Landau Landau - Biography, Photo, Personal Life Physics, News, Books



Landau Landau (for friends I just daw) - the brilliant Soviet physicist theoretics, the Nobel Prize winner, is among the outstanding personalities of the 20th century. He was interested in everything - from the structure of the atomic nucleus before the education of children. Landau left behind a lot of achievements - this is multi-volume scientific works in physics, and hundreds of label aphorisms, and the famous theory of happiness. He criticized the Soviet system for the lack of freedom and at the same time fixed the defense shield of the state.

Childhood and youth

Lev Davidovich Landau was born on January 22, 1908 in Baku, his childhood was held here. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the city was developing rapidly, it was mined and recycled oil, the capital was investing the descendants of Nobel and Rothschild. Among other labor migrants were moved from Mogilev and parents of the future physics.

David Lvovich Landau held the office of the oilman in the Caspian-Black Sea Company and was engaged in scientific and applied work in the specialty, published in scientific journals.

The love of Veniaminovna Garkavi-Landau (nee Bluum-Cyrrh Garkavi) graduated from the Female Medical Institute in St. Petersburg. Despite the marriage and the birth of children (Lion had an older sister Sofya), he worked as a doctor, taught and studied pharmacology, engaged in public activities.

Parents were Jews by nationality, therefore, at the 8th age, the Son was identified in the Jewish gymnasium, where Mom was led by natural science. In Baku, the least anti-Semitic city of pre-revolutionary Russia was such an educational institution. The certificate of maturity gifted boy received in 12 years, after which 2 years dedicated to studying in the Baku Economic Technical School.

By 14 years old, the teenager did not have time to decide on the choice between mathematics and chemistry, so he entered the two faculties of the university immediately. In these years, the war was in the Caucasus. However, battles and massacres on the streets did not distract Landau from study.

By 1924, the student chose a physics of his life and translated into the University of Leningrad. In Leningrad, the young man lived in his aunt Mary Lvovna Braud. Later, the parents of the scientist moved there later.

Personal life

In early youth, Landau believed that this scientist should not smoke, drink and marry. However, the conviction in the last paragraph of the Kharkivchanka of Concordia Terentievna Drombansev, who lived with academician to his very death. Spouses lived together since 1934, and before the birth of the son, they registered an official marriage. Igor Lvovich Landau (1946-2011) went in the footsteps of the Father - worked in the field of low temperatures physics.

The personal life of the genius was divided into a practical part and theory. Landau considered the marriage of the union, which is not directly related to love. In order to exclude false and jealousy from the life of the family, Dau and Cora Drogan'tseva entered into a peculiar marriage contract - "Pact for non -parement of marital life." The contract meant the free relationship of the spouses and did not forbid sex on the side.

12 years after acquaintance with the bark in the life of the scientist, mistresses began to appear, what he honestly told his wife. The spouse, such relationships with a loved one were given with difficulty. According to the bark, she even herself tried to start an intrigue on the side, but could not.

It is rumored that there were five bright novels in Landau's life. Nevertheless, the only woman who was with Lvom Davidovich was to the end of his life, turned out to be the bark of Drombantsev. Relations of her husband and wife later was devoted to the documentary film "More than love."

An amateur to measure and calculate and calculate, the physicist and to people used the same approach. He divided the girls and scientists to discharge in accordance with his own classification. For example, an attractive part of the opposite sex, he divided on beautiful, pretty and interesting. The rest ranged to the classes "reprimand to parents" and "for repeating the execution."

Lev Davidovich brought the universal formula of happiness, which included three main variables - work, love and communication.

The characteristic humor of the academician spawned meme "So told Landau." Some quotes from his lectures "went into the people" and turned into aphorisms. For example, his views on raising briefly reflects the phrase:

"If you don't give a child to a child and from morning to night, something to hesitate to him, he will remain sad and bladder for life."

The science

Already in 19 years old, Landau under the leadership of Abraha Fedorovich Ioffe laid the foundations of quantum mechanics theory. Young physics sent to Europe to continue their education. Drugproof paid only half a year of travel, the rest of the money provided the Rockefeller Foundation for the personal recommendation of Niels Bora. In the photo from scientific conferences of those times, you can see a high growth of a young man with a brown chapel and burning eyes, this is Dau.

With Borok, his only teacher (according to Dau himself), the guy worked in Copenhagen. Albert Einstein, Max Born, Werner Geisenberg, Peter Kapitsa - all these people who didcribe their names into physics textbooks, lived and worked at one time. After examining European scientists in a natural habitat, working with young colleagues, Landau returned to Leningrad.

The Physico-Technical Institute becomes close for two stars of world values, and Dow in 1932 leaves the "kindergarten of Ioffe" and goes to the capital of Soviet Ukraine - Kharkov. There, Landau laid the foundations of the theoretical training of physicists at once in three institutes. The scientist called himself called the last physicist-universal.

The genus of his activity extended all theoretical physics, from hydrodynamics to quantum field theory. After dismissal in early 1937, the scientist went to Moscow to lead the theoretical department of the new Institute of Physical Problems.

Landau managed not to become a defendant "UFTI case", during which his colleagues were arrested and shot. But the hands of the NKVD reached the employees of the IFP. In 1938, Landau was under investigation for anti-Soviet agitation. His arguments about fascism in the USSR were perceived by the competent authorities as a call to undermine the socialist building in the country.

Nevertheless, arrest took place for physics unexpectedly. It was taken at night, severely ill, with high temperatures. He subsequently recalled the scientist, he would not stand in prison for more than a year, but he never spoke about torture. Lev Davidovich was released only thanks to the petition of Niels Bora and the order of Kapitsa. Rehabilitated "agitator" only in 1990.

After the liberation of Landau with his head plunged into scientific work. He was engaged in low temperatures, including superconductivity and superfluidity. The man also participated in the Soviet atomic project, studying the core of the atom and the types of radioactive radiation. He studied space, plasma and chemical reactions in terms of physics of elementary particles.

Landau gathered talented students around him, among whom Alexander COMPANEET, Evgeny Lifshits, Alexey Apricos, Lion Gorki and others stand out. The wards of Leo Davidovich called him children, and their students are grandchildren. The academician has existed a certain standard for training students. His disciples were obliged to pass nine examinations on theoretical minimum.

A brief summary of this work was written in co-authorship with Evgeny Mikhailovich Lifshitz the textbook of theoretical physics. The last volumes of the book were added to Dow students. In the summer of 1941, IFP evacuated to Kazan. Institute staff worked on defense. By this time include Landau articles dedicated to the detonation of explosives. Together with Alexander Kitgorodsky, the book "Electron" was created. Cosmos energy. This is a popular science edition addressed to the wide masses of readers.


On January 7, 1962, Landau got into a car accident and received numerous injuries. The accident occurred on the Oblase highway Moscow - Dubna. A car in which a student of the academician was behind the wheel, at full speed when overtaking Kamaz crashed into a truck. A strong blow fell to the place where Lev Davidovich sat.

The scientist 2 months did not leave coma, but thanks to the efforts of the global scientific community survived. At the same time, the Nobel Committee awards him award for the study of the properties of liquid helium. The medal of the Nobel Prize laureate for contribution to science, a diploma and a check delivered Landau to the hospital. After the accident, the physicist could no longer work, at least gradually and restored.

Landau's health supported a whole team of doctors who needed the necessary manipulations with the body of the famous patient. However, Bark Landau in memoirs characterized some doctors from special blocks as incompetent. After the next operation, the resource of the body has exhausted, and on April 1, 1968, Lev Davidovich died. The cause of the death of the scientist became a broken thromb. The grave of academician is located at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow. Nearby resting wife and son.


Much information about the personal life of Dau contain the memoirs of his wife "Academician Landau. As we lived, "for which the film" My husband is a genius ". The book and screening caused an ambiguous reaction from the public. Two literary work on the life of the ingenious scientist presented Maja Bessarab, the niece of his wife Lion Davidovich, his official biographer. From under her feather, the books of the Landau Pages and "Thus said Landau".

The biography of Leo Davidovich served as the basis for the script for the draft director Ilya Hrzhanovsky. The main character in the film was performed by the Conductor Theodore Kurtzis. In other roles, the director Anatoly Vasilyev, Nobel Laureate Robert Gross, Fric-singer Nikolai Voronov and many non-professional actors.

Work on the series began in 2005, the first castings passed after 3 years. The tape is a 700-hour spectacle, which was mounted in 13 films. Starting working on Bayopic, the director gradually refused this task and engaged in the scrupulous restoration of the Soviet life of the 30s and 1960s of the 20th century. The main shooting took place in Kharkov, the process took 4 years.

The project premiere took place in 2019 in Paris in several theaters of the city.

In the Russian box office, the show started in mid-April 2020 at the territory of the country. A total of 10 works were chosen. This is due to the strict rules for obtaining a rolling certificate from the Ministry of Culture.

Awards and achievements

  • 1934 - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, no dissertation
  • 1935 - Professor's title
  • 1945 - Order of the Labor Red Banner
  • 1946 - Valid member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Stalinsky Prize
  • 1949 - Order of Lenin, Stalin Prize
  • 1951 - Membership in the Danish Royal Academy of Sciences
  • 1953 - Stalin's Prize
  • 1954 - Hero of Socialist Labor
  • 1956 - membership in the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Netherlands
  • 1959 - Honorary Doctor of Sciences of Oxford University
  • 1960 - Election by a member of the British Physics Society, London Royal Society, National Academy of Sciences of the United States, the American Academy of Sciences and Arts. London Fritz Prize, Max Planck Medal
  • 1962 - Lenin Prize, Nobel Prize in Physics
  • 1968 - Order of Lenin

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