Igor Lebedev - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Igor Lebedev is the son of a famous Russian policy, Deputy Chairman of the Lower Chamber of the Russian Parliament. He long ago left the shadow of his father Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the name of the parliamentarian also flashes in the chronicles, both bad and good.

Childhood and youth

Igor Vladimirovich - a native resident of Moscow, born in September 1972 in the family of an employee of the International Department of the Soviet Committee on the Protection of the World of Vladimir Zhirinovsky and the Grace of the Biological Faculty of Moscow State University Galina Lebedeva.

Igor Lebedev

When it was time to receive a passport, the young man at the insistence of his father changed the surname to the maternal. Vladimir Wolfovich then has already switched to politics and closely engaged in creating a liberal-democratic party. Zhirinovsky understood well that with such a surname, as he, close, will not be easy.

At Igor's legal education he received at the Moscow State Law Academy. Back at the Student Bench Lebedev was a assistant deputy of the State Duma.

Igor Lebedev and Vladimir Zhirinovsky

There was no problems with the place of work at the end of the university in the young man: the son of Zhirinovsky received the position of expert specialist in the device of the LDPR faction and headed the youth wing of the party. In addition, he oversawed the Center for the Support of Youth Initiatives.

After a couple of years, having studied political cuisine, Lebedev changed the occupation. Since 1998, Igor Vladimirovich - already in the state of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, as an adviser to the Minister. The head of the Ministry of Labor, of course, was then in the ranks of the LDPR.


The political biography of the Son of the famous parliamentarian began with the very bottom - from the position of a simple driver in the central office of the LDPR. Then Igor Doros to the head of the Transport Department, later - a lawyer. According to rumors, the guy had a dream - its own business related to cars. The business grip of a young man, according to observers, manifests itself in the fact that Lebedev independently puts on the leading places of the people they need, without taking into account the decision and instructions of the party and personally Zhirinovsky.

Politician Igor Lebedev

For the first time, Igor's surname appeared in ballots back in 1995, but then no one knew about young politics, and related ties did not help. A re-attempt at the 1999 parliamentary elections was successful - Lebedev was elected to the State Duma on the list from the Zhirinovsky bloc.

In the lower chamber of the Russian parliament, Igor inherited the post of head of the faction, in addition, consisted of the Certificate Commission and the Information Policy Committee. The famous father of the State Duma vice-speaker chair took the famous father.

Lebedev was elected by a deputy of the parliament of the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh convocations, and in three of them - as part of the federal list of candidates, led the party fraction. In the State Duma of the Sixth convocation, the father and his son changed places: Igor sat down in the chair of the Deputy Chairman, Vladimir Wolfovich headed the faction.

Igor Lebedev in the party LDPR

According to some publications, Lebedev, in addition to direct deputies, edited the party press and actually ordered the party cashier. Such alignment of things allowed the same media to argue that Igor is the richest member of the Zhirinovsky family, the owner of tens of thousands of square meters of housing and land.

Alexey Navalny compromising seeker accuses Zhirinovtsev in the discrepancy of declared principles with reality. While Vladimir Zhirinovsky declares that the chosen official does not have the right to possess property outside of Russia, the fund against corruption unveiled the data on the apartment in Dubai recorded in the name of Igor Lebedev.

Igor Lebedev in the State Duma

The vice-speaker of the State Duma cutting and not restrained in words, like his father. In 2017, on a page in Twitter, Igor Vladimirovich spoke out of a denial of the life of children with disabilities, which immediately caused the wave of perturbation of parents and human rights organizations. Special condemnation from colleagues did not follow. Vice-Speaker from United Russia, a former journalist Peter Tolstoy noted that Lebedev is wrong, but refused comment.

Personal life

About the personal life of a young policy, in contrast to his father, almost nothing is known. With his wife Lyudmila Nikolaevna Igor was familiar since childhood. In the family grow twin sons Sergey and Alexander. According to unconfirmed data, the children have learned in the boarding house at the Moscow State University and continue to education in Switzerland. Photo family members appear very rarely.

Igor Lebedev, his wife Lyudmila and sons

The genus of his wife is a mystery for seven seals. On the sites of some Internet editions published data that Igor and Lyudmila divorced back in 2001. In 2016, Lyudmila was suspected of involvement in the illegal activities of the Kamena scientific and production association.

NGOs, educated as an international consumer community, attracted deposits from the population under 100% per annum, but in 2015 the payments stopped. The next pyramid would hardly attract so much attention if it were not for the recommendation of the All-Russian Society of Deaf: among the contributors there were many people with disabilities.

Igor Lebedev

Another scandal is connected with the dissertation of Igor Lebedev for a doctoral degree. Blogger Andrei Rostovtsev found in the work of the deputy submitted to the Scientific Council in 2006, plagiarism from two previously published dissertations.

By the way, such accusations were made to Vladimir Wolfovich. The Higher Attestation Commission refused to revise the results to award a scientific degree, since at the time of the detection of plagiarism three years have passed. Reactions from the Committee on Ethics of the State Duma also followed.

Igor Lebedev now

In February 2018, the Vice-Speaker of the State Duma spoke sharply about the first successes of Russian athletes at the Olympic Games in Phenchhan. Lebedev does not follow the events on the games, because it believes that Russia does not participate in them.

Igor Lebedev in 2018

According to politics, medals, which, if athletes, belong not to the Great country, and the incomprehensible combination of the Oar letters, about which in ten years no one will remember. But they will remember that Russia silently accepted humiliation and woves in the tail of the Olympic movement.

The words of Igor Vladimirovich were not less emotional to the Olympic Committee of Russia and the Minister of Sports: the deputy wished to shoot these officials. Moreover, Lebedev said that both the president of the country instead of anyone who was not necessary apologies (and in essence - recognition in helplessness) should have taken a tough decision.

Awards and achievements

  • Candidate of Sociological Sciences
  • Doctor of Historical Sciences
  • 2006 - Medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth"
  • 2006 - the medal of the Order "For merits to the Fatherland" II degree
  • 2008 - Honorary Mission of the Government of the Russian Federation
  • 2009 - Honorary Mission of the President of the Russian Federation
  • 2011 - Order of Honor
  • 2013 - Order of Friendship

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