Scott Mair - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Olympics 2018 2021



Scott Moir, together with the partner Tesy Teste, is the winners of the 2018 Olympics in figure skating in a pair. Scott and Tessa perform a coherent union for more than 20 years. Athletes have a stranded duet, which allowed the guys of great success.

Scott Moir.

The future athlete was born in autumn, on September 2, 1987, in London, in the province of Ontario. Mother guy works by a speed skating coach. The family was brought up two brothers - Danny and Charlie. Young people are also passionate about ice sports. Danny even became the winner of the World Cup in 2001. And cousins ​​of Sheri and Kara in 2007 participated in the international championship.

In the ranking of the International Union of Kokczobets, Scott and Tessa occupy the 7th place.

Figure skating

On Ice Scott came at a young age. And with his permanent partner rose in the duet from 9 years. The girl was then seven. Scott was so sfed with Tessa that throughout the career biography, the skater acted only with her. They are good friends in life. Houses of ice couple are close to each other. From the early ones, the duet trained at Marina Zueva and Igor Spielband.

Young skaters of Test Test and Scott Moir

Significant successes came to young ascents in the 2001-2002 season. They adequately rolled out the Canadian championship and won the first bronze medal to their arsenal. A year later, the couple returned to the same tournament, but already as juniors. That time Scott and Tessa took the seventh place.

The next season, the couple debuted among young athletes at the Grand Prix stages in Slovakia, where he became the sixth. Then followed the world championship among juniors and eleventh lines. However, after a year, the Grand Prix Steps brought a silver medal in the piggy bank.

Canadian figure skaters Scott Moir and Tessa Test

The exit from the young period in an adult took place in 2005 at the Canadian Championship. The guys did not have enough points to prize pools. Despite the absence of medals, young people allowed to participate in contests among young athletes, and in the end they won the Grand Prix.

2006 brought a bronze medal at the Canadian Championship. After that, the pair took a stock for the upcoming Olympics. Among other things, Scott with a partner has made a third place at the Championship of the Four Continents and received the World Cup. They are the first pair from Canada, who won this title.

In 2007, a duet debut in the "adult" of the World Championships was launched. In the fight for prizes, the Union of Scott and Tesa became the second. In 2008-2009, the duet did not compete in the Grand Prix stages. In 2008, the girl suffered an operation. After rehabilitation athletes, the couple immediately began training and then went to competition.

In 2009, a breakthrough of couples in ice dancing happened. They went to the Canadian Championship, where they got up on the first step of the pedestal. And only at the championship of the four continents they sank into second place, giving way to Maryl Devis and Charlie Wat.

Tessa Test and Scott Moyer on currency skating training

In 2010, the pair was invited to the national team. In the start season, the Olympiad Scott and Tessa broke out on the first line, first received the evaluation of "10.00" for the first time. January 2010 presented Duet championship in the competition in Canada. In the tournament, they set the record in the assessment for arbitrary dance and for the total amount of points.

In February 2010, athletes went to the Olympic Games in Vancouver. After displaying the mandatory program, the pair went to the second position. In the original dance they became the best. And after a brilliant rollback of an arbitrary program, it became clear that no one would overtake the duet. Then four judges put a pair of "10.00". They received the status of the youngest dance union that won the Olympics. And the first pair that won the debut at international competitions.

Tessa Champions Turn and Scott Moir

Next followed the championship in the championship of the world. Between the seasons, the duet went on tour and gave a show on the ice. Video with speeches Couples are successful on the Internet and are gaining thousands of views.

In the summer of 2012, changes occurred in the coaching composition. Marina Zueva and Igor Spielband happened to break, and they diverged. As a result, the duet stuck to training with Oleg Epstein. This did not prevent a couple in 2012 to win the world championship. 2013 brought silver to the arsenal of a dance duet in the same competition. Sochi Olympic Games of 2014 did not hurt the guys with prizes. Scott and Tessa took the second step of the pedestal.

After an interethnic games, young people took a career break. Tessa damaged his leg. The girl made several operations. But in 2016, the guys were in the ranks again. Fans happily met the return of the favorite couple. In response to the warm welcome of the fans of the athletes, the champion title at the World Cup competitions for the third time won. They again broke the record for the amount of points in the short program.

In 2018, the guys went to conquer the Olympic vertex in Pytenchhan.

Personal life

About the personal life of a young man little is known. He protects his privacy from other people's eyes.

The guy has a warm relationship with his partner on ice Tessa V. Such friendship generates many rumors. The network periodically appears information about the wedding of the pair. Scott and Tessa never confirmed such rumors.

Tessa Turn and Scott Moyer

In the fall of 2010, the guys wrote the autobiography "Tessa and Scott: Our Journey From Childhood Dream to Gold". In collaboration, the couple made Stevi Milton.

Young people are popular in Canada and USA. The public loves the guys so much that the series "Tessa and Scott" even removed the TV series in 2014. The show is in demand and has high ratings. To date, two seasons came out and it is possible to continue. Although the television series is released in the form of a documentary show, it has produced moments. This makes it possible to watch not only training and speeches a couple, but also to understand the identity of young athletes.

Tessa Test and Scott Moyer in 2018

Duet fans created a fan page in "Instagram", where the photos and videos are postponed from the performances of favorite champions. Personal photos of the couples that fans take with individual microblogging guys are present.

The growth of Scott Moira is 180 cm.

Scott Moir now

Now Scott Moyer in a pair with Tessa Rutty has the status of two-time champions of the Olympic Games.

On February 12, 2018, Canadian figure skaters won the first prize in the piggy bank "Maple Sheet". They danced passionate "Moulin Rouge" and literally blew up the hall with their speech.

Tessa Test and Scott Mooer at the 2018 Olympics

The athletes have made changes to the outfits, which became more shine, and in one of the supports. The previous version of high support, where Tessa sits on the neck of Scott, counted the vulgar for the Olympics in Pytenchhan. In a new version, the girl receives a prudent pose faster, resting one foot on the partner's shoulder.


  • 2009-2010 - Winter Olympics, 1st place
  • 2009-2010 - World Championship, 1st place
  • 2009-2010 - Championship Canada, 1st place
  • 2010-2011 - World Cup, 2nd place
  • 2011-2012 - Championship of Four Continents, 1st place
  • 2011-2012 - World Championship, 1st place
  • 2011-2012 - Championship Canada, 1st place
  • 2012-2013 - World Cup, 2nd place
  • 2012-2013 - Championship of Four Continents, 2nd place
  • 2012-2013 - Championship Canada, 1st place
  • 2013-2014 - Winter Olympics, 2nd place
  • 2013-2014 - Winter Olympics. Community Competitions, 2nd place
  • 2013-2014 - Championship Canada, 1st place
  • 2016-2017 - World Championship, 1st place
  • 2016-2017 - Championship of Four Continents, 1st place
  • 2016-2017 - Championship Canada, 1st place
  • 2017-2018 - Winter Olympic Games. Command Competitions, 1st place
  • 2017-2018 - Championship of Canada, 1st place

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