff.

The fall was "soft" and liked the director: the scene remained in the final version of the picture. The work in the debut film did not bring Pom Clementeff popularity, but gave experience in filming the cinema. The recognition came to the young artist in 2009, after the premiere of the film "Wolf", dramatic tape about residents of the Far North, reindeer herders.

Pom played a Russian girl Nastasya and gained experience in difficult climatic conditions. Clementiff resistly tolerated life in a snow-covered camp and temperature is much lower than zero, found a common language with nomads. At the set, the actress happened to swim with a horse in the lake, ride on deer and "communicate" with wolves.

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In the same year, Kleleneteff starred in the seven episodes of the French series "Night Pigal". The audience recognized the charming blonde with an oriental incision of the eyes in heroine Sandra.

2011 It turned out to be generous to the artist for bright roles in noticeable projects. In the thriller of the director Frederica, the "sleepless night" surfactant played a secondary role. Work in melodramas "Love lives for three years" and "Silhouettes" remained unnoticed by film critics, but the romantic French comedy "Tenderness" with Audrey Toyo in the lead role brought success.

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Spectators learn Sleep Clementeffeph in a charming waitress. The film was nominated for the "Cesar" award. The projects of 2012 - the ribbons "Stroke at the area" and "in the shade of palm trees" - remained unnoticed by film critics and spectators, but in 2013, Clementeff shined in a detective thriller Spike Lee "Oldbi."

The French actress was lucky to meet on the set with the stars Josh Brolin and Elizabeth Olsen. The premiere of the American remote to the cult detective Paka Chhana, Us in America and Russia, took place in November 2013. Fans recognized the artist in Hung-Boca's bodyguard. To work in the complex, Clementeff learned to boux, and herself came up with his character.

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After filming in Oldboy, the actress moved closer to the "Dream Factory", in Los Angeles. Clementeeff was fascinated by Taekwondo and in the summer of 2014 received a purple belt. This circumstance helped her to get a role in the Hollywood Project "Hacker Game".

Heroine Clementeff Luis appeared in a frame with purple hair and brilliantly boxed, causing approving reviews of the audience. The film critics held parallels between Louis and the heroines from the detective thriller "Girl with a Dragon Tattoo" Lisbeth Salender.

The taste of glory to Pom Clementeff felt when he joined the heroes of the film marvel in 2017. Heroine-Bogomol Mantis in the 2nd part of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" - the star role of the actress.

Two more notable filmmakers 2017 - the comedy drama Matthew Spiceer "Ingrid rides to the West" and the American film "Novelty" Darimus Drake. The world premiere of the American drama took place in January 2017. In Russia, the ribbon was seen in December. Nicholas Holt and Courtney Iton played the main characters. Pom got a secondary, but a vivid role that undoubtedly decorated the filmography of actresses.

Personal life

About the life of Pom ClementiFF outside the scene and the set of information is a bit: the actress does not answer questions about the personal. It is known that slim (the growth of the artist 1.7 m) is not married by beauty. Career actresses rapidly develop, the working schedule after entering the superhero-based project, based on comics marvel, is scheduled for the clock.

Pom Clementeff in 2018

To open the curtain of the Tynen POM will not help and the page in "Instagram": Clementiff is not divided with subscribers with photos with boyfriends.

Pom ClementiFF now

In 2018, the fans of the world Marvel will receive a gift from the Rousse brothers - Sikvel superhero fantasic fantasics 2012 and 2015, which will be released called "Avengers: War of Infinity." The script for the film wrote a duet of American producers and scriptwriters Christopher Marcus and Stephen McFly, famous for joint work on the scenarios of 3 tapes about Captain America.

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The film's premiere is scheduled for spring 2018. In it again will appear Pom Clementeff in the star company Robert Downey Jr., Josh Brolin and Mark Ruffalo. The project fans will receive a surprise, because they will see Benedict Cumberbatch on the screens, Paul Bettani, Scarlett Johansson and another dozen Hollywood stars.

According to the plot, the Avengers are combined with the guards of the Galaxy for the decisive battle with the Tanos, collecting infinity stones. The premiere of the sequel "Avengers 4" was announced on May 2, 2019. Pom Clementeffe will again please the fans of the Universe Marvel in the image of Mantis. The script for the project again wrote a duet of Marcus and Makfil.


  • 2007 - "Life after it"
  • 2008 - "No evil, without blood, without trunk"
  • 2009 - "Wolf"
  • 2009 - "Night Pigal"
  • 2011 - "Sleeping Night"
  • 2011 - "Tenderness"
  • 2011 - "Love lives three years"
  • 2011 - "Silhouettes"
  • 2012 - "Radiosters"
  • 2012 - "Star around"
  • 2012 - "In the shade of palm"
  • 2013 - "Paris at any cost"
  • 2013 - "Oldboy"
  • 2015 - "Hacker Game"
  • 2017 - "Ingrid rides to the West"
  • 2017 - "Guardians of the Galaxy. Part 2"
  • 2018 - "Avengers: the war of infinity"
  • 2019 - "Avengers 4"

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