Ronaldo - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Football 2021



One of the best players for more than a hundred years of existence of football - Ronaldo. Such a view came experts during the statistical analysis of Castrol Index. Three times, the Brazilian striker was named the best authoritative sports publications. In 1999, World Soccer included Ronaldo to the list of the greatest football players.

Childhood and youth

The name given to the football player is difficult to pronounce a person living outside Brazil, and therefore for millions of fans he just Ronaldo. True, sometimes it is called a phenomenon.

Early years, the future athlete spent in Rio de Janeiro. Father earned a little, and in the family there were two more children. In the biography of an athlete is often mentioned poverty in which he has grown. This fact is designed to emphasize the purposefulness, the persistence of Ronaldo. But in Brazil playing football everything, regardless of the material situation. In addition, poverty is a relative concept: the family lived by no means in slums.

Ronaldo in youth

Father worked in a telephone company. Unlike the mother encouraged the sports hobbies of the Son. Ronaldo was eight years old when he became the owner of the first leather ball. The boy joined the club "Valcayir" and soon entered the number of permanent players. Soon a photo of a young football player appeared in the local sports newspaper. And they called it no other than the "new pele".


At the age of 17, Ronaldo became the Kruiseiro player. Running into big football, Brazilian struck professionals and fans with strong blows, appliances. No wonder he got a nickname "phenomenon". Already at the beginning, Ronaldo career demonstrated a rare ability at high speed to change the direction of movement. Only in official matches until 1994 scored 44 goals. It is not surprising that the Brazilian did not pay the European clubs.

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In 1994, the footballer moved to PSV. In the Dutch, the Brazilian athlete did not say, the stern Netherlands climate was unusual for him. Yet 18-year-old football player felt comfortably comfortable and even received the title of the best scorer.

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Nike managed to conclude an agreement with an uptrend. Soon the negotiations of Massimo Moratti and PSV on the purchase of a Brazilian footballer began. But the price of the "Inter" owner found an overpriced. The football player concluded a contract with Barcelona, ​​parallel expressed the contract with Nike.

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Before leaving PSV Ronaldo, the consequences of injuries received in 1995 were disturbed. Operation was required. The football player interrupted the workout, as a result, lost the sport form. Romario, whom the young scorer soon replaced, recommended a familiar doctor. The football player passed a three-month physiotherapy course.

So, on the football field now as part of the Catalan club Ronaldo returned with new forces. Shortly before that, Barcelona left Romario. "Zubastika", another nickname of the famous football player, managed to replace the compatriot.

Brazilian as part of Barcelona participated in 37 games. Scored 34 goals. Thanks to Ronaldo, the club won the Spanish Cup.

In Inter "Ronaldo crossed three years after the first time turned out to be on the field as part of PSV. Now Morartti did not praise - gave $ 25 million, becoming a transfer record holder. And this time the club's change has positively affected the football player's career. Then the athlete of the fans and endowed the nickname "phenomenon". Intersa, he received for the first time the "Golden Ball".

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The old injuries were given themselves to know: the pain in the knee intensified. Doctors have not recommended to make an operation. Ronaldo had to regularly make injections. The operation was spent next season. In the Paris clinic, the football player spent four months. After recovery, they had to play against Lazio.

It has not been half an hour from the moment of the beginning of the match, as Ronaldo was taken on her stretchers. A photo of a football player with a peashed side of the pain flew around the whole world. The press appeared about the completion of the career.

Ronaldo in the Brazilian national team

Brazilian footballer supported colleagues, fans and even politicians. Contrary to news that Ronaldo allegedly leaves, the fans saw him in the 2001-2002 season.

In the early 2000s, Ronaldo switched to Real. The stars of Zinined Zidan and Luis Figi played in the team. In the composition of the Spanish club, Brazils scored the best goals. True, "Realu" they did not bring any title. But with the Ronaldo national team again became the world champion, the second time after 1994.

Ronaldo in Real Club

Season 2007-2008 Footballer played in Milan. Scored seven goals, and some in the "Inter" gate. But small injuries affected the game. In February, there was a bundle break. For a 31-year-old player, this diagnosis meant completion of a career.

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Ronaldo thought for some time about what will do outside the field. The completion of the career of the best scorer was broadcast sports publications. Nevertheless, the joy of compatriots, soon he entered the "Corintians". Shortly before that, the athlete also considered another Brazilian club - Flamengo, head of whom, learning about the final decision of the football player, expressed extreme discontent.

Ronaldo in Corinthians Club

For fans, Ronaldo did not matter whose side he played. The footballer returned to the field has changed. Ronaldo movements became slow, and he spoiled himself. Nevertheless, for two seasons, over 60 goals scored.

In 2011, the footballer received another injury. This time broke his hand. Ronaldo's care announced two years later, although the concerns about the end of the career of the Brazilian and were previously flashed in the press. FIFA and WORLD Soccer magazines called him three times the best football player. Video with "Tubstiki" fins and today collect a lot of views.

Personal life

In beability, the player "Real" the footballer was attacked by Valentine Perez. The president of the club reproached Ronaldo is that he kills too much time on discos and parties. Perez put in the example of a fig that Brazilian once said:

"If I had such a wife, like Luis, I would sit at home."

In the late 90s, Ronaldo played in the Malhação multiserietary film. In the soapy opera, his girl Susanna Werner was starred. The football player was not lucky in his personal life, which, according to coaches, was negatively reflected in the career. Susanna married Zhulio Cesar. This is not a single case when Ronaldo girl went to his colleague.

Ronaldo and Suzanna Werner

The former wife of the best scorer of the late 90s - Milena Dominguez. He fell in love with the Brazilian football player at a glance. Marriage broke up in four years. Milena decided to associate life with another football player - David Agano. Subsequent years Ronaldo was looking for happiness in the model business. At first met with Daniel Sicarelli. Then - with a model of Oliveira Ray.

Ronaldo and his wife Milena Dominguez

The second time Ronaldo did not marry, although today an athlete is the father of four children. Not all offspring the footballer willingly recognize. So, the son born in 2005, Ronaldo gave last name after DNA test. The athlete lives with a girl from whom he met in 2006. In order to reduce the costs of the maintenance of children, made an operation that led to sterility.

Ronaldo now

After completing the football career, the athlete opened the agency. Neymar became one of the first customers. Ronaldo is the owner of the Brazilian racing team, which is now ranked third. The first and second is the French and Swiss team, respectively. Brazilian football player is headed by a 9ine marketing company. Since 2014, he has been the co-owner of the American Club from the Miami suburbs.

Ronaldo in 2018

Ronaldo often appears to criticize the young football players. Subject to doubts and achieve the champions of Messi and Ronaldo. The last in 2017 made a bold statement, saying that there was no player in the history of football equal to him. Maradona took this phrase with irony. Ronaldo in 2018 stated that in its times the competition was much higher than today.

Awards and achievements

  • 1994 - World Champion
  • 1995 - the best scorer of the Netherlands championship
  • 1996 - Bronze medalist of the Olympic Games
  • 1997 - "Golden Buck"
  • 1997 - "Golden Ball"
  • 1998 - the best player according to FIFA
  • 1998 - Wrusting Trophy Bravo
  • 1999 - Best Football Player Cuba America
  • 2002 - the best world championship scorer
  • 2002 - Golden Ball
  • 2002 - "World Champion"
  • 2006 - "Bronze Butsa" World Cup

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