Sophico Chiahooleli - biography, photos, personal life, filmography, death



Sophico Chiahoolel - Soviet actress, for many, which has become a symbol of time. Feminine and charming, the artist in the literal sense of the word "revived" of his cinema heroines, making them similar on those women with whom the audience is familiar in ordinary life. Many paintings with the participation of Chiahooleli parted the quotes, and the films themselves are still discussed in the circles of kinomans.

Childhood and youth

Sophico Chialene was born in Georgian Tbilisi on May 21, 1937. The father of the future actress was a famous director, the artist of theater and cinema, artist and sculptor. In addition, Mikhail Chialene knew many languages ​​and played almost all musical instruments. Mother Sophico Mikhailovna - Veriko Andzhaparidze - was no less talented than the famous spouse: a woman played in the theater. Sophico Chialene grew up with two brothers - Otar and Ramaz.

Sophico Chialene and her parents

Chiaureli's house was the most real secular interior of the time. Every day, guests gathered, the music was constantly played, poems sounded, and among friends Mikhail and Veriko were Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko (actor and director), his student and wife Anton Pavlovich Chekhov - Olga Knipper-Chekhova, Maya Plisetskaya ballerina, actress Faina Ranevskaya and Many other talented people.

Sophico Chiaål in youth

It is not surprising that the creative atmosphere in the house gave in a small Sophico dream of the theater scene. The girl often happened behind the scenes of the theater and repeatedly saw how to remove the movies. As a schoolgirl, Chialene decided to become an actress as Mom. In 1960, the girl graduated from the All-Union Cinematic Institute in Moscow. Beginning actress immediately began to invite to the service in the metropolitan theaters, but Sofico chopped back to his native Tbilisi.


As often happens, the acting biography Sophico Chialene began on the scene of the theater. At first, the girl played in the Academic Theater named after Konstantin Martzhanishvili, and since 1964, in the theater named after Shota Rustaveli. Also, the actress played several roles in the theater of one actor called "Veriko".

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The first role in the film got Sophico Chiaureli in 1956. The actress played in the film director Rube Chkheidze "Our Yard". This touching melodramatic comedy returns the viewer during the years of childhood and youth, when each door in the house was open, and any events instantly became a reason for the experience of neighbors.

In the center of the story - the fate of four friends who grown together in the same yard. The film quickly loved the audience, and also won the Golden Medal of the Moscow Film Festival.

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Following the debut, the painting "Tale of one girl" and "on the banks of the Inguri" followed. Sophico Chiahoeli filmography began gradually replenished with new and new works. In 1963, the actress played in the film "General and Daisy", telling about the love, loyalty and heroism of ordinary people. The girl got the role of the dancer Zosi.

In 1968, the painting "Grenade" film director Sergei Parajanova came out. This is a fairy tale of parable about the poet, its internal world and attitude to life and love. Sophico Chiahoolel played the poet in young years, as well as his muse, angel, nun and mime. In 2015, the picture received a new life thanks to the disrise, made by the musician Nicholas Jar.

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The heroine of Sophico Mikhailovna in the paintings of your hands are not less known (here the actress appeared in the image of Sidonia), "The Melody of the Veriy Quarter" (the Heroine of Chiahiureli became the battery named Wardo) and "Arreh", where the artist played the main role of Arevik Gevorkian. In 1966, the actress was awarded the Lenkom award for the painting "The Heat of Your Hands", and in 1972 and 1974 several awards received a job in the film "Melodies of the Veriy Quarter".

In 1976, Sophico Chiahoolel became the People's Artist of the Georgian SSR, and four years later awarded the USSR State Prize for the role in the picture "Several interviews on personal matters". However, the popularity of the actress was measured not loud awards, and fame among ordinary spectators and truly popular love. Photo Sophico Mikhailovna was kept then, perhaps, in the collection of each film.

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Perhaps one of the most memorable roles actresses became Alice Postcustomer from the film director Alla Surikova "Look for a woman." This comedic detective still causes the smile of the audience, and the quotes of the chiaoral heroine recognizable by all the kinomans:

"I'm not a sword! Naked!" "I waited for you so much, almost aged" "with a good woman and a man can become a man."

Together with Sophico Chiahooleli played the actors Leonid Kuravlev, Leonid Yarmolnik, Alexander Abdulov.

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The grandmother Manan's grandmother in the children's picture "Vacation of Petrova and Vashechkin, ordinary and incredible", and touching jagging of fufala from the film "Tree of Desire". He loved the audience and Valery from the comedy "Million in the marriage basket", filmed by the director Vsevolod Schilovsky.

In the 1990s and 2000s, Sophico Chiaoolel was shot by little. This period was remembered by the roles of the actress in films "I promised, I will leave" director Valery Ahadova, "Tar for sale" Vladimir Potapova, "Ark" Merab Kokochashvili.

Sophic Chiaureli in the film "I promised, I'll leave"

The last work of Sophico Chiaureli was the documentary picture of Alexander Maryamov "Road to the Temple", in which the actress talks about his own destiny and about the life of his talented parents - Mikhail Chiaureli and Veriko Andzhaparidze.

Personal life

Personal life Sophico Chiahoolel has developed like a movie. The first choice of the actress was the director Georgy Shengheli. Sophico and Georgy met during the filming of the painting "Our Yard". Not passed and years old as lovers played a wedding. Sophico Mikhailovna gave her husband two children, the sons of Niko and Sandro. It seemed that these relationships are perfect. The divorce of Chiahoolel and Shangeli shook even close family friends.

Sophico Chiahoolel and George Shengheli

As Sophico Mikhailovna itself was confirmed later in an interview, the new love came suddenly. The second beloved Chiaureli became a colleague on the stage of Kote Maharadze. The actors worked on one stage 25 years and repeatedly played lovers on the scenario. It turned out that he fell in love with each other and in real life.

Sophico Chialene and her husband Kote Maharadze

Unfortunately, this novel did not last long. Kote Makharadze seriously fell ill. Sophico Mikhailovna did everything that could. The woman found doctors abroad, was constantly next to her husband, cared for him for five years. In 2002, Maharadze's cat left his life.


Sophico Chialene died on March 2, 2008. Actress was 71 years old. Death Sophico Mikhailovna did not become a surprise - a woman had been sick for several years. In 2007, the actress was a course of treatment in France. It seemed for a while that improved had come: Chiahoolel even found the forces to put the play "Smells of Arabia". But after a few months, the actress again became worse, did not even help the next course of chemotherapy.

Monument to Sophico Chiaureli.

The last days of life Sophico Chialene held in her apartment in Tbilisi. Near the actress on duty nurse. As friends and close Sophico Mikhailovna recall, the woman until the last moment did not fall in spirit and believed in healing.

Sophico Chiaureli's grave is in Tbilisi. A woman was buried next to his beloved man - Maharadze Cat. The roles of the actress were not forgotten by descendants: in 2009, Sophico Mikhailovna was set a monument-bust in the Tbilisi Square. Also in honor of the actress named the street in her hometown.


  • 1956 - "Our Yard"
  • 1960 - "Tale of one girl"
  • 1963 - "General and Daisy"
  • 1965 - "Other times now"
  • 1968 - "Grenade Color"
  • 1971 - "The warmth of your hands"
  • 1976 - "Tree of desire"
  • 1979 - "Call"
  • 1982 - "Look for a woman"
  • 1984 - "Vacation of Petrova and Vashechkin, ordinary and incredible"
  • 1988 - "Ashik-Kerib"
  • 1992 - "Flight of the Night Butterfly"
  • 1997 - "Star Night in Camgerian"
  • 2004 - "Serenade of Luna Valley"
  • 2006 - "Lighthouse"

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