Maya Usova - biography, news, photo, personal life, figure skater, Alexander Zhulin, daughter Anastasia 2021



Maya Usova - famous in the recent past Russian figure skater, speaking in sports dancing on ice. She reached great success, with pride meeting all the difficulties and infancy of fate. Despite the fact that the mustache completed his career, fans still remember and love her.

Childhood and youth

Maya Usova was born on May 22, 1964. Her native city is Nizhny Novgorod, who used to be called bitter. There is no information about the family and parents of the future figure skater, since Usov protects his personal life from the media.

Maye's sports biography began at 8 years old - then she first came out on the ice. Most of the famous figure skater, winners of championship ranks, began a sports career at a more young age. But Usov was capable. Under the leadership of the first coach of Irina Friendly, she went to the 14 years on the Winter Games (1978), which was held in Sverdlovsk. Then the girl rode with Figist Alexey Batalov. Athletes occupied the 18th place.

Alexander Zhulin appeared in Maya's life in the late 70s. In 1980, they have already performed in a pair. Together they put the coach Natalia Dubova.

Figure skating

Bright, beautiful couple fell in love with the audience. Maya was considered one of the most feminine Russian figure skaters. She had a slim and tightened figure with a height of 160 cm, which looked perfectly in swimsuits and outfits for performances. With Zhulin, Harmonized, since the figure skater also differed an attractive appearance.

In addition, Maya, unlike most Soviet figure skaters, had its own unique style. In the 80s athletes, much differed from each other, went on ice with identical hairstyles and in the same type of dresses. Maya, in his youth, appeared in front of the audience in the bright shame of the robe, which was unusual for Soviet sports.

Wishow and Zhulina chronically lacked one step to victory. In 1993, they became champions, but already a year later lost, giving way to Jane Torvill and Christopher Dina.

After the collapse of the USSR, many athletes left their homeland, because abroad, and above all in the United States, they were offered comfortable conditions for training. Maya Usova left in the early 90s. Abroad, she was prepared for the Olympic Games. At the 1994 Olympics, Usov and Zhulin took the second place by losing the championship of Oksana Grischuk and Evgeny Platov.

Four years later, the pair broke up. Usova now rode with a former partner of the main rival - Evgeny Platov. The newly formed pair coached the well-known and specific character of Tatyana Tarasova.

Years later, giving an interview for Sport-Express, Usov admitted that it was difficult to work with Tarasova. To achieve the results that the famous coach achieved, Iron Character is needed. And people with a steel rod and in communication, and in the work are inconvenient.

In a pair with a board, the figure skater rode four years. They even managed to win the world championships. This period of the figure skater will later call the most cloudless in her career: partners understood each other with a half-clow. Then Uskova worked for several years with a Tarasova second coach.

For four years, the champion of sports dancing on ice has coached young skaters. From time to time came to Russia, where television projects involving athletes were gaining popularity in 2004. However, in the show on Ice Usova participated only.

In 2006, the project "Dancing on Ice" started on the channel "Russia". According to the contract, the partner should have become a non-professional not older than 45 years. However, the musty had to go to the ice with the 58-year-old Ivar Kalnynsh. At that time, the actor starred in Riga. For the sake of training, the figure skater flew to the Latvian capital.

Suddenly, the mustache found out that Kalnynsh no longer takes participation in the project. The actor did not warn: he did not write and did not call. Usov, brought up in a sports-team spirit, such an act offended.

Once, Vladimir Molchanov invited the figure skater to his program. The journalist asked the features of the Ice Show. Usov honestly listed the shortcomings of the project, the main among which is the belonging of the participants to different age categories. More Maya Usov in "Dancing on Ice", as in other television shows, was not invited.

Personal life

With the first husband - Zhulin - the figure skater rolled up to 1998, although the marriage collapsed earlier. Alexander and Maya spent 17 years on ice. In the late 90s, an interview with a figure skater appeared in the Soviet Sport newspaper. Usov told in detail about the quarrels and scandals that took place in the family. According to Maya, she was unhappy in his personal life. Alexander beat it for 17 years. In addition, it was not sought to maintain loyalty.

At first, Zhulin had a novel with Oksana Grischuk. Later, in 1996, Maya learned about relationships with a young figure skater, whose name today knows everyone, - with Tatyana Navka. And about the novel with an athlete, now the wife of the press secretary of Dmitry Peskov, Usova learned from the newspaper: on the main page I saw photos of Zhulin and his new beloved.

In an interview that the figure skater gave in 1999, talks about the love triangle, quarrels and scandals. According to the memoirs, the mustache, the old husband rushed between the Grischuk and Navka. He went to the latter from his wife. But even by registering a marriage with Tatiana, continued the relationship with Grischuk. Shakespeare Passion, who reigned on ice in the 90s, remained the topic for discussion on the pages of the yellow press.

Four years later, the revelations of Maya Ushova appeared in Soviet Sports. Now she has already talked little about the cruelty of the former husband. But probably, the offense did not forget. With Zhulin Usova, often met at the US competitions. Now the culprit of the divorce with Alexander Maya considered Grischuk. With the former rival of Usov does not communicate until now.

In one interview, Usova spoke about his attitude to Tatiana Navka:

"As for her female qualities, I believe that if there was no raisin in it, such a talented person, like Sasha, hardly drew attention to her. Another question is that I would never do as she. But this is me! And people are different. One person will go away, the other will take it to overcome obstacles. "

Usova dreamed of a child. After gap with Rogulin, I met a wealthy married American. The novel rose. Maya became pregnant and has already prepared to become a single mother. However, on the second month, the child's loss had happened. To know the joy of motherhood athlete never happened.

In 2005, Usova received an invitation from Moscow. The Russian capital was preparing for the World Cup and decided to attract former athletes. Usov initially did not want to go to Moscow. The figure skater is the owner of a luxurious two-story mansion in New Jersey, where her mother and dog also lives. There is a large swimming pool on site, and an exotic park is located a 10-minute walk. In addition, Maya in the States coached young children and received pleasure from his work. By the way, one day the figure skater admitted that if it were not a sport, would have become a teacher.

A mother persuaded her to travel to Moscow. The former athlete at that time was tormented by inexplicable pain. Inexplicable, because for 20 years of staying on Ice Usov did not receive injuries. She still went to Moscow, where he met the future husband - the surgeon Anatoly Orletsky. The figure skater appealed to him asking for advice. Olecetsky worked for many years in sports, but Usov, oddly enough, never met him.

The figure skater loves his second husband. She was talking about it once again in an interview:

"I am grateful to the fate that she brought me with a man who loved immensely. It is happiness for a woman - to understand that there is a back, for which you can always hide. It is a pity that it happened a little late. "

Maya worried that he would not have time to become a mother. However, fears were in vain: in 2010, the spouses became parents. Maya gave birth to Anastasia daughter at 46 years old.

Maya Usova now

The former figure skater lives in Moscow, works in Odintsovo. From time to time it flies to the United States.

Maya Usova received a diploma of a technical specialist, but argues that if not for her husband, I would not work in ISU. Yes, and would not live in Russia, but in the USA. The work of a technical specialist is complex, tense, paid modestly.

In 2020, the figure skater, unlike his colleagues, does not lead a page in "Instagram" and other social networks. With journalists now communicate rarely.


1985-1986 - Bronze medal at the USSR Championships.

1988-1989 - Silver medal at the World Cup.

1992-1993 - Gold Medal at the World Cup.

1992-1993 - Gold medal at the NHK Trophy tournament.

1993-1994 - Silver medal at the Winter Olympics.

1994 - the Order of the Peoples' Friendship for High Sports Achievements at the XVII Winter Olympic Games of 1994

1998-1999 - Gold Medal at the World Championships among professionals.

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