Malefistent (character) - Photo, biography, actors, Angelina Jolie, movies, image


Character History

MaleFistent is an evil fairy, famous for the Charles Persian fairy tale. He entered the list of the most striking negative characters studio Disney. In the processing of American animators, the heroine is little similar to its prototype: the terrible cargo-sorcerer has been transformed into an elegant lady. However, the evil habits remained.

History of character creation

With the development of cinema and animation, old good fairy tales have changed beyond recognition. Directors, in essence, create new bright characters from classic book heroes. It so happened with the villain, who swelled on a film from the Fairy Tale of Charles Perro "Sleeping Beauty". According to the magic history in 1938, Walt Disney decided to remove the cartoon, but it was possible to translate an idea to life only after 20 years.

The French storyteller settled in the "Sleeping Beauty" of an envious Fairy Karabos, who, having married the king, cursed his daughter. Disney screenwriters submitted to the authorities a plot mix of previous cartoons "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" and "Cinderella", later the motif of a fairy tale about a girl in crystal shoes was replaced by the details from the "Hollywood Story Dating Boy with the Girl." The main negative heroine has become a powerful lead named Malefisent, which means "malware", "Devolin".

The artist Mark Davis had to be pretty much before reaching the final version. At first, in the drawings, the heroine appeared in the usual appearance of a terrible old woman with a crochet's nose, however, during operation, the animator gave an antagonist the features of a huge volatile mouse.

Image and biography MineFist

In a classic cartoon, while offended by the fact that King Stefan did not invite her to the bapteshes of the newborn Princess Aurora, Malefisent puts a curse on the girl - on the day of the 16th anniversary of the hear of the throne, the height of the finger of Spheres and dies. Maryveza, one of the good fairies, softened the curse of the evil sorcerer, replacing death to sleep. From the arms of Morphha, the Aurora will save only a kiss of a loving man.

To crack not turn, the girl was hidden in the impassable forest, where she grew up like an ordinary child. Devils of the evil fairies could not find a child, while the faithful raven took the case. According to the poultry of the bird sorcerer, he learned that Aurora was going to the castle; She herself and appeared there. With the help of Char, an evil heroine forced the princess to touch the vertene - so turned, finally, spell.

And that the princess never wakes up, the sorceress was captured by Prince Philip. He escaped with the help of good fairies, and stopped the fugitive could not be able to stop. Then the sorceress went to extreme measures, turning into a dragon. The battle with the fire monster ended with the victory of Prince - the young man struck the villain to the sword in the heart and dropped from the rock. But the evil heroine remained alive, because she, like all the magicians, immunity to death.

After half a century, the creators of the cartoon wondered about why Malefistent suddenly became angry and vengeful, and decided to look into the description of the past heroine, and at the same time they shook the fairy tale to the new way. In the film 2014, the characteristic of the heroine includes positive features, which is associated with its difficult biography. On the essence of the removed plot brightly says the quote of the main character:

From the very birth, we say that life is a fairy tale. That kings are noble, and love is eternal. I will tell you another story ...

From birth, she lives in the brandy swamps in the company of animals and magical creatures. Friendship with a boy named Stephen develops into love. Years in the native edges of the girl collapsed misfortune - the king with his people kills animals and cuts the trees. But the forest fairy managed to protect the house, heavily wounding the ruler.

Once, Mazeped Stefan appeared to warn the girl about what a new threat is coming. In fact, the young man snapped the insidious plan, which is the same night and embodied, - cropped his girlfriend in him wings to take the throne. This act of a loved one and caused the evil who originated in the soul of a woman.

On the day of the christening daughter Stefan Fairy imposed an unbreakable spell, from which the girl will save the kiss of love. When Aurora has grown up, the Fairy penetrated the victim with warm feelings, but the magic took her. To surprise, the prince did not destroy the spell. The magic happened when the reversible Malefistent kisses Aurora, - the girl awakened from eternal sleep.

Creating an image, animators put on a heroine a luxurious black dress with a seamy of purple color. Cut the outfit reminds the wings of a flying mouse. High beautiful woman has a gray with greenish sandy skin and yellow eyes.

The main distinguishing attribute of the costume is black horns as a symbol of involvement in dark forces. Complements the image of a staff with a shining ball and a ring with a large stone. Staff helps to create lightning, to send curses, without a trace and instantly disappear.

The ability of the heroine is limitless, which makes a character in one of the most powerful villains in the Disney Universe.

Malefisent in films

A bright event in the film industry, of course, was the work of director Robert Stromberg. The genre of the Malefistent film is impossible to determine, it turned out a mixture of fantasy and melodramas with elements of the militant. Angelina Jolie was invited to the role of charismatic villain, which directly participated in the creation of an on-screen image.

The actress shared his own vision of the costume, she insisted on the modernization of the appearance of the heroine. She had sharp cheekbones and a hubber on her nose, making a character even more sinister.

In this picture, other actresses in the chronology of the story played a forest sorcerer: a character in childhood depicted Isobel Molla, and in his youth - Ella Pernell. On the set of Charlot Copli (Stephen), El Fanning (Aurora) and Sam Riley (Diaval) met.

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In 2019, Sequel "MaleFistent: Lady of Darkness" came out. The cast, which played the main characters, participated in the shooting of the continuation. The plot describes events 5 years after the death of King Stephen. In the picture, Fairy is trying to upset Aurora's marriage, and after itself becomes the victim of the intrigue of the Mother of Prince Philip. Also, she meets her like and learns that her genus occurred from the mystical birds of Phoenixes.

Restantly intersects with the image of the animation original Character of the series "Once Upon a Tale". Malefistent, played by Christine Bauer, appears as the main acting person in the fourth season.

In another magical fantasy "heirs", the image was trying on Christine Chenovet. In that film on the forefront, the adventures of children of four fabulous villains were put forward.

Interesting Facts

  • In Russian dubbing cartoon "Sleeping Beauty" The main heroine voiced the opera singer Lyubov Kazarnovskaya.
  • Angelina Jolie received a fee of $ 15 million for the role of the relatives of the fairies.
  • The heroine is the main antagonist of a series of computer games. So, based on the Disney cartoon created the game "Malefistent: Starfall (many lives)", whose fans have developed a modification that gives the character endless lifestyles.


Until now, I did not understand anything? Love does not exist, and therefore it is not to remove the spell. So. What a charming combination. Members of the Royal Family, nobles, Aristocrats ... and even the Tzeproi. I have to say that it was extremely disappeared by the fact that I did not receive an invitation. I do not like children. For fodinous people. So they are afraid of magic, but at the same time they love tricks. We can find happiness in the coming or we can brand in hatred from the past.


  • 1959 - "Sleeping Beauty"
  • 2014 - "Malefistent"
  • 2011 - "Once in a fairy tale"
  • 2015 - "Heirs"
  • 2019 - "Malefistent: Lady of Darkness"

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