Vahid Gerdum - biography, photo, personal life, news, film 2021



The Turkish actress Vakhid Gerdum is known to the Russian audience on the role of Hurrem, Sultan's wife in the series "Magnificent Century". Static red-haired sultan, outside the screen also turns out to be a strong woman with difficult fate. She is the laureate of the Golden Orange Festival, the Awards of the Association of Journalists of Turkey and the International Association of Television and Radio Journalists.

Childhood and youth

Vahid Perchin was born in the city of Izmir, in Turkey, June 13, 1965. Her ancestors moved to Turkey from Greece even at the beginning of the twentieth century. Father of the future actress worked as a truck driver, mother led a household. Despite the fact that the girl's family is far from the world of art, Vahid early became interested in the theater and chose the path of the actress.

Actress Vakhid Gerdum

Vahid studied painting in high school, and then entered the Faculty of Economics in his hometown. Then started training at the Theater Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Document Eyul.

He graduated from studying with excellent results and received the support of his Teacher of Pancade. After graduating from the university, moved to Ankara, later received an offer from the State Theater, and then moved to Adana.

Vahid Gerdum

The actress played in theatrical productions, performed episodic roles in the cinema, but there was little known to the audience outside of Turkey. In 1996, Vakhid Gerdum for work in the theater received an award of the Institute of Art for the best female role. In his homeland, she is known to the roles in the classic Pieces of Shakespeare, and in the production of works of the modern writer Yashara Kemal, as well as in films and television series.


In 2003, Gerdum began a television career, playing Susan Kozan in the television series "Fairy Tale of Istanbul", then the actor's family moved to Istanbul. In 2006, he starred in the film "First Love" along with Chutin Tekindor, the work was highly appreciated by critics.

Since 2007, he played a major role in the TV series "Mother". In 2010, starred in the film "Marshmallow". The film was presented at the 47th International Film Festival "Golden Orange" in Antalya and 35 International Film Festival in Toronto.

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Successful became the role of Zehra in the series "I called her Ferich," but because of the serious illness, the actress left the project at the end of the second season, and he closed. In 2012, Vahid was filmed in the TV series "Hello, Life", the remterary of the American series. After a break to fight the disease in 2013, the actress reappeared a favorite job.

The image of roxolans, the Ukrainian prisoner of Sultan, who conquered the heart of Suleiman's magnificent and gained great power in the Ottoman Empire, is still of interest.

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It was not an exception and the Turkish series "Magnificent Century", the first season of which was released in early 2011. However, Vahid Perchin entered the role of Sultani only in the fourth season, and in 134 series of her character died.

For the role of Hurrem in the "magnificent century" Vahid was invited after the shooting group with a scandal left Meryese Primelli, who played Suleiman's wife for three seasons of the series. The actress could not be loved by the audience, it was impossible to replace another girl, so the scenario was changed, the time of action was transferred to twenty years ahead, and the role of the Vlanty Sultani was offered Vahid Gerdum.

Merini Uzerly and Vakhid Gerdum

She is older than the predecessor for 18 years and above five centimeters - the growth of Vahid Germum 1 m 78 cm, but in the rest of the actress alike. However, to take in the heart of the fans of the series the place of his favorite character "New Hurrem" turned out to be not easy. To increase the popularity of the actress used the possibilities of social networks. In her "instagram" and "telegram" new photos and news from the set regularly appeared.

Personal life

Vahid Perchin married in 1991, being a student. Her husband's actress became her colleague Altan Gerdum. After the wedding, a young wife took the surname of her husband, so she began an acting career as Vahid Gerdum. The only child in the family, Aliza Gerdum, was born on April 19, 1994. Daughter continued the family tradition, having received excellent education thanks to parents.

Vahid Gerdum and her husband Altan

Altan and Vakhid Gerdum lived together for 22 years, founded the acting school "Academy 35 and a half", filmed together in several films. But in March 2013, the couple broke up, retaining, however, friendly and business relations. After the divorce, the actress returned to his virgian name, starting the new page of the biography under the new name. The life of Vahid changed not only due to the dissolution of marriage.

Vahid Gerdum with Daughter Aliz

In 2013, she won the heavy disease - breast cancer, with whom she fought for more than a year. Actress had to pass several courses of chemotherapy, two months literally flew on the hospital bed. During the recovery of Vahid, family members and numerous fans and colleagues were supported. She considers it important to frankly talk about illness, promotes a healthy lifestyle and the need for timely surveys.

Vakhid Germum feared cancer

Even in the most difficult period of the struggle, when Vahid Germum lost her hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, she did not try to hide the changed appearance under a wig or headdress. In the photo 2011-2013 you can see an actress with a completely naked head. Colleagues have fun over her species, calling aliens from a distant galaxy, but after recovery she quickly returned to the working form. Even extra kilograms scored during the disease, thanks to intense training.

Vahid Gerdum now

Now the face of Vahid has become recognizable worldwide as a result of work in the TV series "Mom", where it performs one of the main roles. Together with mom in the social drama, Aliza Germum is removed.

The project (Reamery of the Japanese TV series) has become popular far beyond Turkey showed that family problems of children and adults are similar in different countries. Probably, the series will not end in the second season, and the audience will still meet from the television screens with Genen Aslan, a character who is talented by Vahid Perchin.

Vahid Gerdum in 2017

The actress continues to teach at the Academy of 35 and a half, "transferring the experienced experience to young actors. According to her, the task of teachers of the Academy is to convey knowledge to students in five months and teach to form their own methods to achieve professional goals.

The famous actress gives the time of public activity, she likes to talk to people, share joys, divide and heal the mountain.


  • 2004 - "Tale of Istanbul"
  • 2005 - "Police Thieves"
  • 2005 - "Tell me Istanbul"
  • 2006 - "First Love"
  • 2007 - "Happy New Year, London!"
  • 2007-2008 - "Mother"
  • 2008 - "Revolution Machines"
  • 2010 - "Zephyr"
  • 2011-2012 - "I called her Ferich"
  • 2012 - "Hello, Life"
  • 2013 - "Mrs. Ayhan"
  • 2013-2014 - "Magnificent Century"
  • 2015-2016 - "Resettlement Time"
  • 2016-2017 - "Mom"

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