Elena Klowerezova - biography, photo, personal life, news, figure skating 2021



With the name of Elena, the water Soviet female single figure skating finally learned what international success and recognition. Now Elena Germanovna is no less successful coach who brought the playful skaters to the sports light.

Childhood and youth

Elena's biography was standard for a child from a sports family. Future figure skater was born in May 1963. Herman Nikolayevich's father - a football player, left professional sports due to injury. Mom Zinaida Mikhailovna - Gymnast, taught physical education at school. The grandmother, director of the Moscow Restaurant, considered that aimlessly walking in the yard, led to the rink of a four-year-old baby.

Elena Klowzova in childhood

Two years later, the coach advised to give the child to the CSKA figure skating section. However, Lena was not accepted because of the uniformity. It is not known, the star of Elena Vytozova would be lit, if it were not for a random meeting with the director of the sports school, the father's classmate at the Institute of Physical Education. In the end, young figure skater took in an ordinary order.

The girl worked hard, the benefit of the sports and ordinary schools were located nearby. After a couple of years, the coach Galina Vasilkevich showed student Stanislav Zhuku. He then trained only a couple, including Irina Rodnin and Alexander Zaretsev. The beetle caught fire the idea to raise a single one.

Elena Klowezova in youth

At first, Elena did not want to go to Stanislav Alekseevich - she liked at the CSKA school, besides, the new coach was famous for a tough approach and demands. Elena saved the desire to train, she could spend on ice for 6-8 hours.

Figure skating

In 12 years, Elena won the Youth Championship of the country, then an international tournament for the prizes of the newspaper Les Nouvelles de Moscou, bytensing two dozen adult rivals, including all compatriots. Victory allowed the young athlete to get to the national team of the country.

Young figure skater Elena Klowerova

For the European Championships that followed in a year, experts and viewers spoke about the water-cutting in excellent terms. Elena, essentially a child, for the first time in history, performed three triple jump in one program, a cascade of a double flip and triple Tuluup, and made it first of women and from men.

On the account of Elena Germanovna, several more records with the prefix "For the first time": Triple Rittberger at the World Championships, a triple jump for double in a cascade, five triple jumps in an arbitrary program, a triple jump in a short program.

Elena Vodorezova on ice

The same shocking the judicial team was the performance at the Olympics in Innsbruck. The approach to the podium prevented only the unsuccessful execution of the figures existed in the 70-80 years. Elena turned out to be the most young Soviet athlete speaking at the highest level competition.

In 1976, the figure skater won the Championship of the Soviet Union and subsequently 4 times rose to the upper step of the podium. An unprecedented technique for the execution of complex combinations allowed the water-cutting to rise from 13th place for final 7 at the World Championships in Tokyo. In the 1978 European Championship, the first for Soviet single-sided bronze medal got the first figure.

A further triumphal march in the world ice arenam stopped the disease - rheumatoid polyarthritis. Classes were added to the congenital predisposition, which eventually played a fateful role. Elena had to go to the hospital three times a year. Pursing treatment, the water was used to working through pain. Stanislav Zhuk conducted workouts in gentle mode. And in 1982, the figure skater returned to the rink.

Elena won the third place on the continental championship, in 1983 rose to the step above, in addition, he received a bronze medal at the World Championships.

Elena Klowerova in single figure skating

In the year of the end of the Career, Karrowzov spoke at the Olympic Games in Sarajevo. In addition to the scandal with judging, the final results have also affected health problems: Elena reinsured and allowed mistakes in the program, did not fulfill her hard jumping. At the same time, in 1984, the figure skater graduated from the Institute of Physical Education and devoted himself to coaching work.

Personal life

Elena Germanovna - happy wife and mother. Male Sergey Buyanov is a former skater, a candidate for the masters, but he did not achieve success in sports. According to friends, marina is too stormy youth.

At the time of dating the figure skater was 18 years old, Sergey - 26. He worked as the director of the store, sold cinema, diamers. The acquaintance turned out to be random: Elena leaned by a familiar car, Sergey rode with him on his affairs and outraged that the girl hit them with their plans.

Elena Klowzova with her husband and son

At the end of the trip, the man still asked the passenger phone. And only then a friend said whether he knows that he takes the number of the star of global figure skating. The future husband conquered what was beautifully cared, gave gifts, made repairs in the apartment highlighted Elena, and most importantly - I knew how to wait with endless training and fees.

Young people got married in 1984, after the Olympics and the indicative tour. Elena Germanov is recognized that the first time in family life did not know anything at all, her husband was taught. Sergey and set the condition that work and the house should not be mixed. Therefore, the wards do not come home to the mentor, there are no conversations about what happens on the rink, where and why the wife leaves.

Elena Kovorezova

On the other hand, if problems appear, the water, first of all appears to her husband. And he helps. Thanks to his spouse, Elena returned to the coaching work after disappointment, comprehended by her with the Georgian athlete Elena Gedevanishvili.

Former figure skater can afford and not work at all, but the spouse understands that for her roller is life. Such workarity leaves no time for modern passion for social networks, the same photos in "Instagram" on the relevant hashtheg can only be found on the pages of students and fans.

Elena Klowzova with his son

In 1987, the son of Ivan appeared in the family. The athlete was thinking about to start more children, but did not work out, other problems appeared. Ivan finished the Financial Academy, in childhood professionally played football, walked everything in the same school CSKA.

The only thing that overshadows the family idyll - the rumor about the treason of Sergey with the trainer Eteri Tutberidze. Allegedly her daughter Diana is a baby Buyanov. Elena did not bear what happened to the universal review, but he arrived on the life wisely - provided her husband to make a choice between two women. Sergey chose his family. And that in this story, the truth is that - fiction is unknown. Comments does not give any of the parties.

Elena Klowzova now

Elena Klowerov coach directly declares that her students are talented the teacher. She knew how to jump well. You can believe in these words, looking at the list of pupils of the Honored Coach of Russia: the first in the country Olympic Single Champion Adeline Sotnikova, the winner of the Russian Championship and Finals of Maria Sotskova, the winners of the European Championships and the world Maxim Kovtun and Elena Radionova, the winner of the Denis Ten Olympics . Unfortunately, at the Olympics in Pchenchhan, the disciples of the water was not fell.

Elena Klowerezova in 2017

In addition to work directly on the rink, Elena Germanovna directs the CSKA team for figure skating. When the senior coach is a club teacher - in 2003 they made the head coach and, in addition, approved the head of the team, Waterzovov in administrative work was immersed with his head. The results are rightfully proud of: the team is selected, the system of training groups is debugged, that is, everything that was not in CSKA before.

Awards and achievements

  • Master of Sports of International Class
  • Honored coach of Russia
  • 1976, 1977, 1980, 1982, 1983 - Champion of the USSR
  • 1978,1982 - Bronze medalist of the European Championship
  • 1983 - Silver winner of the European Championship, bronze medalist of the world championship
  • 2013 - Order of Friendship
  • 2014 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree

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