Annie Paradise - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Instagram Models 2021



Annie Paradise is a popular Russian blog manager, model and star of the Social Network "Instagram". The biography of the girl is a typical history of modernity, which proves: a purposeful person is able to overcome any obstacles and achieve absolutely any goal. Changes in the life of Anuti Paradise can not do not admire: in a short time she managed to change not only the surname and lifestyle, but also appearance, which confirms again: nothing impossible.

Childhood and youth

Anna Kharahasheva (such a passport name ANYUTH) was born in Yekaterinburg on June 21, 1990. The Harahahashev family, on the memories of Ani, lived very friendly. Father worked in the north by the Watch method. It is known that the girl has an older sister of Julia.

Anyuta Paradise

From early childhood, Anuta was distinguished by sociability and love of universal attention. The girl studied at a music school, fond of rhythmic gymnastics and dancing, not missing a single speech. In addition, Anya has learned from early years that any difficulties are overcome.

And the first such difficulty for Anna became uncertainty. The girl complexed because of his own appearance and constantly tried to change it. Annie has repeatedly changed the hair color, tried her nose and language piercing, and also endlessly experimented with the style of outfits and makeup. However, the main changes in appearance were waiting for Anna ahead.

Annie Paradise before and after plastic faces

In addition to dancing and gymnastics, Anyuta paid a lot of time drawing. It was the love for this art that helped the girl to enroll in the Academy of Architecture and Design. Annie admits that he does not regret the six years on education, and also hopes to be realized as a professional designer.

Model Career

Another dream of a talented Anuti was a model business. Despite the low for the model growth (167 cm, the weight of the girl in different information is 45 - 48 kg), Anna represented his own photos on the covers of magazines and advertising posters. And again fate turned out to be on the side of the Anyuta: the head of the local model of the local model of the local model of the local model of the local modeling agency drew attention to the casting. A man immediately suggested Annie to conclude a contract. So the dream of Anuti became a reality.

The first photo session, according to Anuti, was remembered forever. To remove the popular photographer Grigory Shchekalaev. The girl has already imagined the luxurious outfits and a chic chair-furnished photo studio.

However, Rainbow pictures crashed about reality: to be removed in nature outside the city. Thin clothes, heels and careful makeup had to be combined with cold weather and slush. But this test only strengthened the determination of the girl becoming a professional model.

The first photo session was successful, following her, new offers and projects followed. Soon the name of Anuti Paradise became recognizable. After some time, the girl decided to share his own victories and achievements in "Instagram". This gave Anute numerous army of fans and fans, first fame and new contracts.

Anyuta Paradise

After some time (presumably, in 2014), Anna considered that the time was the time of new changes. The girl decided on the first plastic face. At first, the Annie changed the nose shape, getting rid of the hubber. Then the lips and chin time has come. In addition, the fans are confident that the size of the Bust of the Anuti Paradise has changed. And indeed, in the photos before and after the presumptive operation, the girl's breast is characterized in size and shape.

Anna itself claims that in a thin figure "guilty" and passionate training: the girl does not regret the time at the gym and yoga, in addition, it tries to eat right and spend a lot of time.

In 2015, another dream of Anuti Paradise came true: the model was invited to posing for the Maxim magazine photo shoot. And six months later, the girl became the face of the advertising campaign of the brand "Intimissimi".

Annie admits that the work of the model brings genuine pleasure, because, in addition to bright covers, stylish outfits and constant attention, it gives the opportunity to constantly travel.

So, thanks to the work, Anna has already visited Thailand, in Cyprus, in China and the Philippines. The enviousness periodically call the girl an escair, trying to hurt a popular beauty, but Anyuta Paradise emphasizes that she tries not to notice someone else's crouch.

Anyty has many plans for the future. For example, a girl plans to participate in the video project soon. True, that specifically it will be, Annie does not yet tell. When the girl ask what the secret of her popularity and purposefulness, Anna always responds that the best motivation is the man and his dreams.

Personal life

Personal life Anuti Paradise is interested in fans at no less than new projects of the girl. It is known that in Yekaterinburg, Anuta met with a young man. But popularity, constant loading on the set and frequent flights destroyed this relationship.

In 2014, Anuta announced a new novel. This time a chief of the girl was the guy who also worked in the model business. The novel of Khodorov - the name of the beloved Anna - persistently cared for beauty and quickly conquered her heart.

Annie Paradise and Sergey Hoggord

Unfortunately, these relationships did not last long. Already six months later, the novel, and Anna were noticed with new chosenses.

In addition, the girls were attributed to the novels with Oleg Miami (a member of the Dom-2 project), a model of Sergei Stakhov, a fashionable stylist and hairdresser Sergey Hoggord and even photographer Sergey Kabankov. However, the Anyuta itself did not confirm and did not refute this information, preferring to keep silence about their own heartfers, as well as plans for family and children.

Anyuta Paradise now

Now Annie continues his model career. In addition, the girl develops an account in "Instagram", where it is constantly divided with fans with new photos and further creative plans.

Annie Paradise in 2018

Also, Annie develops a nominal clothing line "Dress by Anyuta Rai" and, according to rumors, it is preparing to surprise fans with a new project, the details of which are still kept secret.

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